Political Parties - Saunders Flashcards
Key differences between republican and democrats
Democrats tend to be more progressive on social and moral issues as well as issues relating to law and order - they favour greater govt intervention both in the economy of social welfare issues such as education and healthcare
Republicans tend to focus more on individualism with govt playing a limited role in the economy as well as in social and moral issues
Geography of the parties
South = reliably republican
East and west = democrat
1976 was the last time the democrats won the south - bill Clinton only won a few states in the south in 1992/6 (him and his VP are southern)
Republicans have collapsed on the west coast and north east
Democrats last won Texas in 1976 - republicans in California 1988
Reps more likely to be white live in rural small towns and attend church regularly. Less likely to be educated to degree level +
Dems more likely in urban areas and from diverse backgrounds and culture and less likely to be religious and formal education
Dems portray reps as racist bigots and hostile to women’s rights
Reps portray dems as unpatriotic solcialist liberal and enemies of faith and who want to remove guns
The party’s are far more united (not completely) in how they vote
Far less bipartisanship and major policies such as Obama care and trumps tax cuts were passed with little support from opposing party
By contrast when Johnson passed civil rights act and voting rights act he relied on republicans votes to pass it through
CRA more popular in senate with republicans 81% compared to 69% dems - such reliance on opposition party votes in congress is pretty much unthinkable in 21st century us politics
Impeachment - offers more examples of how parties have become more cohesive
(1974 the house began impeachment proceedings for Nixon were 17 reps on the house of judiciary committee broke party ranks and voted with dems to impeach him
However with trump in 2019 not one of the 195 reps sided with the dems
Political values of the democrats
Church and state should be separate
Support judges who have a modern interpretation of the constitution
The USA should work internationally and cooperate with global projects e.g climate change
America needs a green new deal
Large govt programmes are needed to lift the poorest Americans out of poverty
Economic values of democrats
Higher taxes on the wealthy to help fund govt programs
Social values of democrats
Expansion of affordable healthcare - some like Bernie sanders would argue for universal healthcare others would prefer Obama care type policy
Civil rights should be expanded for lgbtq Americans
Generally pro choice
Increase gun control
Celebrate diversity
Humane policy on immigration- however Biden has recently introduced an executive order which is due to remove migrants quickly without processing their asylum requests
Increased police reform
Political values of republicans
The second amendment should be upheld in principle and practice this is strongly linked to the fact the NRA are major investors
Reps support judges who have a more originalist view on the constitution
Growing dissatisfaction with global institutions such as UN and WHO which the us heavily subsidise but these organisations are not acting in American interests
Economic values of republicans
Prefer small/limited govt involvement with the economy
Support low tax for all and believe in ‘trickle down economics’ (if people have more cash they’ll spend it which will trickle down to all Americans)
Healthcare provision should be a possible choice though most support existing Medicare laws for the elderly and younger people with certain disability’s
Civil rights have gone to fare and extensions are not necessary - measures such as affirmative action are patronising to minorities and only create more tension
Antipathy to lgbtq (they action same sex marriage because of obergefall case but do not want to see any further developments)
Pro life
Religion should play a greater role in peoples lives and support prayer in schools
Reps fear the us has become too multicultural and eroded national identity
Immigration needs to be tightly regulated
Democrat faction - blue dog coalition
Support fiscal responsibility and adopts more neutral line on social issues such as gun control and gay rights
As moderate dems they are more likely to seek common cause with reps in congress
Leading members in 2020 include Stephanie Murphy and lou Correa
Many represent republicans leaning districts
Democrats faction - new democrat coalition
Largest dem fraction with 104 members in 2020
Describe themself as committed to pro-economic growth pro innovation and fiscally responsible
Members come from a wide range of states and said you be centrist
There is an overlap with other factions eg Henry cellar belongs to both blue dogs and new democrats
Democrat faction - congressional progressive caucus
Most liberal and progressive faction with 98 member in 2020
Policy stances largely align with pressure group justice democrats, promoting economic justice and security for all and advancing environmental protection
Bernie sanders in the groups most notable member - its members are typically from solid blue districts
Republican faction - Tuesday group
Moderate republicans who support a pragmatic approach to govt and committed to solution oriented approach similar to blue dogs
Keen to find bipartisanship
In 2020 there were only 15 members including John katko and Elsie stefanik
Members often represent swing districts
Republican party faction - republican study committee
Promote limited govt, high defence spending, preserving traditional value and the 2nd amendment
147 members in 2020 and led by mike Johnson
Republicans faction - freedom caucus
Most right wing republican group was created in 2013, shares members with RSC
Blends a mixture of social conservatism in areas such as abortion and lgbtq with a passion for small govt and libertarianism
Roughly 30 members - chaired by bob good
Andy Biggs is another member who and was one of the two reps who voted against 8.3b emergancy covid 19 fund which included vaccination funds
Represent solid red districts
What are political factions
Us parties are not one united front as it may appear on the surface within the parties there are factions formally known as caucus’s with a range of political beliefs
Explain and analyse 3 key values of the democrat party - 9 marks
Political- large govt programmes are needed to lift the poorest Americans out of poverty e.g climate change
Economic- higher taxes on the wealthy to help fund govt programmes e.g Obama care (more for the working class)
Social- generally pro choice on abortion e.g Biden state of union address he threaten to veto any legislation bannning legalisation of abortion
Explain and analyse three policy differences between republican and democrat - 9 marks
Social - reps there is strong antipathy to much of LGBTQ agenda (they action same same marriage due to the obergfell case but do not want to see anymore developmetns whereas dems say civil rights should be expanded for LGBTQ Americans e.g stone wall
Social- reps=pro life e.g. trying to pass legislation to prohibit late term/partial birth abortion whereas dems=pro choice e.g Biden SOUA
Political- reps say 2nd amendment should be upheld e.g NRA fund every democrat member whereas dems want to increase gun control but keep falling due to NRA
Analysis- hard to change due to being codified