Policies, Roles of Women Flashcards
Who was the Sakoku policy created by?
Tokugawa Iemitsu
What does Sakoku mean?
Chained country
- was a time where no japanese people could leave and new foreigners could not enter japan.
- people who disobeyed this rule, were sentenced to execution and catholicism was banned
What is the seppuku policy
Japanese samuri class had a policy of taking your own life to be honouralbe if they lost or did something dishonourable
What was the warring states/sengoku period
Violent period of japan when rivals/daimyo fought bitterly for the control over japan
Bushido code what was it
Samuri class followed this policy of righteousness, honour, loyalty, respect,honesty, courage and also consistency and if this code was broken by them then they would perform a ritual suicide
What is a centralised government
Small group that contorls and entire region or country
What is a constitution
set of rules for the society
The average life span of a women
27 years
What did women learn in Japan
Girls from rich families spent hours copying poetry and practicing their handwriting to learn to read and write Japanese characters
What was ‘beauty’ ideal in japan for noblewomen?
Pale complexion, plump figure, red lips, long hair, and would shave eyebrows. Wore silk gowns and used heavy rice to whiten the face.
What did the boys in japan study?
Chinese characters, which was dis-encouraged for the girls
What does Geisha mean
art person
What did geishas do?
Were independant business women who were not married, and performed in arts to entertain clients. (They were trained to dance, sing, did poetry and music and had tea ceremonies)
Experience of women who trained as samuri/
Were harrassed and treated poorly, and were expected to stay indoors and were much much less common
How did men treat women?
Were unfaithful and underlooked by men