Podzol Soils Flashcards
What does podzol mean
under ashes
what are podzols?
an infertile acidic soil characterized by a white or grey subsurface layer resembling ash, from which minerals have been leached into a lower dark-coloured stratum.
Which humus layer do podzols have?
MOR - no recognisable plant remains (all broken down) - forms distinct horizon
What is the eluvial horizon like in podzols?
Distinctively light coloured
What causes the eluvial horizon to be light coloured?
Leaching causes loss of iron and/or aluminium
What is the illuvial horizon like in podzols?
brightly coloured
Why is the illuvial horizon brightly coloured?
Because it has the iron and aluminium deposits that were washed out of the eluvial horizon by leaching
What is the profile of podzol layers?
Litter LF (partially decomposed organic debris) F - Fermentation Layer H - Humus = MOR E - Eluvial horizon Bh - Illuvial horizon (iron deposits) Hard Soil (Plus potential iron pan)
At what speed to podzols form?
Very slowly
why doe podzols have thin humus layers?
little humification because:
- trees have needles not leaves
- shed only once a year
- needles breakdown v slowly
- few biota live in cold climates
why does heavy leaching occur?
Heavy rainfall and melt water
Why do podzol horizons have distinct layers and little mixing?
Few biota live there
What are the 5 forming factors of podzols?
Parent Material Topography Timing Climate Vegetation
What type of rock usually forms podzols?
- i.e: granite, schist
what type of topography do podzols form on?
sloping sites - from sea level to mountain summits
how long does it take podzols to form?
Very slowly - since end of last ice age ~10,000 years ago