POL225H: final Flashcards
- Sophisticated process of financial engineering that allows global investment to be spread out and separated into multiple income streams to reduce risk
- Bundles of loans into securities and sells them to investors
- 2009: 8.7 trillion of assets globally were founded by securitization
- Examples: subprime mortgages, student loans, and credit cards
Bets on the credit worthiness of a particular company
Credit default swaps
Parties agree that one would pay the other if a particular borrower (third party) could not repay its loans
Subprime loans
A type of loan that is offered at a rate above prime to individuals who do not qualify for prime rate loans
-Subprime buyers are often turned away from traditional lenders because of their low credit ratings or other factors that suggest they have a reasonable chance of defaulting on their debt repayment
Quantitative easing
Monetary policy used to increase money supply by buying government securities or other securities from the market in an effort to promote increased lending
Elements of state power
- Geographic area
- Population
- Natural resources
- Leadership
- Political effectiveness
- Cultural appeal (soft power)
- Technology
Soft power
- Conducting inquiries and exposing violations of human rights
- Movies, music, fashion
- Dominant power
- Characteristics: cooperation, integration, and multilateralism
- Institutions: United Nations, World Bank, IMF (International monetary fund), GATT (general agreement on tariffs and trade)
- China challenging American hegemony: China is an economic power while America is a military power
- Gross domestic product
- The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, equal to total consumer, investment, and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports
Gross national product
- Total value of all the final goods and services produced within a nation in a particular year, plus income earned by citizens (including income of those abroad), minus the income of non-residents located in that country
- Higher GNP equals higher quality of living
Financial and economic power as the foundation of political power
Debt (when a country is in debt, other countries own the bonds and that gives them power over the United States)
- Stop Communism from spreading by combating it or supporting combat against it
- All features of war without military engagement
- Arms race, space race, economic competition, wars fought through third parties (Korea, Vietnam)
Economic inequality: When does it matter
- It doesnt if there is economic opportunity
- It does during economic crisis when the rich lose money, and the poor lose jobs, housing and health insurance
Wealth in the US
- Great convergence 1940-1970s
- Greater equality and economic growth
Cities in the developing world
- Overwhelmed infrastructures
- Overcrowding (Lagos, Nigeria)
- Inadequate public services: power, sanitation, transportation
- Unplanned growth, massive slums (Rio de Janiero)
- Small economic and political elites control the wealth, impovrished masses, significant middle class
Modern environmental problems
- Global warming
- CO2 as a reason for the planet heating up (extreme weather problems)
- Global in consequence
- Human causes
- Pollution
- Populations more vulnerable
Endangered species
- Bengal tiger
- Asian elephant
- Amur leopard
What it takes for sustainable development
- Food security (access to sufficient food for all)
- Social security (economic security, social justice)
- Environmental security (natural resources development and pollution prevention)
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
About devastating impact on environment from insecticides
Environmental science book
Glass Steagal (1933) and repeal (1999)
Created the FDIC
Prohibited commercial banks from underwriting or marketing securities
Repealed because of poor enforcement by the securities and exchange commission
Allowed banks to measure their own riskiness when repealed
- palm oil plantations. 30 football fields of jungle are cleared using fire in just an hour. Animals either die from the fire, the smoke, or are killed when they wander into the plantation
- tiger and rhino
- indochinese toger has gone extinct recently
Air pollution
- partly because of deforestation, when trees die and decompose they release CO2
- co2 is possibly a cause of global warming
- anything humans introduce into the air that has damaging effects is air pollution
- London, smog from coal burning
- shortened life span, decreased lung function, bronchitis, cancer, asthma
- fruits sprayed will them
- even organic fruits
- harmful to eat. They are stored in the colon and cause cancer, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, birth defects
- can travel into the water. Kills fish or harms their reproductive system. Also harms frogs and birds