Poisonous Plants - Exam 2 Part 1 Flashcards
Red Rooted Pig Weed (Amaranthus retroflexus) toxin?
nitrates (NO3)
Kochia Weed (scoparia) toxin?
nitrates (NO3)
Lambs Quarter (Chenopodium spp.) toxin?
nitrates (NO3)
Sudan Grass (Sorgum vulgare) toxin?
nitrates (NO3)
Sunflower (Helianthus annus) toxin?
nitrates (NO3)
Russian thistle (Salsola kali) toxin?
nitrates (NO3)
nitrates (NO3) toxicity MOA:
MOA: Plant Nitrate (NO3) in rumen → Nitrite (NO2) which reacts with Hb → Methemoglobin
What are clinical signs for nitrate poisoning?
drowsiness, weakness, tremors, staggering gait, tachypnea, tachycardia, brown mucosa (muddy mm) (20% methemoglobin), hypoxic death (80% methemoglobin)
What are dangerous levels of nitrate in feed?
forage >1% NO3 dry matter toxic
>0.2% NO3 abortion risk
What is the treatment for nitrate poisoning?
Methylene Blue (reduces methemoglobin so Hb can bind O2 and restore body w/ O2)
what enhances nitrate toxicity that you should not supplement your animals with
Sorghum Hybrids - Johnson Grass (Sorghum halepense) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Choke Cherry (Prunus virginiana) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Service berry (Amelanchier alnifolia) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Elderberry (Sambuccus canadensis) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Mountain mahogony (Cercocarpus montanus) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Arrow Grass (Triglochin maritima) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Poison Suckleya (Suckleya suckleyana) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Blue Flax (Linum lewisii) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Bermuda Grass Hybrid (Tifton 85) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
Sudan Grass (Sorgum sudanensis) toxin?
cyanide (prussic acid)
ruminants & horses
chronic exposure to cyanogenic glycosides
urinary incontinence, hindleg weakness, goiter
cyanide (prussic acid) poisoning MOA:
MOA: Cyanogenic glycosides hydrolyzed → HCN via glucosidases/hydroxynitrile lyase, HCN binds Fe3+ → inhibits cytochrome c oxidase → prevents utilization of O2 → O2 saturation of Hb & cellular anoxia