PO101 2 Flashcards
Research questions in comparative politics
seeks to construct arguments based on evidence to support cause and effect.Researchers aim to answer and explain questions on political phenomena by comparing them with different countries
Major question in comparative politics
Why are some countries democratic and some aren’t, why are some people wealth and why are not, why do countries have different forms of government
Empirical vs Normative arguments
Empirical aims to explain why the political world operates rather than a normative judgement on how it should operate.
Objectives of comparatives
they aim and try to explain political outcomes such as democracy and authoritarian and identify the causes . They might have string options but still focus on explaining and understanding rather than given an option based answer
The role of concepts
Concepts are abstract ideas used to ask and answer questions about the social and political world they should be clear coherent , logically consists and useful for research
Satori’s ladder of abstraction
concepts vary from specific to general ideas d researches place concepts on the ladder based by search on case
The concept of freedom
The concepts of freedom is discussed as an example of complex and multifaceted concept that has multiple interpretation .
Researches must make concepts measurable to determine their presence and quantity within a case
Answer research questions
aims to answer questions by combing empirical evidence and theory by using evidence and facts too support a hypotheses.
Challenges in Social science
faces causality due to how complex the modern world is and how many factors influence political life
Laws vs theory
Social scientist usually rely on theories rather than universal law the strength of a theory is evaluated based on their ability to provide a powerful explanation.
Scientic interference
they interfere by using quantitive and qualitative research method
Contribution to comparative work
Contributes knowledge though, refining ides , therortical critique and empirical analysis
The roles of theories
Theories are general explanations of empirical phenomena supported by facts and evidence to aim to explain how the world works
Hypotheses testing
when the hypotheses is tested by data and examine specific observations in th case they can be challenged or supported by evidence