POD 2 -b ( presentation - ?) Flashcards
how do you create a clinical questions?
be inquisitive. challenge an idea. fortify a question. think simple- grab low hanging fruit. this will then lead you into deeper studies.
What are the components of study design?
- method
- consider type of study
- consider statistical approach
How should you form the purpose of your study?
Get a clinical question and use literature review to help get the purpose down.
What are the types of research studies?
case ( very approachable for beginning researchers)
case series( look at multiple patients with same issue), case control ( A and B comparison)
retrospective ( look back on data already filed).
prospective ( implement method and test something)
animal ( level 5…not that strong)
clinical trials
systematic reviews/meta-analysis ( highest level)
what are some types of statistical tests that can be done?
analysis of variance ( ANOVA- differences between groups, repeated measurements)
chi-squared( goodness of fit for two values)
regression analysis ( estimate relationship between variables)
T -test ( 2 way comparison- less than ANOVA)
P-value ( likelihood it could happen by chance…0.01)
confidence interval: CI- value lies between range.
Factor analysis?
factor analysis: describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved variables called factors.
Mann Whitney?
is used to compare differences between two independent groups when the dependent variable is either ordinal or continuous, but not normally distributed.
Mean square weighted deviation?
used extensively in geochronology also known as the reduced chi-squared. The Mean Square Weighted Deviation (MSWD) is a measure of goodness of fit that takes into account the relative importance of both the integral and external reproducibility.
Pearson’s product momentum correlation coefficient?
a statistic measuring the linear interdependence between two variables or two sets of data.
Turkey’s post hoc?
we will first find the differences between the means of all of our groups. We will compare this difference score to a critical value to see if the difference is significant. The critical value in this case is the HSD (honestly significant difference) and it must be computed.
Spearman’s ranked correlation coefficient?
test the association between two ranked variables, or one ranked variable and one measurement variable. You can also use Spearman rank correlation instead of linear regression/correlation for two measurement variables if you’re worried about non-normality, but this is not usually necessary.
T test
Paired T test
Non paired T test
T test: 1comparison between two groups. compares the means of the two groups of data - the test determines whether the data has come from the same population or not
paired: do pre and post tests change in a statistically significant manner. data is derived from study subjects who have been measured at two time points
non- paired:” student t test” t test compares the means of two unmatched groups. applied to two independent groups e.g. diabetic patients versus non-diabetics
why should I consider the limitations of a study?
value in identifying limits. helps you determine the believability or understand placed you have doubt. limitation are related to the methodology. a limit is also a place you can find a new place of study. seeing limitations demonstrates that you have though critically about the research problem.
what is a study limitation?
characteristics of design methodology that impact or influence the application or interpretation of the results of your study. constraints on generalizability and utility findings which occur bc of the study methodology.
What are some common limitations?
sample size.
lack of prior research on the topic
lack of reliable data
measures used to collect data
what is a retrospective review of the relationship of Metatarsus adductus to the proximal fifth metatarsal Jones fracture?
Looking back on medical files from the past and relating how often ppl that walk pigeon toed ( metatarsus adductus) suffer from Jones fractures. ( 5th digit). Wondering if there is a correlation and why that might be?
What is a Jones fracture more specifically?
Transverse fracture of the fifth metatarsal metaphyseal diaphyseal junction. not the same as a stress fracture. Often are non-unions ( 2/3 of patients), due to poor blood supply-require surgery. often ppl who suffer this injury have varus ( towards midline) hindfoot alignment- increasing risk and delayed healing. (Raiken et al) … and it has been seen commonly in metatarsus adductus ( feet pointing towards midline).
Method of study in order to see correlation between Jones and transverse place forefoot relationship?
AP radiographs of 30 ppl with Jones to 30 who are asymptomatic. digital software to measure angle of adductus. reliability of these measures was done with intra-rater technique ( measured 5x and averaged… same person measured). Then angles were used to compare patient vs control group.
some limits of the Jones metatarsus adductus study?
matching patient with control groups is hard. controls were DMU students and younger ppl. but all adult feet. it was good that similar number of females and males were matched. however small study size. hindloot alignment was not measured on subject group. next study should include degree of adductus and the hindfoot alignment.
Results of the Jones study?
Jones fracture patients had a 20 degree angle of adductus while controls had a 14 degree angle. use of student t test. statistical significance. p< 0.005. This is not by chance! Independent T test shows us confidently (995/1000) that the two groups are different from each other
results of metatarsus adductus and Jones?
adductus ppl are at risk for Jones. develop exercises for prevention. orthotic use. educate patient on their susceptibility. other methods est on how to heal JOnes with metatarsus adductus and determining healing time with use of intramedullary screw. Increased healing time with metatarsus adductus.