DEFLATION Flashcards
persisten fal in prices in an economu in a year
happens when IR is negative
deflaiton is opposite to
why does deflation seem good 4 reasons consumers
g/s cheaper to purchase
boost living standards
incomes go further
inncreased purchasing powert
why does deflation seem good for businesses
prices falling
inputs/RM cheaper
can widen profit amrgins as COP falls
what ar ethe two typse of infation
demand side
supply side
what is deamdn side deflation aka
bad /malignant deflatio
what is suppply side deflaiton
good/beningn deflation
on a diagram how do we show deamdn side deflaiton
ad shifts left
how do we show supply side deflaion
SRAS shifts right
why is deamnd side deflatino bad
comes with lower economic growth - lead to cyclical unemp
its often long term and anticipated
explain why deamdn side deflaiton is likely ot be long term and anticipated
if AD shifts left and casues recession
they just dont disappear , they take time and last for a while
so deflaiton resulting and could last for long even if policies help try get econ out o recession
take time to work
so deflaitno coudl be LT and anticipated
why is supply side deflation good /not so bad
comes with hgier econ growht
this is liekly to be st and therfore not anticipated
why is supply side deflation likely to be short tem and not anticipated
due to lwoer RM prices - they could fall but easily go back up again so takeaway deflation
strong ER - so lwoer imports have led to delation but ERnot strong forever . relativley volatile and could weaken soon and taleaawy deflation
sum up why supply side delation wont last in LT
factors cause COP to reduce often dont last in LT
Whats the deeper issue with inflation
does it become anticiapted or unanticipated