changes to teh interest rate,money supply and exchange rate by the central bank (OF AN ECONOMY
in order to influence AD
is it demand or supply side
unlike fiscl policy moentary policy is enacted by who
central bank independent to governemtn
whats mandate/PRIMARY GOAL for CB around teh world
control inflation / HIT INFLATION TARGET
whats the goal for inflation
2% +-1
can be both exapansionary or contractionary t/f
what is expansionary moentary policy
policie to increase AD
CONTRACTIONATRY monetary policy
policies to aim to reduce AD
Main reason use of exapnsooary or contractionary monetary policy
reach inflation target by either increasing or decreasing if below or above target
what are the 3 aims of expansionary monetary policy
increase inflation(CBmandate
increase economic growht
reduce unemployment
(we get the last 2 when AD increases)
also withincentral bank mandate is macro econ stability how might they do this
- achieving other macro econ obj
e.g increase econ growth
what are the 4 aims of contractionary monetary policy
reduce inflation (mandate)
prevent asset/credit bubbles
reduce excess debt and promo saving
reduce CA deficit
why is primary reason CB use contractionary MP.
+ reduction in Ad can reduce
HIT INFlation target
if its beyond target and needs to be reduced
reduction in AD can reduce demand pull inflation
in terms of contarctionary policy macro econ stability is another major goal this may involve protecting the
financial sector
since contractionary monetary policy can protect financial sector what are teh other two reasons contractionary mp used
prevent asset/credit bubbles
reduce excess debt and promo saving
what is credit
borrowing by hh and businesses
explain why we wanna prevent asset and credit bubbles
we want to guard against financial collpase
through prevention of excessive growth of house prices and credit
f theres too much house price growth and oo much credit growth - whihc is unsustainable
theres a risk of a financial sector crash and potential recession
reducing excess debt and promoting saving is related to
balancing economic growht
explain how reducing excess debt and promo savng can be done by MP
if econ growht very debt fuelled higher IR cn reduce incentive to take out debt and thus more sustaiable growht promo
promo saving - savings low is dangerous for hh and bs higher ir provide incentive to save
EXPLAIN how Contractionary MP can reduce CA deficit
as AD falls growth falls, incomes fall ,therfore less sspending on ipmorts which in theroy will narrow CA deficit