Police & Crime Commissioners Flashcards
- UK FBI was introduced, national crime agency
- Police not even spared the cuts
- Young & ethnic groups lack confidence in the police
= plebgate row, Andrew Mitchell - 43 regular police forces
- Home Secretary oversees all police authorities
= Priti Patel
Priti Patel
Home Secretary
- Determines organisation of locally run forces
- Determines pay & conditions for police officers
- Responsible for law & order and locally run forces
- Leads fight against terrorism
- Ensures all are adequately run
Finance for police
local gov
= council tax precept
Central gov
= police grant
PCC role & powers
- Elected by local electorate in county or met area
- Appoints/Dismisses chief constable & assistant chief
- Not responsible for day to day policing
- Set budget & precept, ensure value for money
- Determine policing plan
- Set priorities to prevent and tackle crime goals
- Represents local views
- Hold chief constable to account
PCCs elected by ‘supplementary voice’ system
- If no more than 50% all candidates has more 1st & 2nd place = eliminated
- When 1st choice preferences are counted, candidate has more than 50% votes cast = elected
- Electors sect 1st choice & 2nd choice
2012 PCC elections = lowest turnouts ever
Independent Office for Police Conduct
- Supervises & monitors how police investigate complaints
- Carry out & oversee investigation of serious complaints
= deaths in custody or at hand of police office
Independent Office for Police Conduct
- Refer the case to crown prosecution service
- Can require disciplinary charges to be laid
= possible dismissal
Police & Crime Panels
- Trigger referendum on council tax precept
- Hold them to account
- Scrutinise actions of PCCs
- Compromise 10 local councillors minimum
= 1 from each local authority area covered by PCC & 2 lay members
Police & Crime Panels
- Trigger referendum on council tax precept
- Hold them to account
- Scrutinise actions of PCCs
- Compromise 10 local councillors minimum
= 1 from each local authority area covered by PCC & 2 lay members
Chief Constables
- Discipline officers for misconduct
- Provide annual report of forces performances
- Deliver on the ground policing
- Manage forces budget
- Hire & fire officers below rank of assistant chief constable
Police & Fire in London
- Makes met police democratically answerable
- Majority of members drawn from assembly
- Same role as all other police authorities
- No elected PCC
= Home Secretary appoints commissioner
London Fire & Emergency Planning authority
- 17 members
= nominated by Assembly & mayor - Operates like all fire authorities
- Politicising of the police service
- Mandates 15-20% turnout
- Lack of electoral info
- Powers
= conflict/dismissal of a number of Chief constables
- Politicising of the police service
- Mandates 15-20% turnout
- Lack of electoral info
- Powers
= conflict/dismissal of a number of Chief constables
Issues - Cuts
- Fewer police officers
- Merger of forces
- Sharing of staff between forces
= uniformed & civilian
Unitaries & Hybrids
Combined fire authorities
Determines own budget
County Council
Fire and rescue authorities
Funded by council tax precept
Policing & Crime Act 2017
PCCs can set up joint police and fire services where local case is made.
Housing, communities & local gov secretary responsible for fire service provision.