LU 1 Functions
Disseminates and descends LU Qi Alleviates cough and wheezing Transforms phlegm Clears heat Regulates water passages Descends ST Qi
Treats LU excess
Shoulder pain
Later stage of EPI if cough is present
Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and back, fulnnes of the chest
LU 2 Functions
Clear LU heat Disseminates and descends LU Qi Dispels agitation and fullness Similar to LU-1 but less strong Better for shoulder pain
Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder, and arm, fullness of the chest
LU 3 Functions
Clears LU heat
Descends LU Qi
Cools blood and stops bleeding
Calms the Po
Regulate Qi from/to head
Ascends clear Qi to head
Upward bleeding
Asthma, epistaxis, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm
LU 4 Functions
Descends LU Qi
Regulates Qi and blood in the chest
Cough, fulness in the chest, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm
LU 5 Functions
Clears heat from LU (w/ phlegm) Descends rebellious Qi Regulates water passages Activates the channel Relaxes the sinews and alleviates pain
Resolves phlegm in LU Dry mouth and tongue (coughing, wheezing) Bi of the elbow Pain in knee Interior excess patterns
Cough, hemoptysis, afternoon fever, asthma, sore throat, fullness in the chest, infantile convulsions, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, mastitis
LU 6 Functions
Disseminates and descends LU Qi
Clears heat and moistens LU
Clears heat and stops bleeding
Moderates acute conditions
Chest pain
Pain along channel inc. throat
Cough, wheezing, SOB
Regulate LU Qi in channel
Cough, pain in the chest, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm
LU 7 Functions
Releases exterior Eliminates wind Promotes descending of LU Qi (#1 point) Pacifies wind and phlegm Benefits head and nape Opens REN Regulates water passages Activates channel and alleviates pain
Communicates with LI channel
Can elicit sweat
Strong connection to nose (loss of smell, rhinitis)
Generally elicits emotional response (which opens chest and vents emotion)
Headache, migraine, neck rigidity, cough, asthma, sore throat, facial paralysis, toothache, pain and weakness of the wrist
LU 8 Functions
Descends LU Qi
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Used with other points for EPI where throat is primary indication
Cough, asthma, fever, pain in the chest, sore throat, pain in the wrist
LU 9 Functions
Tonifies LU (Qi and Yin) Transforms phlegm Promotes descending of LU Qi Regulates and harmonizes vessels Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Cold hands Weak voice Clear LU heat caused by LV heat rising Influence pulse Promote circulation of blood
Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, palpitations, apin in the chest, wrist, and arm
LU 10 Functions
Benefits throat
Clear LU heat
Descends rebellious Qi
Harmonises ST and HT
Descending of LU Qi
Clears heat from HT
Calms the mind from results of HT heat
Instills heat when cold in LU
Cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, loss of voice, fever, feverish sensation in the palm
LU 11 Functions
Revives consciousness
Clears heat
Benefits the throat
Expels exterior wind-heat
Sore throat associated with exterior wind-heat
Sore throat, cough, asthma, epistaxis, fever, loss of consciousness, mania, spasmodic pain of the thumb
LI 1 Functions
Clear heat
Reduce swelling
Alleviates pain
Revives consciousness
Benefits eyes, ears, nose, throat
Acutely acts on eyes
Acute dental issues
Toothache, sore throat, swelling of the submandibular region, numbness of the fingers, febrile disease with anhidrosis, loss of consciousness
LI 2 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Reduces swelling
Alleviates pain
Removes obstructions in the channel
Blurring of vision, epistaxis, toothache, sore throat, febrile diseases
LI 3 Functions
Expel wind Clear heat Benefits throat and teeth Dispels fullness Treats diarrhea
Expel pain from channel and painful obstructions (Bi)
Benefit throat and brighten eyes in wind-heat invasion
Toothache, ophthalmalgia, sore throat, redness and swelling of the fingers and the dorsum of the hand
LI 4 Functions
Regulates Wei Qi Regulates sweating Expels wind Releases exterior (#1 point) Regulates face, eyes, nose, mouth, ears Activates channel and alleviates pain Induces labor (empirical point) Restores yang
Upper respiratory infection Stimulate diffusing of LU Qi Facial paralysis Headaches Analgesic and anti-spasmodic Calming Harmonizes ascending yang and descending yin (treat rebellious Qi and sunken Qi) 4 Gates (with LV-3)
Headache, pain in the neck, redness and swelling and pain in the eye, epistaxis, nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, toothache, deafness, swelling of the face, sore throat, parotitis, trismus, facial paralysis, febrile diseases with anhidrosis, hidrosis, abdominal pain, dysentery, constipation, amenorrhea, delayed labour, infantile convulsions, pain, weakness and motor impairment of the upper limbs
LI 5 Functions
Clears heat Alleviates pain Clears yang ming fire Calms the spirit Benefits the wrist
Benefits ears, eyes, nose
Release exterior
Headache, redness pain and swelling of the eye, toothache, sore throat, pain of the wrist
LI 6 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Opens and regulates water passages
LU Qi deficiency giving rise to edema of hands and face
Redness of the eye, tinnitus, deafness, epistaxis, aching of the hand and arm, sore throat, edema
LI 7 Functions
Clear heat Detoxify poison Moderates acute conditions Regulates and harmonises ST and intestines Clears Yang Ming fire Calms the spirit
Helps open heart’s orifices to treat mental-emotional disorders (LI-ST-HT connection)
Headache, swelling of the face, sore throat, borborygmus, abdominal pain, aching of the shoulder and arm
LI 8 Functions
Harmonises SI Expels wind Clears heat Clears Yang Ming fire Calms spirit
Moves along the digestive system
Abdominal pain, borborygmus, pain in the elbow and arm, motor impairment of the upper limbs
LI 9 Functions
Harmonizes LI
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Moves along the digestive system
Aching of the shoulder and arm, motor impairment of the upper limbs, numbness of the hand and arm, borborygmus, abdominal pain
LI 10 Functions
Regulates Qi and blood
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Harmonises intestines and ST
Channel problems Bi of arm and elbow Tonify blood and Qi (ST-36 of arm) Weakness and inflexibility of arm Toothache of upper jaw (moxa)
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, toothache, swelling of the cheek, motor impairment of the upper limbs, pain in the shoulder and back
LI 11 Functions
Clears heat (#1 point) Cools blood Eliminates wind Drains damp Alleviates itching Regulates Qi and Blood Activates channel and alleviates pain
Bi of elbow
Sore throat, toothache, redness and pain of the eye, scrofula, urticaria, motor impairment of the upper extremities, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, febrile diseases
LI 12 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits elbow
Tennis elbow
Pain, numbness, and contraction of the elbow and arm
LI 13 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Alleviates coughing
Regulates Qi
Drains damp and phlegm
Arm pain and decreased ROM
Contraction and pain of the elbow and arm, scrofula
LI 14 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Regulates Qi
Dissipates phlegm nodules
Benefits the eyes
Bi of shoulder and arm
Limited ROM
Pain in the shoulder and arm, rigidity of the neck, scrofula
LI 15 Functions
Dispels wind-damp Alleviates pain Benefits the shoulder Eliminates wind Regulates Qi and blood Dissipates phlegm nodules
Benefits sinews
Removes channel obstructions
Pain in the shoulder and arm, motor impariment of the upper extremities, rubella, scrofula
LI 16 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the shoulder
Regulates Qi and blood
Dissipates phlegm nodules
Pain and motor impairment of the upper extremities, pain in the shoulder and back
LI 17 Functions
Benefits throat and voice
Thyroid and goiter
Sudden loss of voice, sore throat, scrofula, goiter
LI 18 Functions
Benefits the throat and voice
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Cough, asthma, sore throat, sudden loss of voice, scrofula, goiter
LI 19 Functions
Eliminates wind
Opens nasal passages
Nasal obstruction, epistaxis, deviation of the mouth
LI 20 Functions
Opens nasal passages
Expels wind
Clears heat
Excessive sneezing Expel wind with facial paralysis Olfaction and limbic system connection Connects to breath Restores sense of taste
Nasal obstruction, hyposmia, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, deviation of the mouth, itching and swelling of the face
ST 1 Functions
Benefits eyes
Stops lacrimation
Eliminates wind
Clears heat
Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, lacrimation, night blindness, twitching of eyelids, facial paralysis
ST 2 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Benefits the eyes
Similar actions to ST-1
Accesses mid branch of trigeminal nerve
Redness, pain, and itching of the eye, facial paralysis, twitching of eyelids, pain in the face
ST 3 Functions
Expels wind
Dissipates swelling
Alleviates pain
Similar actions to ST-1, 2
Extends to nose
Face pain
Facial paralysis, twitching of eyelids, epistaxis, toothache,s welling of lips and cheek
ST 4 Functions
Expels wind from face
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Mouth deviation
Facial paralysis
Oral fixations
Deviation of the mouth, salivation, twitching of eyelids
ST 5 Functions
Expels wind
Reduces swelling
Jaw pain
Facial paralysis, trismus, swelling of the cheek, pain in the face, toothache
ST 6 Functions
Expels wind
Benefits jaw and teeth
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Facial paralysis, toothache, swelling of the cheek and face, mumps, trismus
ST 7 Functions
Benefits ears, jaw, teeth
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Same actions as ST-6
Deafness and ear ache
Trigeminal neuralgia
Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea, toothache, facial paralysis, pain of the face, motor impairment of the jaw
ST 8 Functions
Expels wind
Alleviates pain
Benefits eyes
Clears phlegm in the head
Obsessional thoughts
Headache, blurring of vision, opthalmalgia, flushing of the face
ST 9 Functions
Regulates Qi and blood
Descends rebellious Qi
Benefits throat and neck
Alleviates pain
Remove obstructions from the head
Goiter and thyroid problems
Sore throat, asthma, goiter, dizziness, flushing of the face
ST 10 Functions
Benefits throat and neck
Descends LU Qi
Sore throat, asthma, cough
ST 11 Functions
Benefits throat and neck
Descends Qi
Sore throat, pain and rigidity of the neck, asthma, hiccup, goiter
ST 12 Functions
Descends LU Qi
Clears heat from chest
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Moves yang downward
Excess patterns of rebellious Qi (LU and ST)
Anxiety, nervousness
Insomnia (HT affected by rebellious ST Qi)
Affects all yang channels
Cough, asthma, sore throat, pain in the supraclavicular ofssa
ST 13 Functions
Descends rebellious QI
Unbinds the chest
Affects the LU
Nausea and vomiting
Fullness of the chest, asthma, cough, hiccup, pain in the chest and hyopchondrium
ST 14 Functions
Descends rebellious QI
Unbinds the chest
Affects the LU
Sensation of fullness and pain in the chest, cough
ST 15 Functions
Descends rebellious QI
Unbinds the chest
Benefits the breasts
Alleviates pain and itching of the skin
Affects the LU
Scanty breast milk
Nourishes the LU
Fullness and pain in the chest and costal region, cough, asthma, mastitis
ST 16 Functions
Alleviates coughing and wheezing
Benefits the breast
Affects the LU
Scanty breast milk
Nourishes the LU
Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, cough, asthma, mastitis
ST 17 Functions
ST 18 Functions
Benefits the breast
Reduces swelling
Unbinds the chest
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Affects the LU
Regulates and harmonizes lactation
Regulates ST Qi in relation to breast (phlegm nodules, mastitis, lumps)
Promotes labour
Pain in the chest, cough, asthma, mastitis, insufficient lactation
ST 19 Functions
Harmonises middle jiao
Lowers rebellious Qi
Descends Qi
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Epigastric fullness (excess conditions)
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal and digestive disorders
Nervous stomach
Abdominal distention, vomiting, gastric pain, anorexia
ST 20 Functions
Harmonises the middle jiao
Descends rebellious ST and LU Qi
Similar action to ST-19
Gastric pain, abdominal distention, vomiting, anorexia
ST 21 Functions
Regulates Qi Alleviates pain Harmonises middle jiao Transforms stagnation Raises Qi Stops diarrhea
ST patterns excess in nature
Helps Qi to descend
Pair with ST-44 for ST heat
Gastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distention, diarrhea
ST 22 Functions
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Regulates intestines
Benefits urination
Moves Qi in the epigastrum
Regulates water passages in middle and lower jiaos (edema)
Abdominal distention and pain, anorexia, borborygmus, diarrhea, edema
ST 23 Functions
Transforms phlegm
Calms the spirit
Harmonises the middle jiao
Gastric pain, irritability, mania, indigestion
ST 24 Functions
Transforms phlegm
Calms the spirit
Harmonises the ST
Alleviates vomiting
Aids in digestion
Gastric pain, vomiting, mania
ST 25 Functions
Regulates intestines Regulates SP and ST Resolves dampness and damp-heat Regulates Qi and blood Eliminates stagnation
Stops diarrhea from SP Qi deficiency
Abdominal pain and distension
Tonify and warm intestines and SP (with moxa)
Diarrhea due to cold
Affects uterus and menstruation (moving Qi and blood during painful periods)
Abdominal pain and distention, borborygmus, pain around the umbilicus, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, irregular menstruation, edema
ST 26 Functions
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Abdominal pain, hernia, dysmenorrhea
ST 27 Functions
Benefits KD
Firms essence
Regulates Qi
Promotes urination
Excess ST patterns giving rise to abdominal pain
Resolves damp
Free and unblock intestines (constipation)
Lower abdominal distention, dysuria, hernia, seminal emission, premature ejaculation
ST 28 Functions
Regulates lower jiao (water passages)
Dispels stagnation
Benefits UB and urination
Benefits uterus
Edema Moves Qi and blood in lower abdomen Regulates menstruation if due to blood stasis Benefit fertility for women Clears damp-phlegm in uterus
Lower abdominal distention, retention of urine, edema, hernia, dysmenorrhea, sterility
ST 29 Functions
Warms the lower jiao
Regulates menstruation
Benefits genitals
Eliminates blood stasis in uterus
All menstrual problems rooted in blood stasis
In combo with other points for uterine prolapsed
Abdominal pain, hernia, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, leukorrhea,, prolapse of uterus
ST 30 Functions
Regulates Qi in the lower jiao
Regulates the Chong Mai
Subdues running piglet Qi
Strongly invigorates and moves blood
Moves Qi and blood in abdominal area (uterus, genitals, menstruation, hernia, swollen prostate)
Use with SP4/PC6 to open chong and strengthen effect
Benefits SP and digestive system
Tonify Qi and blood
Abdominal pain, borborygmus, hernia, swelling and pain of the external genitalia, impotence, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation
ST 31 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Dispels wind-damp
Local point for muscle atrophy
Bi of hip and upper leg
Pain in inguinal region
Pain in the thigh, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain in the lower extremities
ST 32 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Dispels wind-damp
Atrophy of the leg
Pain and weakness from over-exertion
Pain in the lumbar and iliac region, coldness of the knee, paralysis or motor impairment and pain in the lower extremities, beriberi
ST 33 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Dispels wind-damp
Local leg and knee pain
Numbness, soreness, motor impairment of th eleg and th eknee, motor impairment of the lower extremities
ST 34 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Harmonises the ST and alleviates pain
Moderates acute conditions
Moves Qi and blood in the channel
Expel wind-cold-damp Bi of the knee
Pain and numbness of the knee, gastric pain, mastitis, motor impairment of the lower extremities
ST 35 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Dispels wind-damp
Reduces swelling
Bi of the knee
Cold in the knee
Pain, numbness and motor impairment of the knee, beriberi
ST 36 Functions
Harmonises the ST Fortifies the SP Resolves damp Supports the Zheng Qi (through SP and ST) Fosters Yuan Qi Tonifies Qi Nourishes Yin and blood Clears fire and calms the spirit Activates the channel and alleviates pain Revives Yang Restores consciousness
Strengthen the mind Increases body’s resistance to EPI Raise yang and expel cold Used for prolapse Brighten the eyes Regulates Ying and Wei Qi (ST-36 and LI-4) Consolidates Cou Li Space and strengthen SP, to clearing edema Eliminates cold and damp Wind-cold-damp Bi of the knee and leg Five Taxations and Seven Injuries Provides grounding and stability
Gastric pain, vomiting, hiccup, abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, mastitis, enteritis, aching of the knee joint and leg, beriberi, edema, cough, asthma, emaciation due to general deficiency, indigestion, apoplexy, hemiplegia, dizziness, insomnia, mania
ST 37 Functions
Regulates the intestines
Transforms stagnation
Clears damp-heat
Eliminates diarrhea and dysenteric disorders
Regulates SP and ST
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Restless leg syndrome
Tonifies LI
Treats LI organ and channel
Opens the chest
Abdominal pain and distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, enteritis, paralysis due to stroke, beriberi
ST 38 Functions
Expels wind-damp
Alleviates pain
Benefits the shoulder
Empirical point for frozen shoulder
Numbness, soreness and pain of the knee and leg, weakness and motor impairment of the foot, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder, abdominal pain
ST 39 Functions
Moves SI Qi
Transforms stagnation
Regulates and harmonises the intestines
Clears damp-heat
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Restless leg syndrome
Treats mania (disturbed HT limits SI’s ability to sort properly)
Lower abdominal pain, backache referring to the testis, mastitis, numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities
ST 40 Functions
Transforms phlegm and damp (#1 point) Benefits the chest Clears phlegm from LU and alleviates cough and wheezing Clears phlegm from HT and calms spirit Activates channel and alleviates pain
Subdue rebellious ST Qi
Resolve excess burden and transforms burden into nourishment
Headache, dizziness and vertigo, cough, asthma, excessive sputum, pain in the chest, constipation, mania, epilepsy, muscular atrophy, motor impairment of the shoulder, abdominal pain, swelling or paralysis of the lower extremities
ST 41 Functions
Clears heat from ST channel and organ
Calms the spirit
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Removes channel obstructions
Bi of ankle
Helps dorsiflexion in drop foot
Headaches if caused by ST heat
Alleviates disintrest in food with ST Yin deficiency
Improves nourishment by food with ST heat
Pain of the ankle joint, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis of the lower extremities, epilepsy, headache, dizziness and vertigo, abdominal distention, constipation
ST 42 Functions
Clears heat from ST channel
Harmonises the ST organ
Calms the spirit
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Painful obstruction due to cold
Opens orifices of the mind
Pain of the upper teeth, redness and swelling of the dorsum of the foot, facial paralysis, muscular atrophy and motor impairment of the foot
ST 43 Functions
Regulates the SP
Dispels edema
Regulates and harmonises ST and intestines
Expel wind and heat in Bi (even if not on foot)
Facial or general edema, abdominal pain, borborygmus, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot
ST 44 Functions
Clears heat from ST channel Alleviates pain Harmonises intestines Clears damp-heat Calms the spirit
Bleeding gums Jaw pain (especially lower jaw) Analgesic for jaw and mouth (with LI-4) Calms overactive thinking Herpes, cold sores, shingles
Toothache, pain in the face, deviation of the mouth, sore throat, epistaxis, gastric pain, acid regurgitation, abdominal distention, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, febrile disease
ST 45 Functions
Clears heat from ST channel
Clears heat
Calms spirit
Restores consciousness
Insomnia (due to ST fire)
Facial swelling, deviation of the mouth, epistaxis, toothache, sore throat and hoarse voice, abdominal distention, coldness in the leg and foot, febrile disease, dream disturbed sleep, mania
SP 1 Functions
Stops bleeding Regulates SP Unbinds the chest Calms the HT and spirit Restores consciousness
Invigorates blood to resolve blood stasis
Abdominal distention, bloody stools, menorrhagia, uterine bleeding, mental disorders, dream disturbed sleep, convulsion.
SP 2 Functions
Regulates the SP
Resolves damp and damp-heat
Harmonises middle jiao
Clears heat
Heat and excess patterns (interior and exterior)
Promote sweating
Calms the HT from increased heat in SP or ST
Abdominal distention, gastric pain, constipation, febrile diseases with anhidrosis.
SP 3 Functions
Tonifies SP
Resolves damp and damp-heat
Harmonises SP and ST
Regulates Qi
Stimulates the brain, promotes memory and mental clarity
Treat headaches resulting from damp
Influence LU when excess damp is stored there
Strengthen spine and back
Gastric pain, abdominal distention, constipation, dysentery, vomiting, diarrhea, borborygmus, sluggishness, beriberi.
SP 4 Functions
Fortifies the SP Harmonises middle jiao Regulates Qi Resolves damp Calms the spirit Benefits HT and chest Regulates the Chong Mai
Affects uterus by regulating menstruation and bleeding
Stops bleeding anywhere in the body
Rebellious Qi attacking heart and mind
Anxiety, mental restlessness, insomnia, chest tightness and pain
Pain or heat of foot
Gout of big toe
Regulate and invigorate sea of blood
Gastric pain, vomiting, abdominal pain and distention, diarrhea, dysentery, borborygmus.
SP 5 Functions
Fortifies SP
Resolves damp
Benefits sinews and bones
Calms the spirit
Bi of knee and ankle
Resolves Bi of any channel from damp
Regulates intestines (empties stagnation from digestive system)
Abdominal distention, constipation, diarrhea, borborygmus, pain and rigidity of the tongue, pain in the foot and ankle, hemorrhoids.
SP 6 Functions
Tonifies SP and ST Resolves damp Harmonises LV Tonifies KD (yin) Regulates menstruation Induces labor Harmonises lower jiao Regulates urination Benefits genitals Calms the spirit Invigorates blood Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Innervates 3 yin channels of leg Lower jiao patterns with damp-cold or damp-heat Smoothing action to lower jiao Nourishes blood and yin Eliminates blood stasis (esp. LJ, uterus) Cools the blood Skin disorders Stops pain in
Abdominal pain, borborygmus, abdominal distention, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, morbid leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus, sterility, delayed labour, nocturnal emission, impotence, enuresis, dysuria, edema, hernia, pain in the external genitalia, muscular atrophy, motor impairment , paralysis and pain of the lower extremities, headache, dizziness and vertigo, insomnia.
SP 7 Functions
Fortifies SP
Resolves damp
Promotes urination
Disperses swelling
“Leaking” in the lower jiao
Abdominal distention, borborygmus, coldness, numbness and paralysis of the knee and leg.
SP 8 Functions
Regulates menstruation Invigorates blood Harmonises SP Resolves damp Moderates acute conditions
Stops menstrual bleeding
Stops blood in bowel
Regulates uterus
Abdominal pain and distention, diarrhea, edema, dysuria, nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea.
SP 9 Functions
Regulates SP
Resolves damp
Opens and moves water passageways
Benefits the lower jiao
Major point to resolve damp (especially from lower jiao—edema, urinary conditions)
Helps induce a regular period
Abdominal pain and distention, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, dysuria, jaundice, incontinence of urine, pain in the external genitalia, dysmenorrhea, pain in the knee.
SP 10 Functions
Invigorates the blood Dispels stasis Cools blood Harmonises menstruation Benefits the skin
Tonifies and nourishes blood
Accumulation point for blood
Upper side of tide of yin (LV-8,KD-10, SP-9)
Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, urticaria, eczema, erysipelas, pain in the medial aspect of the thigh.
SP 11 Functions
Regulates urination
Drains damp
Clears heat
Dysuria, enuresis, pain and swelling in the inguinal region, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis of the lower extremities.
SP 12 Functions
Invigorates blood Regulates Qi Alleviates pain Drains damp Clears heat Regulates urination
Bi of hip
Invigorate Chong Mai
Abdominal pain, hernia, dysuria.
SP 13 Functions
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Abdominal fullness and pain
Empower T&T function of SP
Lower abdominal pain, hernia.
SP 14 Functions
Warms and benefits the lower jiao
Regulates Qi
Descends rebellion
Emotions (worry, rumination)
Pain and distension in abdomen
Pain around the umbilical region, abdominal distention, hernia, diarrhea, constipation.
SP 15 Functions
Moves Qi
Regulates intestines
Lower abdominal pain Chronic constipation Strengthen ability of SP in T&T Damp in intestines Regulate smooth flow of Qi and LV Qi in abdomen Induce “poophoria”
Abdominal pain and distention, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation.
SP 16 Functions
Regulates intestines
Abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation, dysentery.
SP 17 Functions
Dissipates accumulation of food and fluid and promotes digestion
Level where food enters ST
Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region.
SP 18 Functions
Regulates and descends Qi
Benefits breasts
Promotes lactation
LU issues
Fullness and pain in chest
Encourages free breathing
Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, cough, hiccup, mastitis, insufficient lactation.
SP 19 Functions
Regulates and descends Qi
Unbinds the chest
LU issues
Local point for chest
Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region.
SP 20 Functions
Regulates and descends Qi
Unbinds the chest
LU issues
Contribute to nourishment for whole body
Fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, cough, hiccup.
SP 21 Functions
Regulates Qi and blood
Firms sinews and joints
Unbinds the chest
Benefits lateral costal region
LU issues
Connection to all blood by controlling all blood channels of the body
Random wandering pain in the body (stasis of blood in connecting channels, ie fibromyalgia)
Pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, asthma, general aching and weakness.
HT 1 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Activates the channel
Benefits the arm
Nourish HT yin
Clear empty heat
Calm mind (anxiety, depression)
HT Qi and yang deficiency
Pain in the costal and cardiac regions, scrofula, cold pain of the elbow and arms, dryness of the throat
HT 2 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Calms the mind
Local point for the arm
Pain in the cardiac and hypochondriac regions, shoulder and arm
HT 3 Functions
Calms the spirit Transforms phlegm Clears heat Activates the channel Benefits the arm
Full heat of the HT
Benefits eyes when excess HT heat
Removes obstructions from channel
Harmonizes relationship b/w HT and KD
Cardiac pain, spasmodic pain and numbness of the hand and arm, tremor of the hand, scrofula, pain in the axilla and hypochondriac region
HT 4 Functions
Calms the spirit
Benefits the voice
Relaxes muscles and sinews
Bi of wrist or elbow
Descending action of HT Qi
Cardiac pain, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, sudden loss of voice
HT 5 Functions
Calms the spirit
Regulates HT rhythm
Benefits the tongue
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Tonify HT Qi Influences UB and urination (HT—luo—SI—UB through tai yang) Uterine bleeding Red and heat in eyes Affects tongue (aphasia)
Palpitations, dizziness, blurring of vision, sore throat, sudden loss of voice, aphasia with stiffness of the tongue, pain in the wrist and elbow
HT 6 Functions
Regulates HT blood Calms the spirit Moderates acute conditions Clears deficiency fire Alleviates night sweating
Nourish HT Yin
Blood stasis in chest (stabbing pain)
Stops upward bleeding
Clear heat
Cardiac pain, hysteria, night sweating, hemoptysis, epistaxis, sudden loss of voice
HT 7 Functions
Calms the spirit
Regulates and tonifies the HT
Nourish HT blood Benefits memory, mental capacity Impotence in men; lack of sexual desire in women Anti-itching for skin disorders Mental illness
Cardiac pain, irritability, palpitations, hysteria, amnesia, insomnia, mania, epilepsy, dementia, pain in the hypochondriac region, feverish sensation in the palm, yellowish sclera
HT 8 Functions
Clears heat from HT and SI
Calms the spirit
Regulates HT Qi
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Drain HT fire
Lift sinking Qi (prolapse)
Clears heat in UB giving rise to urinary dysfunction when heat results from HT
HT-8/SI-7 drains excess heat
Palpitation, pain in the chest, spasmodic pain of the little finger, feverish sensation in the palm, enuresis, dysuria, pruritus of the external genitalia
HT 9 Functions
Revives consciousness
Clears heat
Benefits tongue, eyes and throat
Regulates HT Qi and calms the spirit
Expel exterior wind
Opens minds orifices when obstructed by wind
Relieve sense of fullness in HT region
Palpitations, cardiac pain, pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, mania, febrile diseases, loss of consciousness
SI 1 Functions
Clears heat Benefits sensory orifices Revives consciousness Promotes lactation (Empirical) Benefits the breasts
Treat eyes and ears Expel wind-heat/cold and exterior attacks affecting head and neck Acute tonsillitis due to wind-heat Chest pain, fullness below HT Subdue rebellious Qi
Headache, febrile disease, loss of consciousness, insufficient lactation, sore throat, redness of the eye, cloudiness of the cornea
SI 2 Functions
Clears wind-heat
Reduces swelling
Benefits eyes, ears, throat
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Clear heat in UB
Inflammation in skin and joints (from fire in SI)
Numbness of the fingers, febrile disease, tinnitus, headache, reddish urine
SI 3 Functions
Benefits the occiput, neck, back Activates the channel and alleviates pain Clears wind and heat Treats malaria Calms the spirit Treats epilepsy Clears heat and benefits sensory orifices Regulates the DU (extinguishes wind)
Wind-cold/heat most prevalent in head and neck
Muscles and sinews along DU channel
Upper back and acute problems
SI-3/UB-62 for pain on spine
Tonify KD
Aids in ability to gain mental strength
Pain and rigidity of the neck, tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, mania, malaria, acute lumbar sprain, night sweating, febrile diseases, contraction and numbess of the fingers, pain in the shoulder and elbow
SI 4 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain Clears heat Reduces swelling Clears damp-heat Treats jaundice (empirical point)
Bi of wrist or elbow
Hypochondriac pain
Febrile diseases with anhidrosis, headache, rigidity of the neck, contraction of the fingers, pain in the wrist, jaundcie
SI 5 Functions
Clears heat
Reduces swelling
Calms the spirit
Provides mental clarity
Benefits ears and eyes
Clear channel pathologies
Swelling of the neck and submandibular region, pain of the hand and wrist, febrile disease
SI 6 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the shoulder and arm
Moderates acute conditions
Benefits the eyes
Wrist pain
Benefit sinews
Blurring of vision, pain in the shoulder, elbow and arm
SI 7 Functions
Clears heat Releases the exterior Calms the spirit Activates the channel and alleviates pain Benefits the finger joints
Bi of elbow
Anxiety, mental restlessness
Neck rigidity, headache, dizziness, spasmodic pain in the elbow and fingers, febrile diseases, mania
SI 8 Functions
Clears heat
Reduces swelling
Calms the spirit
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Resolves damp-heat
Scrofula- damp-heat in neck, cheeks, gums, eyes leading to pain and swelling
Jaundice (yellow eyes)
Headache, swelling of the cheek, pain in the nape, shoulder, arm, and elbow, epilepsy
SI 9 Functions
Expel wind
Benefit the shoulder
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Pain in the scapular region, motor impairment of the hand and arm
SI 10 Functions
Pain and swelling of shoulder that radiates to scapula Weakness and pain of shoulder and arm Inability to raise shoulder Chills and fever Scrofula
Swelling of the shoulder, aching and weakness of the shoulder and arm
SI 11 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Moves Qi
Unbinds the chest and lateral costal region
Benefits the breasts
Shoulder pain
Pain in the scapular region, pain in the lateroposterior apsect of the elbow and arm, asthma
SI 12 Functions
Expels wind
Benefits shoulder and scapula
Pain in the scapular region, numbness and aching of the upper extremities, motor impairment of the shoulder and arm
SI 13 Functions
Benefits the shoulder and scapula
Aids in elimination of wind
Pain and stiffness of the scapular region
SI 14 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Expels wind and cold
Benefits the shoulder and scapula
Aching of the shoulder and back, pain and rigidity of the neck
SI 15 Functions
Descends LU Qi
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Cough, asthma, pain in the shoulder and back, hemoptysis
SI 16 Functions
Benefits ears, throat, voice Regulates Qi Calms the spirit Activates the channel and alleviates pain Clears heat
Regulate ascending and descending of Qi to the head
Strengthen SI ability to sort
Expel wind
Sore throat, sudden loss of voice, deafness, tinnitus, stiffness and pain of the neck
SI 17 Functions
Benefits neck and throat
Disperses swelling
Descends rebellious Qi
Benefits the ears
Resolves interior and exterior damp
Benefits glands
Stronger Window of Heaven action
Deafness, tinnitus, sore throat, swelling of the cheek, foreign body sensation in the throat, goiter
SI 18 Functions
Eliminates wind
Alleviates pain
Clears heat
Reduces swelling
Facial paralysis, twitching, deviation
Facial paralysis, twitching of the eyelids, pain in the face, toothache, swelling of the cheek, yellowish sclera
SI 19 Functions
Benefits the ears
Calms the spirit
Transition between hearing and seeing
Tinnitus and deafness (mostly deficient types)
May cultivate intuition
Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea, motor impairment of the mandibular joint, toothache
BL 1 Functions
Benefits the eyes
Expels wind
Clears heat
Watery eyes
LV fire
Encourages clear yang to rise to eyes
Insomnia or somnolence
Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, itching of the canthus, lacrimation, night blindness, colour blindness, blurring of vision, myopia
BL 2 Functions
Eliminates wind Clears heat Benefits the eyes Clears the head Alleviates pain
Subdue LV Qi if affecting eyes and head
Facial paralysis
Headache, blurring and failing of vision, pain in the supraorbital region, lacrimation, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, twitching of eyelids, glaucoma.
BL 3 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Alleviates pain
Benefits eyes and nose
Downward moving
Enters brain
Headache, giddiness, epilepsy, nasal obstruction.
BL 4 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Alleviates pain
Benefits eyes and nose
Downward moving
Enters brain
Headache, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, blurring and failing of vision.
BL 5 Functions
Eliminates wind
Descends yang
Clears heat
Clears head and nose
Subdue rising LV yang
Rigidity of spine
Headache, blurring of vision, epilepsy, convulsion.
BL 6 Functions
Eliminates wind
Clears heat
Clears the head
Benefits the eyes and nose
Headache, blurring of vision, nasal obstruction.
BL 7 Functions
Benefits and regulates the nose
Clears the head
Wind of the head
Vertex headaches
Headache, giddiness, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, rhinorrhea.
BL 8 Functions
Benefits the sense organs
Pacifies wind
Transforms phlegm
Calms the spirit
Treats eyes
Dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, mania.
BL 9 Functions
Expels wind and cold
Alleviates pain
Benefits the eyes and nose
Headaches from LV yang rising
Stiff neck
Mental exhaustion
Headache and neck pain, dizziness, opthalmalgia, nasal obstruction.
BL 10 Functions
Regulates Qi Pacifies wind Benefits the head and sensory orifices Calms the spirit Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Regulates Qi to/from head Subdues rebellious Qi Occipital pain Vertex and occipital headache Stiff neck Strengthens yang Stimulates memory and concentration Brightens eyes
Headache, nasal obstruction, sore throat, neck rigidity, pain in the shoulder and back.
BL 11 Functions
Benefits the bones and joints
Expels EPI and firms the exterior
Regulates and descends LU Qi
Alleviates cough
Tonifies blood on surface of the body Muscular ache of Cou Li Tonify Ying Qi to deter EPI Promotes bone formation in children Decreases bone degeneration in older adults
Headache, pain in the neck and back, pain and soreness in the scapular region, cough, fever, neck rigidity.
BL 12 Functions
Expels wind Releases the exterior Strengthens Wei Qi Firms exterior Disseminates and descends LU Qi Benefits the nose
Initial stages of wind-cold/heat
Spreads Wei Qi
Consolidates Cou Li
Back pain
Common cold, cough, fever and headache, neck rigidity, backache.
BL 13 Functions
Tonifies LU Qi Nourishes LU yin Descends and disseminates LU Qi Clears heat from LU Releases the exterior
Wind-heat/cold when cough is most prominent
Regulate Ying and Wei Qi
Calms the mind
Cough, asthma, chest pain, spitting of blood, afternoon fever, night sweating.
BL 14 Functions
Spreads LV Qi
Unbinds the chest
Regulates HT Qi
Regulates and descends Qi
Strongly moves Qi and blood to alleviate pain
Cough, cardiac pain, palpitations, stuffy chest, vomiting.
BL 15 Functions
Tonifies and nourishes HT Regulates HT Qi Calms the spirit Unbinds the chest and resolves blood stasis Clears HT fire
Anxiety, insomnia
Stimulates mind for poor memory
Cardiac pain, panic, loss of memory, palpitation, cough, spitting of blood, nocturnal emission, night sweating, mania, epilepsy.
BL 16 Functions
Regulates Qi in the chest and abdomen
Epigastric pain
Breast abscess
General yang deficiency
Cardiac pain, stomachache.
BL 17 Functions
Invigorates blood Dispels blood stasis Cools blood heat Stops bleeding Nourishes and harmonises the blood Harmonises the diaphragm Descends rebellious Qi
Removes blood stasis from any organ
Stops upward bleeding
Connects upper and middle jiao
Vomiting, hiccup, belching, difficulty in swallowing, asthma, cough, spitting of blood, afternoon fever, night sweats, measles.
BL 18 Functions
Spreads LV Qi Regulates and nourishes LV blood Pacifies wind Cools fire and clears damp-heat Benefits the eyes and sinews
Hypochondriac pain
Subdue LV yang
Jaundice, pain in the hypochondriac region, redness of the eye, blurring of vision, night blindness, mental disorders, epilepsy, backache, spitting of blood, epistaxis.
Bl 19 Functions
Clears damp-heat from LV and GB
Clears EPI from Shao Yang
Tonifies and regulates GB Qi
Tonifies deficiency
Depression Increases courage and ability to make decisions General yin deficiency Relaxes diaphragm Pacifies ST
Jaundice, bitter taste of the mouth, pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, pulmonary tuberculosis, afternoon fever.
BL 20 Functions
Tonifies SP Qi and yang
Resolves damp and phlegm
Raises SP Qi and holds the blood
Regulates and harmonises the Qi of middle jiao
Physical and mental exhaustion
Hold blood in vessels
Ascend SP Qi
Epigastric pain, abdominal distention, jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, blood stools, profuse menstruation, edema, anorexia, backache.
BL 21 Functions
Regulates ST
Descends rebellious Qi
Harmonises middle jiao
General fatigue Weak limbs Poor appetite Tonify SP and ST Damp and phlegm
Pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, anorexia, abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
BL 22 Functions
Moves and regulates SJ Regulates SP and ST Resolves damp Regulates water passages Promotes urination Resolves masses
Lower jiao edema
Deficiency of upper body (headaches, dizziness)
Temperature regulation
Borborygmus, abdominal distention, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, pain and stiffness of the lower back.
BL 23 Functions
Tonify KD Fortifies yang Benefits essence Nourishes KD yin Firms KD Qi Regulates water passages Benefits urination Benefits and warms the uterus Benefits the ears and eyes Strengthens lumbar region
Tonify KD (yin, yang, qi, essence, grasp of LU Qi) Chronic asthma Strengthen will power Strengthen marrow Consolidates DU, REN, Chong Chronic, deficiency ear problems Moistens eyes Connects to deepest reserves
Nocturnal emission, impotence, enuresis, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, low back pain, weakness of the knee, blurring of vision, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, edema, asthma, diarrhea.
BL 24 Functions
Strengthens lumbar regions and legs
Regulates lower jiao
Eliminate stasis in lower jiao
Low back pain, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, asthma.
BL 25 Functions
Regulates intestines
Transforms stagnation
Alleviates pain
Strengthens lumbar region and legs
Promote excreting function of LI
Constipation and diarrhea
Abdominal fullness and distention
Low back pain, borborygmus, abdominal distention, diarrhea, constipation, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities, sciatica.
BL 26 Functions
Strengthens lumbar region
Regulates lower jiao
SI joint pain
Moves Qi in lower jiao
Promote urination
Low back pain, abdominal distension, diarrhea, enuresis, sciatica, frequent urination.
BL 27 Functions
Separates pure from turbid Regulates intestines and BL Drains turbid dampness Clears damp-heat Regulates SI Qi
Urinary dysfunction
Lower abdominal pain and distention, dysentery, nocturnal emission, hematuria, enuresis, morbid leukorrhea, lower back pain, sciatica.
BL 28 Functions
Regulates the BL Clears damp-heat from lower jiao Dispels stagnation Resolves masses Benefits lumbar region and legs
Clears heat from BL
Open water passages of lower jiao
Retention of urine, enuresis, frequent urination, diarrhea, constipation, stiffness and pain of the lower back.
BL 29 Functions
Benefits lumbar region
Dispels cold
Stops diarrhea
Dysentery, hernia, stiffness and pain of the lower back.
BL 30 Functions
Benefits the lumbar region and legs
Regulates menstruation
Stops leucorrhea and seminal emission
Issues of anus (prolapse, incontinence, hemorrhoids)
Firms Qi and essence for seminal emissions
Enuresis, pain due to hernia, morbid leukorrhea, irregular menstruation, cold sensation and pain of the lower back, dysuria, constipation, tenesmus, prolapse of the rectum.
BL 31 Functions
Regulates lower jiao Facilitates urination and defecation Regulates menstruation Stops leucorrhea Benefits lumbar region and legs
Low back pain, dysuria, constipation, irregular menstruation, morbid leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus.
BL 32 Functions
Regulates lower jiao Facilitates urination and defecation Regulates menstruation Stops leucorrhea Benefits lumbar region and legs
Tonifies KD essence Infertility Painful periods radiating to sacrum Resolves damp Stimulates ascending of Qi in uterus, BL, anus
Low back pain, hernia, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, nocturnal emission, impotence, enuresis, dysuria, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities.
BL 33 Functions
Regulates lower jiao Facilitates urination and defecation Regulates menstruation Stops leucorrhea Benefits lumbar region and legs
Low back pain, constipation, diarrhea, dysuria, irregular menstruation, morbid leukorrhea.
BL 34 Functions
Regulates lower jiao Facilitates urination and defecation Regulates menstruation Stops leucorrhea Benefits lumbar region and legs
Low back pain, lower abdominal pain, dysuria, constipation, morbid leukorrhea.
BL 35 Functions
Clears damp-heat
Regulates the lower jiao
Benefits the coccyx
Treats hemorrhoids
Dysentery, bloody stools, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, impotence, morbid leukorrhea.
BL 36 Functions
Activates the channel Relaxes sinews Alleviates pain Regulates lower jiao Treats hemorrhoids
Sciatic pain
Pain in the lower back and gluteal region, constipation, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities.
BL 37 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the lumbar spine
Pain in the lower back and thigh, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities, hemiplegia.
BL 38 Functions
Relaxes the sinews
Alleviates pain
Clears heat
Soothes contraction
Local knee pain
Numbness of the gluteal and femoral regions, contraction of the tendons in the popliteal fossa.
BL 39 Functions
Harmonises SJ
Regulates urination
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Ensures open water passages in lower jiao
Disperses damp-heat in lower jiao
Stiffness and pain of the lower back, distention and fullness of the lower abdomen, edema, dysuria, cramping of the leg and foot.
BL 40 Functions
Benefits lumbar region and knees Activates the channel and alleviates pain Cools the blood Clears summer-heat Stops vomiting and diarrhea Benefits the BL
Low back pain (best for excess)
Skin diseases with heat in blood
Low back pain, motor impairment of the hip joint, contraction of the tendons in the popliteal fossa, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities, hemiplegia, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, erysipelas.
BL 41 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Expels wind and cold
Neck pain
Stiffness and pain of the shoulder, back, and neck, numbness of the elbow and arm.
BL 42 Functions
Tonifies and nourishes the LU
Soothes dyspnoea
Alleviates cough
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Upper back and shoulder pain
Settles the Po
Calms the spirit
Prolonged sadness
Pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, cough, asthma, neck rigidity, pain in the shoulder and back.
BL 43 Functions
Tonifies and nourishes the LU, HT, KD, SP, ST Nourishes yin Clears heat Calms the spirit Fosters Yuan Qi Resolves phlegm
All chronic diseases with great disability
Tonify Qi of whole body through SP/ST
Invigorates mind by tonifying HT
Stimulates memory
Lifts spirits after long-standing disease
Nourish essence
KD deficiency
Pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, asthma, spitting of blood, night sweating, poor memory, nocturnal emission.
BL 44 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Regulates Qi
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Calm and strengthen mind
Stimulate clarity and intelligence
HT fire draining
Unite HT and mind
Asthma, cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest, cough, stiffness and pain of the back.
BL 45 Functions
Expels wind Clears heat Descends LU Qi Invigorates Qi and blood Alleviates pain
Cough, asthma, pain of the shoulder and back.
BL 46 Functions
Regulates the diaphragm
Benefits the middle jiao
Descends rebellion
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Tonify Qi
Move stagnation in diaphragm
Dysphagia, hiccup, vomiting, belching, pain and stiffness of the back.
BL 47 Functions
Spreads LV Qi
Relaxes the sinews
Harmonises the middle jiao
Settles and roots the Hun Depression, resentment, frustration Excessive dreaming Vague sense of fear Strengthen ability for planning
Pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, back pain, vomiting, diarrhea.
BL 48 Functions
Regulates the GB
Clears damp-heat
Harmonises the middle jiao
Dithering (state of agitated indecision)
Psycho-spiritual aspect of decision making
Borborygmus, abdominal pain, diarrhea, pain in the hypochondriac region, jaundice.
BL 49 Functions
Clears damp-heat
Regulates SP and ST
Transform obsessisve thought to productive thought
Strengthen LU
Strengthen intellect to stimulate memory
Sudden turmoil disorder (vomiting and diarrhea)
Abdominal distention, borborygmus, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty in swallowing.
BL 50 Functions
Harmonises the middle jiao
Increase openness to receiving nourishment
Abdominal distention, pain in the epigastric region and back, infantile indigestion.
BL 51 Functions
Dispels stagnation
Benefits the breast
Tightness and pain in area between HT and diaphragm
Aids in communication between upper and lower jiao
Upward energetic
Abdominal pain, constipation, abdominal mass.
BL 52 Functions
Tonifies KD
Benefits essence
Regulates urination
Strengthens lumbar region
Male sexual issues
Infertility in women
Addictions, depression
Nocturnal emission, impotence, enuresis, frequent urination, dysuria, irregular menstruation, pain in the back and knee, edema.
BL 53 Functions
Benefits lumbar region
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Regulates lower jiao
Benefits urination
Menstrual disorders
Borborygmus, abdominal distention, pain in the lower back, anuria.
BL 54 Functions
Benefits lumbar region
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Regulates urination
Treats hemorrhoids
Piriformis syndrome
Pain in the lumbosacral region, muscular atrophy, motor impairment of the lower extremities, dysuria, swelling around external genitalia, hemorrhoids, constipation.
BL 55 Functions
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Stops uterine bleeding
Treats pain of genitals
Empower yang of legs and low back
Low back pain and paralysis of the lower extremities.
BL 56 Functions
Relaxes sinews
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Benefits foot and heel
Treats hemorrhoids
Stool incontinence
Disorders of intestines
Spasm of the gastrocnemius, hemorrhoids, constipation, beriberi.
BL 57 Functions
Relaxes the sinews
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the calf and heel
Treats hemorrhoids (empirical)
Low back pain and sciatica
Low back pain, spasm of the gastrocnemius, hemorrhoids, constipation, beriberi.
BL 58 Functions
Harmonises upper and lower
Expels wind from Tai yang channels
Treats hemorrhoids
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Tonifies KD
Subdue rebellious Qi
Headache, blurring of vision, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, back pain, hemorrhoids, weakness of the leg.
BL 59 Functions
Benefits lumbar region and legs
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Moves Qi and blood in Yang Qiao
Chronic weakness and stiffness of legs and back
Heavy sensation of the head, headache, low back pain, redness and swelling of the external malleolus, paralysis of the lower extremities.
BL 60 Functions
Clears heat Lowers yang Pacifies wind Leads down excess Activates entire BL channel and alleviates pain Relaxes sinews Strengthens lumbar Promotes labour (empirical)
Chronic LBP
Shoulder, neck, occipital pain
Headaches from KD deficiency
Calms the mind
Headache, blurring of vision, neck rigidity, epistaxis, pain in the shoulder, back and arm, swelling and pain of the heel, difficulty labour, epilepsy.
BL 61 Functions
Relaxes sinews
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Local heel pain
Muscular atrophy and weakness of the lower extremities, pain in the heel.
BL 62 Functions
Pacifies interior wind Expels exterior wind Calms spirit Treats epilepsy Benefits head and eyes Opens and regulates Yang Qiao Activates channel and alleviates pain
Movement and agility Brings yang to eyes Insomnia Harmonises right and left body Influences spine and brain Back pain
Epilepsy, mania, headache, dizziness, insomnia, backache, aching of the leg.
BL 63 Functions
Pacifies wind
Moderates acute conditions
Relaxes sinews
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Mania, epilepsy, infantile convulsion, backache, pain in the external malleolus, motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities.
BL 64 Functions
Clears the head and eyes Eliminates wind Calms the spirit Relaxes sinews Activates channel and alleviates pain
Subdue rebellious Qi
Subdue LV wind from head
Helps resolve fear
Headache, neck rigidity, pain in the lower back and thigh, epilepsy.
BL 65 Functions
Clears the head and eyes
Clears heat
Dissipates swelling
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Downward moving Bi of neck Expels exterior wind Beginning cases of wind-cold EPI (especially with pronounced stiff neck, headache) Calms the mind
Mania, headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, backache, pain in the lower extremities.
BL 66 Functions
Clears heat
Descends LU and ST Qi
Heat in eyes and nose
Headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, epistaxis, mania.
BL 67 Functions
Expels wind
Clears the head and eyes
Turns the fetus (5 cones per side for 10 days)
Facilitates labor
Headache from wind
Headache, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, opthalmalgia, mal position of fetus, difficult labour, detention or afterbirth.
KD 1 Functions
Descends excess from head
Calms the spirit
Revives consciousness
Rescues yang
Tonify KD yin HT-KD axis Extinguishes internal wind Anxiety, mental illness Bring down rebellious Qi Expel wind EPI Regulate lower jiao
Headache, blurring of vision, dizziness, sore throat, dryness of the tongue, loss of voice, dysuria, infantile convulsions, feverish sensation in the sole, loss of consciousness.
KD 2 Functions
Clears deficiency heat
Regulates the KD
Regulates the lower jiao
Reinforces HT-KD axis
Puritis vulvae, prolapse of uterus, irregular menstruation, nocturnal emission, hemoptysis, thirst, diarrhea, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, acute infantile omphalitis.
KD 3 Functions
Nourishes KD yin Clears deficiency heat Tonifies KD yang Anchors the Qi and benefits the LU Strengthen the lumbar spine
Contacts Yuan Qi
Strengthen low back and knees
Sore throat, toothache, deafness, tinnitus, dizziness, spitting of blood, asthma, thirst, irregular menstruation, insomnia, nocturnal emission, impotence, frequency of micturition, pain in the lower back.
KD 4 Functions
Reinforces the KD
Anchors the Qi and benefits the LU
Strengthen the will and dispel fear
Chronic pain pack (from KD deficiency)
Influences mind
Urinary problems
Spitting of blood, asthma, stiffness and pain of the lower back, dysuria, constipation, pain in the heel, dementia.
KD 5 Functions
Regulate the Chong and Ren
Benefits menstruation
Acute conditions and pain
Moves stagnation
Amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, prolapse of uterus, dysuria, blurring of vision.
KD 6 Functions
Benefits the throat Nourishes KD (yin) Clears deficiency heat Regulate Yin Qiao Calm the spirit Regulate lower jiao
Moistens throat and eyes Insomnia Cools blood Skin disorders Influences uterus Amenorrhea and prolapse
Irregular menstruation, morbid leukorrhea, prolapse of uterus, puritis vulvae, frequency of micturition, retention of urine, constipation, epilepsy, insomnia, sore throat, asthma.
KD 7 Functions
Benefits the KD (yang) Regulates water passages Treats edema Regulates sweating Drains damp and clears damp-heat Strengthens lumbar region
Edema, abdominal distention, diarrhea, borborygmus, muscular atrophy of the leg, night sweating, spontaneous sweating, febrile diseases without sweating.
KD 8 Functions
Regulates the Chong and Ren Adjusts menstruation Stops uterine bleeding Clears heat Drains damp from lower jiao
Abdominal masses
Pain/stagnation of Yin Qiao
Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, prolapse of uterus, diarrhea, constipation, pain and swelling of testis.
KD 9 Functions
Clears the HT
Transforms phlegm
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Calms mind
Nourish KD yin
HT-KD axis
Mental disorders, pain in the foot and lower leg, hernia.
KD 10 Functions
Clears damp-heat from lower jiao
Benefits KD (yin)
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Clears heat
Lubricates, cleanses, cools
Impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding, dysuria, pain in the knee and popliteal fossa, mental disorders.
KD 11 Functions
Benefits the lower jiao
Lower abdominal pain Pain of genitals Stagnation in lower jiao Red eyes Low sperm count STIs Shan disorders
Fullness and pain in the lower abdomen, dysuria, enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, pain of genitalia.
KD 12 Functions
Tonifies the KD
Astringes essence
Regulates uterus Influences menstruation Promote ovulation Fertility and conception Influences eyes
Nocturnal emission, impotence, morbid leukorrhea, pain in the external genitalia, prolapse of uterus.
KD 13 Functions
Regulates the Chong and Ren
Regulates lower jiao
Tonify KD and Essence Abdominal fullness Running piglet Qi Strengthen uterus Receiving of LU Qi Lower two orifices Clears heat from eyes
Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, dysuria, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
KD 14 Functions
Benefits the lower jiao Alleviates pain Regulates Qi Moves blood stasis Regulates water passages Promotes urination
Abdominal fullness and distension
Nourish essence
Nourish marrow
Regulates uterus and menstruation
Abdominal pain and distention, diarrhea, nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain.
KD 15 Functions
Regulates intestines
Regulates the lower jiao
Irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, constipation.
KD 16 Functions
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Regulates and warms the intestines
Calms HT Relieve anxiety from rebellious Qi of Chong Move Qi and blood in abdomen Benefit membranes HT-KD axis
Abdominal pain and distention, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea.
KD 17 Functions
Dispels accumulation
Alleviates pain
Stimulate LI
Harmonise SP and ST
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation.
KD 18 Functions
Regulates the lower jiao Alleviates pain Regulates Qi Moves blood stasis Harmonises the ST
Severe abdominal pain
Vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, postpartum abdominal pain, sterility
KD 19 Functions
Regulates Qi
Harmonises the ST
Lowers rebellion
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Borborygmus, abdominal pain, epigastric pain, constipation, vomiting.
KD 20 Functions
Harmonises the middle jiao
Unbinds the chest
Transforms phlegm
Aids in digestion
Prevents damp accumulation in upper and mid jiaos
Abdominal pain and distention, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, morning sickness.
kD 21 Functions
Fortifies the SP Harmonises the ST Lowers rebellion Spreads LV Qi Benefits the chest and breasts Alleviates pain
Regulates Qi exiting and entering Chong in abdomen
Lack of breast milk
Breast abscess
Abdominal pain and distention, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, morning sickness.
KD 22 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Lowers rebellious ST and LU Qi
No pleasure in eating
Cough, asthma, distention and fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, vomiting, anorexia.
KD 23 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Lowers rebellious ST and LU Qi
Benefits the breasts
Fullness of chest
Difficulty breathing
Cough, asthma, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, mastitis.
KD 24 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Lowers rebellious ST and LU Qi
Benefits the breasts
Descending of LU Qi
Smooth flow of LV Qi in chest
Cough, asthma, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, mastitis.
KD 25 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Lowers rebellious ST and LU Qi
Cough, asthma
Fullness of chest
Cough, asthma, chest pain.
KD 26 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Benefits the breast
Transforms phlegm
Lowers rebellious ST and LU Qi
Smooth flow of Qi in chest
Cough, asthma, accumulation of phlegm, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region.
KD 27 Functions
Unbinds the chest Transforms phlegm Alleviates cough and wheezing Harmonises the ST Lowers rebellious Qi
Nausea, vomiting
Open back shu points
Descends LU Qi
Cough, asthma, chest pain.
PC 1 Functions
Unbinds the chest Transforms phlegm Descends rebellion (LU) Regulates Qi Dissipates nodules Benefits the breasts
Suffocating sensation in the chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, swelling and pain of the axillary region
PC 2 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Invigorates blood
Alleviates pain
Cardiac pain, distention of the hypochondriac region, cough, pain in the chest, back , and the medial aspect of the arm
PC 3 Functions
Clears heat from the Qi, Ying, blood levels
Harmonises the ST and intestines
Stops vomiting
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Cools blood Febrile and skin diseases Invigorate Qi and blood Resolve chest pain, tightness of chest Treats wind (tremors, paralysis) Calms mind from HT fire
Cardiac pain, palpitation, febrile diseases, irritability, stomachache, vomiting, pain in the elbow and arm, tremor of the hand and arm
PC 4 Functions
Invigorates blood Dispels stasis Cools blood Stops bleeding Calms and strengthens the spirit Moderates acute conditions
Chest pain
Regulates rhythm of HT
Anxiety, depression, insomnia from HT deficiency
Moves bitterness
Harmonize function of diaphragm (LV Qi up, HT Qi down equals stagnation in middle jiao)
Cardiac pain, palpitation, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, chest pain, furuncle, epilepsy
PC 5 Functions
Transforms phlegm Settles and calms the spirit Descends rebellious Qi Regulates the ST Regulates menstruation
Phlegm misting the mind
Moves blood
Empirical point for malaria
Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, mental disorders, epilepsy, swelling of the axilla, contraction of the elbow and arm
PC 6 Functions
Unbinds the chest Regulates Qi Regulates the HT Calms the spirit Harmonises the ST Alleviates nausea and vomiting Clears heat Opens the Yin Wei Mai
Promotes sleep Anxiety related to any HT pattern Irritability from LV Qi stagnation Moves LV Qi and blood GERD, hiccups, belching Stiffness of neck and occiput Painful, irregular periods Invigorates blood Pain of HT and chest
Cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, mental disorders, epilepsy, insomnia, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, contraction and pain of the elbow and arm
PC 7 Functions
Clears heat from the HT Calms the spirit Harmonises the ST and intestines Unbinds the chest Clears the Ying levels Cools the blood
Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, mental disorders, epilepsy, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, convulsion, insomnia, irritability, foul breath
PC 8 Functions
Clears heat from PC Revives consciousness Clears heat from the HT Calms the spirit Harmonises the ST Clears heat from middle jiao Clears the Ying level Cools blood
Clears HT fire
Tongue ulcers
Reduce high fevers
Cardiac pain, mental disorder, epilepsy, gastritis, foul breath, fungus infection of the hand and foot, vomiting, nausea
PC 9 Functions
Clears heat from PC Revives consciousness Clears the HT Benefits the tongue Clears summer-heat
Extinguish exterior wind
Acute wind stroke
Cardiac pain, palpitation, loss of consciousness, aphasia with stiffness and swelling of the tongue, febrile diseases, heat stroke, convulsion, feverish sensation in the palm
SJ 1 Functions
Clears upper jiao heat
Benefits ears and tongue
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Exterior wind-heat invasion (esp. with earache)
Clears heat in PC and HT
Headache, redness of the eyes, sore throat, stiffness of the tongue, febrile diseases, irritability
SJ 2 Functions
Disperses upper jiao heat
Benefits ears
Calms the spirit
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Clear wind-heat Alternating chills and fever Eye problems Clear LV fire (LV to GB to SJ) Bi of hands and fingers Moisten mucous membranes
Headache, redness of the eyes, sudden deafness, sore throat, malaria, pain in the arm
SJ 3 Functions
Clears heat
Benefits the ears
Clears the head and eyes
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Same as SJ-2 Subdue LV yang (headaches especially if on temples) Moves LV Qi and eliminates stagnation Depression Inflammation of eyes and ears Neck pain (Dr. Tan)
Headache, redness of the eyes, deafness, tinnitus,s ore throat, febrile diseases, pain in the elbow and arm, motor impairment of fingers
SJ 4 Functions
Relaxes the sinews
Alleviates pain
Clears heat
Connects to Yuan Qi
Tonifies Yuan Qi
Regulates Qi and blood of Chong and Ren
Stimulates transformation of liquids in lower jiao (edema, difficult urination)
Bi of wrist, arm, shoulder
Headaches from external wind invasion
Regulates ST
Pain in the arms, shoulder, and wrist, malaria, deafness, thirst
SJ 5 Functions
Expels wind Releases the exterior Benefits head and ears Opens Yang Wei Clears heat Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Regulates Shao Yang (alternating fever and chills)
Subdue LV-Yang rising
Bi of arm, neck, shoulders
Febrile diseases, headache, pain in the cheek, strained neck, deafness, tinnitus, pain in the hypochondriac region, motor impairment of the elbow and arm, pain in the fingers, hand tremor
SJ 6 Functions
Regulates Qi in all three jiaos
Clears heat from all three jiaos
Benefits the chest and lateral costal region
Moves stool
Benefits the voice
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Qi stagnation
Remove LV-Qi stagnation
Moves Qi and blood in the Ren as a result of Qi blocked in SJ
Clear heat in head from febrile diseases
Expel wind-heat in skin
Tinnitus, deafness, pain in the hypochondriac region, vomiting, constipation, febrile diseases, aching and heavy sensation of the shoulder and back, sudden hoarseness of voice
SJ 7 Functions
Clears the SJ channel
Benefits the ears
Clears acute and excess patterns
Temples and eyebrows
Moves Qi in all jiaos
Deafness, pain in the ear, epilepsy, pain of the arm
SJ 8 Functions
Clears the SJ channel
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Bi of arm, shoulder, neck, occiput
Smell, taste, vision, hearing
Deafness, sudden hoarseness of voice, pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, pain in the hand and arm, toothache
SJ 9 Functions
Benefits the throat and ears
Local Bi
Similar to SJ-8
Deafness, toothache, migraine, sudden hoarseness of voice, pain in the forearm
SJ 10 Functions
Transforms phlegm Dissipates nodules Regulates Qi Descends rebellion Calms the spirit Clears heat from SJ channel Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Bi of channel
Goiter, lymph gland swelling
Exterior wind invasion (regulates Ying and Wei Qi)
Resolves LV Qi stagnation
Migraine, pain in the neck, shoulder and arm, epilepsy, scrofula, goiter
SJ 11 Functions
Activates the channel
Dispels wind-damp
Clears damp-heat
Warms uterus, interior, HT
Motor impairment and pain of the shoulder and arm, migraine
SJ 12 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Encourages disbursement of water throughout the body
Warms the channel
Headache, neck rigidity, motor impairment and pain of the arm
SJ 13 Functions
Regulates Qi
Transforms phlegm
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Giter, pain in the shoulder and arm
SJ 14 Functions
Dispels wind-damp
Alleviates pain
Benefits the shoulder joint
Pain in motor impairment of the shoulder and upper arm
SJ 15 Functions
Dispels wind-damp
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Unbinds the chest
Regulates Qi
Shoulder pain
Clears heat
Pain in the shoulder and elbow, stiffness of the neck
SJ 16 Functions
Benefits head and sense organs
Regulates and descends Qi
Headache, neck rigidity, facial swelling, blurring of vision, sudden deafness
SJ 17 Functions
Benefits the ears
Eliminates wind
Clears heat
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
ALL ear problems
Wind of the face
Tinnitus, deafness, otorrhea, facial paralysis, toothache, swelling of the cheek, scrofula, trismus
SJ 18 Functions
Benefits the ears
Calms fright
Pacifies wind
Headache, tinnitus, deafness, infantile convulsion
SJ 19 Functions
Benefits the ears
Clears heat
Calms fright
Relieves tetany
Foggy head
Headache, tinnitus, deafness, pain in the ear, infantile convulsion
SJ 20 Functions
Benefits the ears
Benefits the teeth, gums, lips
Clears heat
Ears, mouth, teeth, jaw
Brightens eyes
Increase connection between hearing and seeing
Connects to intuition
Tinnitus, redness, pain and swelling of the eye, swelling of the gum, toothache, parotitis
SJ 21 Functions
Benefits the ears
Clears heat
Lock jaw
Tinnitus, deafness, otorrhea, toothache, stiffness of the lip
SJ 22 Functions
Expels wind
Alleviates pain
Local muscle spasm
Migraine, tinnitus, lockjaw
SJ 23 Functions
Eliminates wind
Alleviates pain
Benefits the eyes
Headaches from LV Yang rising
Ear problems
Inability to move eyebrows
Bells Palsy
Headache, redness and pain in the eye, blurring of vision, twitching of the eyelid, toothache, facial paralysis
GB 1 Functions
Benefits the eyes
Eliminates wind
Clears heat
Headache, redness and pain of the eyes, failing of vision, lacrimation, deviation of the eye and mouth.
GB 2 Functions
Benefits the eyes
Eliminates wind
Clears heat
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Ear problems
Tinnitus from LV yang rising
Jaw clenching
Deafness, tinnitus, toothache, motor impairment of the temporomandibular joint, mumps, deviation of the eye and mouth.
GB 3 Functions
Eliminates wind
Benefits the ears
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Temporalis m.
Teeth grinding
Lock jaw
Headache, deafness, tinnitus, diplacusis, deviation of the eye and mouth, toothache.
GB 4 Functions
Eliminates wind
Clears heat
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Headaches from LV yang rising
Migraine, vertigo, tinnitus, pain in the outer canthus, toothache, convulsion, epilepsy.
GB 5 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Headaches from LV yang rising
One sided pain
Migraine pain in the outer canthus, facial swelling.
GB 6 Functions
Expels wind
Clears heat
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Temporal migraines
Difficulties with speech
Migraine pain in the outer canthus, tinnitus, frequent sneezing.
GB 7 Functions
Eliminates wind
Benefits mouth and jaw
Pain dysfunction of the side of head, jaw and ear
Headache, swelling of the cheek, trismus, pain in the temporal region, infantile convulsion.
GB 8 Functions
Eliminates wind Benefits head Alleviates pain Harmonises the diaphragm and ST Alleviates vomiting Treats alcohol intoxication
Headaches from LV Yang rising
Subdue LV Yang
Subdue rebellious ST Qi
Migraine, vertigo, vomiting, infantile convulsion.
GB 9 Functions
Clears GB channel heat
Calms the spirit
Pacifies fright
Sundues rebellious Qi from the head
Headaches from LV Yang/fire/wind
Helps to descend Qi
Mental health issues
Headache, epilepsy, swelling and pain of the gums, convulsion.
GB 10 Functions
Clears the head
Benefits the neck
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Headaches and dizziness due to LV Yang rising
Headache, tinnitus, deafness.
GB 11 Functions
Clears the head
Benefits the sense organs
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Headaches behind the eyes
Pain of the head and neck, tinnitus, deafness, pain in the ears.
GB 12 Functions
Eliminates wind
Benefits the head
Alleviates pain
Calms the spirit
LV Yang rising leading to insomnia
Agitation of HT and spirit
Headache, insomnia, swelling of the cheek, retroauricular pain, deviation of the eye and mouth, toothache.
GB 13 Functions
Eliminates wind
Resolves phlegm
Treats epilepsy
Roots the spirit, calms the mind
Gathers essence to head for clear mind and balanced emotional life
Influences memory and will power
Mental health issues
Persistent and unreasonable feelings of jealousy and suspicion
Subdues LV Yang rising
Headache, insomnia, vertigo, epilepsy.
GB 14 Functions
Eliminates wind
Benefits the head
Alleviates pain
Benefits the eyes
Frontal headaches
Facial paralysis
Headache in the frontal region, pain in the orbital ridge, eye pain, vertigo, twitching of the eyelids, ptosis of the eyelids, lacrimation.
GB 15 Functions
Eliminates wind
Benefits the head
Alleviates pain
Benefits the nose and eyes
Frustration to the point of tears
Brightens eyes
Opens nasal orifices
Stops obsessive thoughts
Headache, vertigo, lacrimation, pain in the outer canthus, rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction.
GB 16 Functions
Benefits the eyes
Eliminates wind
Alleviates pain
Headache, vertigo, reed and painful eyes, nasal obstruction.
GB 17 Functions
Benefits the head
Alleviates pain
Pacifies the ST
Nourishes eyes
Resolves phlegm to open mind’s orifices
Manic thoughts
Migraine, vertigo.
GB 18 Functions
Benefits the head
Alleviates pain
Benefits the nose
Descends LU Qi
Mental emotional disorders
Headache, vertigo, epistaxis, rhinorrhea.
GB 19 Functions
Benefits the head
Alleviates pain
Pacifies wind
Clears the sense organs
Subdue LV Yang and clear associated heat
Headaches, epilepsy
Influences nervous system
Promotes mental clarity and memory
Headache, stiffness of the neck, vertigo, painful eyes, tinnitus, epilepsy.
GB 20 Functions
Eliminates wind
Benefits the eyes and head
Clears the sense organs
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Dizziness and vertigo from LV yang or fire Brightens the eyes Tonify marrow Nourish brain, promote memory Treats the nose Stiffness of neck and occiput Insomnia Benefits ears
Headache, vertigo, insomnia, pain and stiffness of the neck, blurred vision, glaucoma, red and painful eyes, tinnitus, convulsion, epilepsy, infantile convulsion, febrile diseases, common cold, nasal obstruction, rhiorrhea.
GB 21 Functions
Regulates Qi Activates the channel and alleviates pain Transforms and lowers phlegm Dissipates nodules Benefits the breasts Expedites delivery
Bi of neck and shoulders
Promotes lactation for nursing mothers (empirical)
Descends Qi
Subdues rebellious LU and ST Qi
Pain and rigidity of the neck, pain in the shoulder and back, motor impairment of the arm, insufficient lactation, mastitis, scrofula, apoplexy, difficult labour.
GB 22 Functions
Regulates Qi
Unbinds the chest
Benefits the axilla
Bi of shoulder and arm
Fullness of the chest, swelling of the axillary region, pain in the hypochondriac region, pain and motor impairment of the arm.
GB 23 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Lowers rebellion
Regulates Qi in the three jiao
Excessive sighing due to LV Qi stagnation
Fullness of the chest, pain in the hypochondraic region, asthma.
GB 24 Functions
Benefits the GB Spreads LV Qi Lowers rebellious Qi Harmonises middle jiao Resolves damp-heat
Hypochondriac pain
Pain in the hypochondriac region, vomiting, acid regurgitation, hiccup, jaundice, mastitis.
GB 25 Functions
Tonifies KD Regulates water passages Fortifies the SP Regulates intestines Strengthen lumbar region
Abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, pain in the lumbar and hypochondriac region.
GB 26 Functions
Regulates the Dai mai Drains damp Regulates menstruation Stops leucorrhea Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Harmonize LV and GB
Gynecological issues
Ease constraint in the centre of the body
Irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, leukorrhea, abdominal pain, hernia, pain in the lumbar and hypochondriac region.
GB 27 Functions
Regulates the Dai
Regulates the lower jiao
Transforms stagnation
Leukorrhea, lower abdominal pain, lumbar pain, hernia, constipation.
GB 28 Functions
Regulates the Dai
Regulates the lower jiao
Transforms stagnation
Leukorrhea, lower abdominal pain, hernia, prolapse of uterus.
GB 29 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the hip joint
Pain and numbness in the thigh and lumbar region, paralysis, muscular atrophy of the lower limbs.
GB 30 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the hip joint and leg
Dispels wind-damp
Stimulates circulation of Qi and blood through the entire leg
Strengthens sinews
Tonifies blood and Qi within the channel and GB organ
Affects genitals
Pain of the lumbar region and thigh, muscular atrophy of the lower limbs, hemiplegia.
GB 31 Functions
Eliminates wind
Alleviates itching
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Eliminates wind-heat in the blood
Long-term stroke affecting legs
Invigorates Qi and blood in the legs
Pain and soreness in the thigh and lumbar region, paralysis of the lower limbs, beriberi, general pruritis.
GB 32 Functions
Expels wind, damp, cold
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Bi of legs
Pain and soreness of the thigh and knee, numbness and weakness of the lower limbs, hemiplegia.
GB 33 Functions
Relaxes sinews
Benefits joints
Dispels wind-damp
Removes obstructions
Swelling and pain of the knee, contraction of the tendons in popliteal fossa, numbness of the leg.
GB 34 Functions
Benefits sinews and joints Activates the channel and alleviates pain Spreads LV Qi Benefits lateral costal region Clear LV and GB damp-heat Harmonises Shao Yang
Ensures smooth flow of LV Qi in the hypochondriac region
Helps descend ST Qi by regulating LV-Qi
Promotes movement of Qi and blood in legs
Hemiplegia, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, swelling and pain of the knee, beriberi, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting jaundice, infantile convulsion.
GB 35 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Regulates the GB Qi
Calms the spirit
Move Qi and blood in the Yang Wei vessel
Fullness of the chest and hypochondriac region, muscular atrophy and paralysis of the leg.
GB 36 Functions
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Clears heat
Detoxifies poison
Pain in the neck, chest, thigh and hypochondriac region, rabies.
GB 37 Functions
Benefits the eyes
Dispels wind-damp
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Brings fire downwards
Brings anything festering to the surface
Pain in the knee, muscular atrophy, motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities, blurring of vision, opthalmalgia, night blindness, distending pain in the breast.
GB 38 Functions
Clear GB channel heat
Harmonises Shao Yang
Benefits bones and sinews
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Clear LV fire Subdue LV yang One sided headaches Bitter taste in mouth Distal point for migraines
Migraine, pain of the outer canthus, pain in the axillary region, scrofula, lumbar pain, pain in the chest, hypochondriac region and lateral aspect of the lower extremities, malaria.
GB 39 Functions
Benefits the sinews and bones Benefits the neck Dispels wind-damp Clears GB fire Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Nourishes marrow of bones and brain
May help prevent stroke in elderly
Expels wind
Apoplexy, hemiplegia, pain of the neck, abdominal distention, pain in the hypochondriac region, muscular atrophy of the lower limbs, spastic pain of the leg, beriberi.
GB 40 Functions
Spreads LV Qi Clears GB heat and damp-heat Activates the channel and alleviates pain Benefits the joints Regulates the Shao Yang
Promotes smooth flow of LV Qi
Difficulty with decision making
Pain in the neck, swelling in the axillary region, pain in the hypochondriac region, vomiting, acid regurgitation, muscular atrophy of the lower limbs, pain and swelling of the external malleolus, malaria.
GB 41 Functions
Spreads LV Qi Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts Clears heat Benefits the eyes Transforms phlegm Dissipates nodules
Descends LV yang
Resolves damp-heat in genitals
Bi of hip
Frustration and anger to the point of tears
Headache, vertigo, pain of the outer canthus, scrofula, pain in the hypochondriac region, distending pain of the breast, irregular menstruation, pain and swelling of the dorsum of the foot, spastic pain of the foot and toe.
GB 42 Functions
Spreads LV Qi
Clears GB heat
Mastitis Breast distension Insufficient lactation Headaches Eye problems
Pain of the canthus, tinnitus, distending pain of the breast, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot.
GB 43 Functions
Clears heat
Benefits the head, ears and eyes
Clears damp-heat from channel
Reduces swelling
Temporal headaches from LV yang rising
Ear problems from damp-heat
Headache, dizziness and vertigo, pain of the outer canthus, tinnitus, deafness, swelling of the cheek, pain in the hypochondriac region, distending pain of the breast, febrile disease.
GB 44 Functions
Clears heat
Benefits the head
Benefits the chest and lateral costal region
Calms the spirit
Affects the eyes
Migraine, deafness, tinnitus, opthalmalgia, dream disturbed sleep, febrile diseases.
LV 1 Functions
Regulates Qi in lower jiao Treats shan disorders Alleviates pain Benefits the genitals Adjusts urination Regulates LV Qi Stops menstrual bleeding Revives consciousness Revives the spirit
Acute wind stroke
Clears damp-heat in lower jiao
Regulates menstruation
Treats impotence
Hernia, enuresis, uterine bleeding, prolapse of the uterus, epilepsy.
LV 2 Functions
Clears LV fire (#1 Point) Spreads LV Qi Pacifies LV wind Clears heat Stops bleeding Benefits the lower jiao
Subdues LV yang Headaches Epilepsy and convulsions in children Cough with phlegm or blood Cools the blood Shan disorders Calms the mind
Pain in the hypochondrium, abdominal distention, headache, dizziness and vertigo congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, deviation of the mouth, hernia, painful urination, retention of urine, irregular menstruation, epilepsy, insomnia, convulsion.
LV 3 Functions
Spreads LV Qi Subdues LV yang Extinguishes wind Nourishes LV blood and yin Clears the head and eyes Regulates menstruation Regulates the lower jiao
Drain excess patterns All gynecological disorders Activates the Chong and invigorates blood in the uterus Shan disorders Expels cold from LV channel (moxa)
Headache, dizziness and vertigo, insomnia, congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, depression, infantile convulsion, deviation of the mouth, pain in the hypochondriac region, uterine bleeding, hernia, enuresis, retention of urine, epilepsy, pain in the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus.
LV 4 Functions
Spreads LV Qi
Regulates the lower jiao
Clears LV channel stagnant heat
Eliminates damp
Shan disorders
Hernia, pain in the external genitalia, nocturnal emission, retention of urine, distending pain in the hypochondrium.
LV 5 Functions
Spreads the Liver Regulates Qi Benefits the genitals Clears damp and heat from lower jiao Regulates menstruation Treats plumpit Qi
Damp of genitals
Itchy genitals
Shan disorders
Retention of urine, enuresis, hernia, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, puritis vulvae, weakness and atrophy of the leg.
LV 6 Functions
Spreads LV Qi
Regulates lower jiao
Regulates blood
Drains damp
Actute pain in genitals
Moves LV Qi stagnation
Abdominal pain, hypochondriac pain, diarrhea, hernia, uterine bleeding, prolonged lochia.
LV 7 Functions
Dispels wind-damp
Benefits the knee
Relaxes the sinews
Pain of the knee.
LV 8 Functions
Clears damp-heat from lower jiao Benefits the genitals Invigorates blood Benefits the uterus Nourishes blood and yin
Nourish and invigorate blood in the uterus with painful periods
Prolapse of the uterus, lower abdominal pain, retention of urine, nocturnal emission, pain in the external genitalia, puritis vulvae, pain in the medial aspect of the knee and thigh.
LV 9 Functions
Adjusts menstruation
Regulates lower jiao
Pain in the lumbosacral region, lower abdominal pain, enuresis, retention of urine, irregular menstruation.
LV 10 Functions
Clears damp-heat
Benefits the lower jiao
Difficulty urinating
Harmonises Qi
Lower abdominal distention and fullness, retention of urine.
LV 11 Functions
Benefits the uterus
LV Qi flow smoothly through groin
Menstrual cramps
Irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, lower abdominal pain, pain in the thigh and leg.
LV 12 Functions
Eliminates cold from LV channel
Benefits the lower jiao
Shan disorders
Pain of genitals
Disperse cold stagnation of LV channel
Lower abdominal pain, hernia, pain in the external genitalia.
LV 13 Functionss
Harmonises LV and SP
Regulates middle and lower jiao
Fortifies the SP
Spreads the LV and regulates Qi
#1 point for LV overacting on SP
Smooth flow of LV Qi
SP yang deficiency
Affects spine
Abdominal distention, borborygmus, pain in the hypochondriac region, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion.
LV 14 Functions
Spreads the LV and regulates Qi
Invigorates blood
Disperses masses
Harmonises LV and ST
Belching, nausea, vomiting
Hypochondriac pain
Epigastric distension
Visual dizziness, vertigo
Hypochondriac pain, abdominal distention, hiccup, acid regurgitation, mastitis, depression, febrile disease.
CV 1 Functions
Regulates anterior and posterior yin
Drains damp-heat
Calms the spirit
Promotes resuscitation and revives from drowning
Moves Qi and blood
Subdues rebellious Qi from head
Resolves damp-heat in genitals
Benefits KD essence and yin
Vaginitis, retention of urine, hemorrhoids, nocturnal emission, enuresis, irregular menstruation, mental disorders.
CV 2 Functions
Benefits urination
Regulates lower jiao
Warms and invigorates KD
Consolidates/firms essence
Shan disorders
Retention and dribbling of urine, enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, morbid leukorrhea, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, hernia.
CV 3 Functions
Benefits the BL Regulates Qi transformation Drains damp-heat Drains dampness Treats leucorrhea Benefits the uterus Regulates menstruation Dispels stagnation Benefits lower jiao Fortifies KD
Genitor-urinary problems
Tonifies Yuan Qi
Clears heat
Better for excess than REN-4
Enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, morbid leukorrhea, frequency of urination, retention of urine, pain in the lower abdomen, prolapse of the uterus, vaginitis.
CV 4 Functions
Fortifies Yuan Qi Benefits essence Tonifies and nourishes KD Warms and fortifies SP Benefits uterus Assists conception Regulates lower jiao Benefits BL Regulates SI Qi Restores collapse
Strengthen body and mind Nourish blood and yin during any pattern of deficiency Tonifies KD yang Tonifies LU Qi Infertility Calms the mind and roots the Hun Roots Qi for anxiety Tonifies all aspects of Qi
Enuresis, nocturnal emission, frequency of urination, retention of urine, hernia, irregular menstruation, morbid leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, lower abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, prolapse of the rectum, flaccid type of apoplexy.
CV 5 Functions
Moves and benefits water passages
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Regulates uterus
Masses and stones of abdomen Rouses the Yuan Qi to spread to organs Tonifies Yuan Qi Urinary retention and difficulty Shan disorders Abdominal pain Menstrual disorders
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, edema, hernia, anuria, enuresis, amenorrhea, morbid leukorrhea, uterine bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage.
CV 6 Functions
Fosters Yuan Qi Tonifies Qi Tonifies KD Fortifies yang Rescues yang collapse Regulates Qi Harmonises blood
Source point for membranes
Extreme physical and mental exhaustion
Smoothes Qi
Abdominal pain, enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia, edema, diarrhea, dysentery, uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, morbid leukorrhea, postpartum hemorrhage, constipation, flaccid type of apoplexy, asthma.
CV 7 Functions
Regulates menstruation
Benefits the lower abdomen and genital region
Regulates uterus
Shan disorders
Nourishes KD Yin
Abdominal distention, edema, hernia, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, morbid leukorrhea, puritis vulvae, postpartum hemorrhage, abdominal pain around the umbilicus.
CV 8 Functions
Warms yang and rescues collapse
Warms and harmonises intestines
Strengthen KD and SP Yang
Abdominal pain, borborygmus, flaccid type of apoplexy, prolapse of the rectum, unchecked diarrhea.
CV 9 Functions
Regulates water passages
Treats edema
Harmonises intestines
Dispels accumulation
Separates clear and turbid
T & T and excretion of fluids in entire body
Clears damp
Abdominal pain, borboyrgmus, edema, retention of the urine, diarrhea.
CV 10 Functions
Harmonises ST
Regulates Qi
Dispels food stagnation
Promotes descending of ST Qi (corresponds to lower part of ST)
ABD distension, fullness
Promotes passage of food from ST to SI (controls pylorus)
Epigastric pain, abdominal pain, borborygmus, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea.
CV 11 Functions
Harmonises middle jiao
Regulates Qi
Promotes rotting and ripening of food in ST
Stomachache, vomiting, abdominal distention, borborygmus, edema, anorexia.
CV 12 Functions
Harmonises middle jiao Descends rebellion Tonifies the ST and fortifies the SP Regulates Qi Alleviates pain
ST-yin deficiency
Empty cold of the ST
Resolves damp and phlegm
Calms the mind
Stomachache, abdominal distention, borborygmus, nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, indigestion, insomnia.
CV 13 Functions
Harmonises ST Regulates Qi Descends rebellion of ST Qi Alleviates vomiting Regulates the HT
Morning sickness
Fullness of ST
Stomachache, abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, insomnia.
CV 14 Functions
Regulates HT Alleviates pain Descends LU Qi Unbinds the chest Transforms phlegm Calms the spirit Harmonises the ST and descends rebellion
Rebellious ST Qi with an emotional component (i.e. rebellious HT Qi)
Phlegm misting the HT
Pain in the cardiac region and the chest, nausea, acid regurgitation, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, mental disorders, epilepsy, palpitation.
CV 15 Functions
Regulates the HT
Calms the spirit
Descends LU Qi
Unbinds the chest
Source of “gao” (fat)
Descends HT and LU Qi
Source point of all yin organs
Pain in the cardiac region and the chest, nausea, mental disorders, epilepsy.
CV 16 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Regulates the ST
Descends rebellion
Distention and fullness in the chest and intercostal region, hiccup, nausea, anorexia.
CV 17 Functions
Regulates Qi Unbinds the chest Descends rebellion of LU and ST Benefits Pectoral Qi Benefits breasts Promotes lactation
Regulates breath and heartbeat
Descends LU Qi
Promotes breath from any obstruction
Tonifies Qi
Asthma, pain in the chest, fullness in the chest, palpitation, insufficient lactation, hiccup, difficulty in swallowing.
CV 18 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Regulates and descends Qi
Opens chest and LU
Pain in the chest, cough, asthma, vomiting.
CV 19 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Regulates and descends Qi
Opens chest and LU
Pain in the chest, asthma, cough.
CV 20 Functions
Unbinds the chest
Regulates and descends Qi
Opens chest and LU
Distending pain in the chest and intercostal region, asthma, cough.
CV 21 Functions
Descends ST Qi Dispels food accumulation Unbinds the chest Descends LU Qi Benefits the throat
Opens chest and LU
Pain in the chest, cough, asthma.
CV 22 Functions
Descends rebellious Qi
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Benefits the throat and voice
Descends LU Qi
Resolves phlegm
Promotes expectoration of sputum
Asthma, cough, sore throat, dry throat, hiccup, sudden hoarseness of the voice, difficulty in swallowing, goiter.
CV 23 Functions
Benefits the tongue
Descends and alleviates cough
Slurring with speech
Swelling and pain of the subglossal region, salivation with glossoplegia, aphasia with stiffness of tongue by apoplexy, sudden hoarseness of the voice, difficulty in swallowing.
CV 24 Functions
Extinguishes wind
Benefits the face
Regulates the REN
Dark urine
Shan disorders
Excessive production of saliva
Facial puffiness, swelling of the gums, toothache, salivation, mental disorders, deviation of the eyes and mouth.
GV 1 Functions
Treats hemorrhoids
Benefits the two lower orifices
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Calms the spirit
Regulate Ren and Du
Damp-heat in anus
Extinguishes interior wind
Impotence and pre-mature ejaculation
Diarrhea, bloody stools, hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum, constipation, pain in the lower back, epilepsy.
GV 2 Functions
Benefits lumbar region and legs
Dispels wind-damp
Eliminates interior wind
Drains heat from extremities (with LU-2, BL-40, LI-15)
Irregular menstruation, pain and stiffness of the lower back, hemorrhoids, muscular atrophy of the lower extremities, epilepsy.
GV 3 Functions
Dispels wind-damp
Benefits lumbar region and legs
Regulates the lower jiao
KD yang deficiency
Irregular menstruation, nocturnal emission, impotence, pain in the lumbosacral region, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities.
GV 4 Functions
Clears heat
Regulates the DU
Tonifies the KD
Benefits the lumbar spine and knees
Tonifies KD Yang
Benefits Essence
Benefits Yuan Qi
Chronic weakness (both physical and mental)
Stiffness of the back, lumbago, impotence, nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation, diarrhea, indigestion, luekorrhea
GV 5 Functions
Benefits the lumbar spine
Benefits the lower jiao
Pain and stiffness of the lower back, diarrhea, indigestion.
GV 6 Functions
Fortifies the SP
Drains damp
Benefits the spine
Pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, jaundice, epilepsy, stiffness and pain of the back.
GV 7 Functions
Benefits the spine
Benefits the middle jiao
Pain in the epigastric region, low back pain, stiffness of the back.
GV 8 Functions
Soothes the LV
Pacifies wind
Relives spasm
Calms the spirit
Relaxes sinews
Epilepsy, stiffness of the back, gastric pain.
GV 9 Functions
Fortifies the SP Drains damp Regulates the middle jiao Treats jaundice Unbinds the chest and diaphragm
Regulates LV and GB
Resolves damp-heat
Jaundice, cough, asthma, stiffness of the back, pain in the chest and back.
GV 10 Functions
Alleviates cough and wheezing
Clears heat
Detoxifies poison
Empirical point for furuncles
Cough, asthma, furuncles, back pain, neck rigidity.
GV 11 Functions
Tonifies the HT and LU
Calms the spirit
Clears heat
Pacifies wind
Clears HT fire
Poor memory, anxiety, palpitation, pain and stiffness of the back, cough, cardiac pain.
GV 12 Functions
Clears heat from HT and LU
Calms the spirit
Pacifies wind
Tonify LU Qi
Generally strengthens body
Cough, asthma, epilepsy, pain and stiffness of the back, furuncles.
GV 13 Functions
Clears heat (residual post-viral fatigue)
Treats malaria
Regulates the DU
Regulates Shao Yang (alternating fever and chills)
Stiffness of the back, headache, malaria, febrile diseases.
GV 14 Functions
Expels wind Firms exterior Clears heat Treats malaria Tonifies deficiency Pacifies wind
Releases the exterior Regulates Wei and Ying Qi Tonifies yang (especially KD and HT) Clears the mind Stimulates the brain
Neck pain and rigidity, malaria, febrile diseases, epilepsy, afternoon fever, cough, asthma, common cold, back stiffness.
GV 15 Functions
Benefits the tongue
Treats muteness
Eliminates wind
Benefits neck and spine
Voice disorders
Stimulate speech
Nourishes brain
Clears mind
Mental disorders, epilepsy, deafness and mute, sudden hoarseness of voice, apoplexy, stiffness of the tongue and aphasia, occipital headache, neck rigidity.
GV 16 Functions
Eliminates wind
Nourishes the sea of marrow
Benefits head and neck
Calms the spirit
Stimulates brain
Clears the mind
Headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, epistaxis, sore throat, post apoplexy aphasia, hemiplegia, mental disorders.
GV 17 Functions
Eliminates wind
Alleviates pain
Benefits the eyes
Calms the spirit
Clears brain and mind
Severe giddy-ness
Epilepsy, dizziness, pain and stiffness of the neck.
GV 18 Functions
Pacifies wind
Alleviates pain
Calms the spirit
Headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, mania.
GV 19 Functions
Eliminates wind
Alleviates pain
Calms the spirit
Severe anxiety
Headache, vertigo, mania, epilepsy.
GV 20 Functions
Pacifies wind Subdues yang Raises yang Counters prolapse Benefits the head and sense organs Nourishes the sea of marrow Benefits the brain Calms the spirit
Expels excess yang in the head Raises clear yang to head Headaches from LV yang or wind Lifts mood Promotes resuscitation
Headache, vertigo, tinnitus, nasal obstruction, aphasia by apoplexy, coma, mental disorders, prolapse of the rectum and the uterus.
GV 21 Functions
Eliminates wind
Treats convulsions
Benefits the head
No needling on infants
Epilepsy, dizziness, blurring of vision, vertical headache, rhinorrhea.
GV 22 Functions
Benefits the nose
Eliminates wind
Benefits the head
Headache, blurring of vision, rhinorrhea, infantile convulsion.
GV 23 Functions
Benefits the eyes and nose Eliminates wind Benefits the head and face Dispels swelling Calms the spirit
Chronic damp in nose
Headache, ophthalmalgia, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, mental disorders.
GV 24 Functions
Benefits the brain Calms the spirit Eliminates wind Benefits the head Benefits the nose and eyes
Subdues rebellious yang
Severe anxiety and fear
Moves Qi inwards and downwards
Epilepsy, anxiety, palpitation, insomnia, headache, vertigo, rhinorrhea.
GV 25 Functions
Benefits the nose
Loss of consciousness, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, rosacea.
GV 26 Functions
Restores consciousness Calms the spirit Benefits the face and nose Expels wind Benefits the spine and treats acute lumbar sprain (empirical)
Mental disorder, epilepsy, hysteria, infantile convulsion, coma, apoplexy faint, trismus, deviation of the mouth and eyes, puffiness of the face, pain and stiffness of the lower back.
GV 27 Functions
Clears heat
Generates fluid and benefits the mouth
Calms the spirit
Mental disorders, lip twitching, lip stiffness, pain and swelling of the gums.
GV 28 Functions
Clears heat
Benefits the gums
Benefits the nose and eyes
Mental disorders, pain and swelling of the gums, rhinorrhea.
Si Shen Cong Functions
Calms the spirit
Pacifies wind
Benefits the eyes and ears
Yin Tang Functions
Pacifies wind
Calms the Shen
Benefits the nose
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Frontal and ocular headaches
Yu Yao Functions
Benefits the eyes
Relaxes the sinews
Alleviates pain
Pain around and behind the eyes
Qiu Hou Functions
Benefits the eyes
Tai Yang Functions
Eliminates wind Clears heat Reduces swelling Stops pain Activates Qi and blood
Temporal headaches
Eye disorders
Er Jian Functions
Clears heat
Dissipates swelling
Benefits the eyes and throat
Close proximity to allergy point in auricular acupuncture—used for anaphylaxis
Bi Tong Functions
Benefits the nose
Bai Lao Functions
Transforms phlegm
Dissipates nodules
Stops cough
Calms dyspnoea
Acute asthma attack
An Mian Functions
Calms the spirit
Pacifies the LV
Jia Cheng Jiang Functions
Eliminates wind
Activates Qi and blood
Alleviates pain
Deviation of the mouth
Facial paralysis
Gum pain
Ding Chuan Functions
Calms dyspnea and wheezing
Stops cough
Asthma (stronger than Bailao)
Huan Men Functions
Nourishes yin
Clears heat
Tonifies Qi
Wei Guan Xia Shu Functions
Clears heat
Generates fluids
Yao Yan Functions
Strengthens KD
Benefits lumbar area
Shi Qi Zhui Xia Functions
Tonifies KD
Promotes urination
Activates Qi and blood
Alleviates pain
Hua Tou Jia Ji Functions
Regulates and harmonises the five zang and six fu
Nervous tissue disorders
San Jia Jiou Functions
Regulates Qi
Alleviates pain
Stops diarrhea
Abdominal pain
Shan disorders
Running piglet Qi
Zi Gong Functions
Raises and regulates Qi
Regulates menstruation
Alleviates pain
Uterine prolapse
Ti Tuo Functions
Raises and regulates Qi
Uterine prolapse
Shi Xuan Functions
Opens the portals
Revives consciousness
Drains heat
Pacifies wind
Stronger than Jing Well
Si Feng Functions
Fortifies SP
Dissipates accumulation
Childhood malnutrition diseases
Ba Xie Functions
Clears heat
Dissipates swelling
Febrile diseases
Arthritis of the hands
Yao Tong Xue Functions
Invigorates Qi and blood in the lumbar region
Luo Zhen Functions
Invigorates Qi and blood in the neck region
Mostly acute pain
Er Bai Functions
Treats prolapse of rectum
Treats hemorrhoids
Zhou Jian Functions
Transforms phlegm
Dissipates nodules
Carbuncles and furuncles
Jian Qian Functions
Activates Qi and blood
Benefits the shoulder joint (anterior)
Bai Chong Wo Functions
Clears heat from the blood
Eliminates wind
Drains dampness
He Ding Functions
Activates Qi and blood
Benefits the knee joint
Xi Yan Functions
Dispels wind-damp
Reduces swelling
Alleviates pain
Lan Wei Xue Functions
Activates Qi and blood
Clears heat and fire poison from LI
Acute appendicitis
Dan Nang Xue Functions
Clears heat
Drains damp
Any GB issues
Ba Feng Functions
Clears heat
Dissipates swelling
Arthritis of the feet