Policies towards other groups Flashcards
What did the Nazi racial philosophy teach that some races were?
That some races were Untermensch (sub-human)
What did the scientists at the time believe that people with disabilities or social problems were?
Genetic degenerates
What did Nazi view black people as?
“Threat to purity of the Germanic race”
In the 1920s how many black people were there?
24,000 lived in Germany
What were black people and African-German mixed race children not allowed to attend?
Under the Nazis, what did black people no longer have?
Jobs, they were excluded from many aspects of life
How did Hitler prevent further ‘race-polluting’?
In 1937, every identified mixed race child in the Rhineland were forcibly sterilised,
What were severely mentally ill and disabled people seen as?
A burden to society
From 1939 to 1941 what did the Nazis carry out?
A programme of euthanasia known as the T4 programme
In 1933 what law was passed which allowed the sterilisation of anyone deemed ‘unfit’?
Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring
Between 1933 and 1939 how many people were subject to forced sterilisation?
Following the outbreak of WW2 in 1939, what happened to the T4 programme and what was established?
It was expanded, with 6 killing centres being established to speed up the process
The model used for killing disabled people was later used in what?
Nazi concentration and extermination camps such as Auschwitz
It is estimated that how many disabled people were murdered under the Nazi regime?
When did lesbian and gay life begin to thrive, and what was being applied less frequently?
Beginning of the 20th century
Paragraph 175 of the German Penal Code which criminalised homosexuality, was being used less frequently
When did repression against gay men and lesbians commence?
Within days of Hitler becoming chancellor
On 6th May what did the Nazis do?
They violently looted and closed down Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science
What did the police establish a list of?
Homosexually active people
Significant numbers of gay men were arrested, how many received severe jail sentences in brutal conditions?
What is the estimation of men who were accused of homosexuality and sent to concentration camps?
Other than getting sent to jail, or concentration camps, what else happened to them?
Many were castrated and some were subject to gruesome medical experiments
What colour triangle would they have to wear in concentration camps?
In 1936 what was office was set up?
The Reich Central office for the Combatting of Homosexuality and Abortion
Who were Asocials?
Non-conformists, anyone whose behaviour was not viewed as acceptable. e.g. Gypsies, alcoholics, prostitutes, tramps and the workshy.
What happened to Asocials?
They were sent to concentration camps and sterilised
What colour triangle did they wear in the concentration camps?
On the 13th June 1938, what did the Nazis establish?
Gypsy Clean-up week, this were to become an annual event where gypsies were gathered and put into conc camps
In 1939, what did Himmler issue and what happened?
The Decree for the Struggle against Gypsy Plague, where gypsies were expelled to Poland
In 1942, the people expelled to Poland (decree for the struggle against the gypsy plague) were transferred to where?
To Auschwitz, where 11,000 out of 20,000 were gassed
The first concentration camp was built when and what was it for?
Dachau was built in March 1933, and was used to imprison political opponents