How to take a Hx in pod Flashcards
what is included in a history?
CC HPI PMH PSH allergies/medicaions SHx FHx. ROS
What should be included in a new patient hx and physical exam from a podiatric perspective?
vitals general assessment ( heart, lungs) lower extremity: * vascular * derm * neurologic * musculoskeletal - complete and studies are labs
notes: if they need surgery, make sure to check heart and lungs. otherwise this is not pertinent.
our visits are problem focuses oftentimes. 15 minute time slots
How to write a good note…
in order to write a good note: look at your diagnosis, does your note point in this direction…. does it list symptoms that are analogous to the diagnosis.
objective findings are what are seen.
these will help me arrive at a diagnosis . A good note connects the dots between the diagnosis and my clinical findings. Also, does there CC connect with the diagnosis- it oftentimes should.
Podiatric assessment and plan…
your diagnosis should make sense with the CC the patient gave you. Symptoms should align with diagnosis.
this should include differential diagnosis. tests ordered.
plan of action. medication. results. patient education, and referrals. Also make sure to list who their PCP is, so they follow up with them.
taking a Hx…
“CC” - use patient’s words
onset, previous episodes, quality, radiating, regions, severity ( 1-10), trauma, and associated symptoms.
current and past medical illnesses
THE CHADS ( thyroid, htn, emphysema, cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, stroke.)
surgeries anesthesia tolerance hospitalizations invasive studies *** these are especially important to gather if this is a patient we might be operating on.
Allergies and Medications…
A: drugs, environmental, food.. describe reaction and treatment
M: prescription, OTC, include vitamins and minerals.
relationships are important in terms of post surgical care.
relationship status is not absolutely essential in this case. hit on the topic, dont worry about details.
know if there are many blood disorders ( esp if we are operating), as well as anesthesia reactions and other health issues that might affect surgery.
some foot disorders are hereditary: club foot and bunions. also bleeding disorders.
cardio ( CP, palpitations, edema and claudication… Reyaud’s- foot circulation and how they handle anethesia)
resp( SOB, wheezing, cough and hemopytysis)
GI ( change in appetite, bowels, weight loss, heart burn… important to know based on meds you prescribe them)
endocrine ( dry skin, cold/heat intolerance, frequency of urination)
***ask about joints, trends with arthritis.get away from asking programmed questions and really think through asking pertinent system reviews. this will be more relevant and specific in podiatry.
more ROS
musculoskeletal ( joint pain, stiffness, loss of strength, atrophy)
hematologic (bleeding issues, anemia, and blood clots)
neurologic ( numbness, tingling and tremors)
head and neck ( vertigo, syncope, memory loss, and soreness)
vitals ( BP, temp, pulse, respirations, height and weight)
general (alert to person, place and time, other observations)
heart ( rate, rhythm, murmurs and bruits)
lungs (respirations, regular and unlabored, lungs clear, no wheezing crackles, or rubs. )
*** since we admit, oftentimes we will have a medical consult, they will do their own Hx and exam. but we still need to make sure we are doing a good job.
PE of lower extremity?
vascular and derm
vascular: pulses, capillary refill time, edema, pallow on elevation rubor with dependency ( if normal- proceed to other aspects, time is precious)
derm: texture, turgor, temperature, hair growth, lesions and irregularities. ( ulcer is not an observation- it is a diagnosis.. .make sure to document correctly)
PE of lower extremity?
neuro and musculo
neuro: deep tendon reflexes, viboratory, 2 pt discrimination, proprioception, sharp/dull monofilament, balance, tinel’s sign (check for nerve damage - like with carpel tunnel)
* ** note which tests you did, dont generalize that you did all the tests when you did 2/3. dont document what you didnt do.
Musculo: strength, ROM, deformities and gait ( tailor this to the complaint)
PE: special studies
XR, blood work and microscopic studies.
these are all objective… giving us info
***make sure to order and read results in the same setting, then it goes in your current note. HOwever if imaging is done off site at a different location- then you need to put it in a subsequent note.
differential diagosis ( but if its a bunion... its a bunion. dont need to come up with something else). however if it is general pain, then we need to make sure to have a differential diagnosis. we suspect 1 of 3 things until we get imaging back.