PNP Policies In Media Relations Flashcards
(TDIDM Memorandum dated 02/18/2014)
Reiteration of Policies Relative to Criminal Investigation and Media Relations
•only police stations and operating units with inherent investigative mandates and functions are authorized to entertain and investigate cases
A. Prohibition of Staff Offices to Investigate and Maintain Police Blotters
•To ensure the balance between the right of an accused to presumption of innocence, human dignity, due process and equal protection of laws versus the right of the state to public order and safety and the right to information
B. Policy Prescribing the Presentation or Non-Presentation of Suspects to the Media
- As a general rule there is no prohibition on the accessibility of the public or media to the information contained in the Police Blotter
- Except for cases involving victims of sex crimes and CICLs (see procedure in availing of information)
- if the person that causes the entry requests confidentiality for person reasons; and
- If the entry is for “record purpose only”
C. Access to information in the Police Blotter
- No undue disclosure of such investigation, competence, techniques, requirement or procedure;
- No opinionated statements during media interviews for heads of units/spokespersons;
- Investigators on case shall not accommodate media interviews to avoid being biased; and
- Request for interviews must be referred to their respective Chiefs of offices/unit.
D. Criminal investigation is a Classified Police Procedure
(TACDA Memorandum dated 01/03/2014)
Reiteration on Policies/Guidelines on Giving Statements Comments and Opinion to the Media
- Public Criticism
- Affects the positive accomplishments of the PNP; and
- Hampers the PNP’s vision to become a highly capable, effective and credible national institution
Rationale: Non-compliance to existing PNP Policies on Media Relations resulted to the ff:
Reiteration: Review, Adhere and Strictly Observe PNP Policies and Guidelines to Promote Consistency and Credibility in _____
Public Pronouncements
A. Be courteous at all times especially in the presence of the public;
B. State remarks or opinions that will lessen the controversy;
C. Avoid speculations; and
D. Use words and languages that are appropriate so as not to offend the public.
For questions on ongoing investigations ____________ may answer media inquiries provided such act will not jeopardize any police operations or prejudice the outcome of any investigation.
the Unit Commander concerned or his designated Spokesperson
Do not speculate on matters that are still subject of on-going investigations. ___________ shall not answer any press inquiries without expressed consent of their unit commanders.
Investigators on case
Unit Commanders are directed to initiate the issuance of press release immediately after the discovery and completion of the __________ of an incident after due compliance on policy pertaining to reporting of significant events.
five (5) Cardinal information
- “Single Voice Reporting”;
- “Tell only we are investigating”;
- “We are in the process of evaluation / validation”
- Station Commanders should not give details unless investigation is done;
- “Investigator’s role is to gather evidence”;
- “Media members should not be allowed to interfere with on-going investigation”;
- Investigators should review the Investigation Manual;
- “No immediate conclusion”;
- For cases being investigated by STG, only the designated TF Spokesperson or Commander may provide information;
- Immediate reporting of incidents on explosion /bombing and those involving foreign nationals.
Additional Guidance from the Chief, PNP:
PNP Policies in Media Relations
Reiteration of Policies Relative to Criminal Investigation and Media Relations(TDIDM Memorandum dated 02/18/2014)
Policy on the Decentralization of PIO Function
- Respective commanders or their spokespersons shall release information to the local media within their AORs ____*hours after a major incident.
- ______** shall be released/answered by local unit commanders or spokesperson
- ______*** shall be the responsibility of the PNP Chief, PIO/Chief, PNP Spokesperson
- two (2)
- *Local issues
- **National issues
Policy on Non-Presentation of Suspects in a “Firing Line” to the Media
(Chief, PNP Memorandum dated October 7, 2008)
Access to Police Blotter
- Memo from C, PNP re Decentralization of PIO Functions on access to PNP documents by the media and the public
A. …information are accessible but with caution to the public and the media as maybe indicated in the police blotter (entry may be treated as confidential and “for record purpose” only as requested)…
B. … RA No. 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2004) and RA No. 8505 (Rape Victim Assistance Protection Act of 1998) protect the identity of the victim and suspect.
Access to Police Blotter
Safety of media members is of primordial concern no embedded media shall be allowed in a very risky situation.
Policy on embedded media
The rule means that when a legal matter or controversy has come under the jurisdiction of a court, nobody, including the press and other media should interfere by publication or public clamor with the court’s proper handling of the proceeding.
Sub judice Rule
(sub judice),
•PNP Officers shall be in proper uniform during Media Interview
Policy/LOI Tamang Bihis
Compliance to the Promotion of Respect for Human Rights
- PNP members shall at all time uphold the rights of the acccused, thus maltreatment of suspects under police custody by complainants and their families ___*
- Prevent manhandling of suspects or any other form of ___**.
- must be prevented.
* *torture
- Most Investigative information when disseminated to the public thru the media may jeopardize on-going police operations or prejudice the outcome of any investigation.
- _______ must be treated as a Classified Police Procedure.
Non-Disclosure of Investigative Information
Criminal Investigation
Guidelines on Media Management During Crisis Situation
Isolation is Critical in Handling Media
Inner Perimeter
Command Post
Media Center (PIO)
Reminder for Media Management During Crisis Situation
- Release of information shall be performed by the ____*;
- Designate a Press area or Media Center;
- Requests for information shall be coursed through and to be provided by the _____**;
- If possible, hold a Press Conference or media briefing within _____***hours from the time of incident and as frequent as possible.
- ground commander or by the designated spokesperson
- *PIO/Spokesperson
- **two (2)
•Maintain Control – Release what you want and when you want.
•Emphasize your concern for the welfare of all involved. Be sincere.
•Set up a safe area for the media.
•Set the rules of the coverage.
•Constantly update the media.
•Eliminate obstacles wherever possible.
●Have needed records available for your reference if possible.
●Don’t play favorites.
●Keep cool.
●Always accentuate the positive. Never fail to acknowledge the cooperation of the media.
●As much as possible never officially judge the mental condition of the suspects in front of the media.
●Make tactical moves confidential.
Procedures for the Designated Spokesperson During Crisis Situation
It is the responsibility of the PNP to safeguard the lives not only of the victim and suspects but likewise members of the media.
____** shall not be allowed access to any area or scene of an incident or crime where there is possibility that evidence maybe damaged, altered, destroyed or otherwise prejudiced by its existence being published of portrayed.
Be reminded always that the duty of the media is to inform the public and the duty of the PNP is to ensure the safety of the media and the public.
- No access of Media to Crisis/Conflict Area
* *News Media
Tactical movements can be easily monitored/preempted and in the process pose high risks to our troops and the situation
No Live Coverage of Actual Conflict Situations
Media Relations during Crisis Situation
•The public is represented by the ____*, and this medium has a recognized right to information that may vitally concern the community, employees, their friends, families and the victims.
•In times of crisis the ___** plays a very important role in dealing with the media and must observe certain procedures.
- press
* *PIO/ Spokesperson
Media Relations during Crisis Situation
•Remember that until after the operation is concluded, the identity of the suspects or the hostages (in a hostage negotiation) should be _____* more so their addresses. (This is to prelude media conjecture on the motives and possibilities and also creating undue panic particularly in instances of mistaken names and identities).
confidential information
Media Management on Crime Incidents
On Crime Incidents:
- PNP personnel shall extend every _____* to news media representatives at crime scenes. This may include closer access of personnel and equipment than available to the general public to the degree that it does not interfere with the police mission or the movement of traffic.
- At the scene of such crimes as hostage and barricaded situations, the officer in charge shall designate a ______**as early as possible and as close to the scene as safety and operational requirements allow.
- reasonable courtesy
* *preliminary press area
Media Management on Crime Incidents
On Crime Incidents:
•In cases where a suicide or suspected suicide has occurred, only factual information describing how the incident happened may be released to the media. The name, age, address, sex and occupation of the victim may also be released but only after the suicide’s next of kin had been duly informed of the incident. The fact that a suicide note exists may also be acknowledged without further comment. The content of such notes is ___* and shall not be released except as provided by law.
personal and confidential
Media Management on Crime Incidents
On Crime Incidents:
•Suspects or accused persons in custody shall ___* made for photographs, telecast or interviews, nor shall departmental personnel pose with suspects or accused persons in custody until after investigation had been conducted.
not be posed or arrangements
On scene of the crime of operations
The ____* shall not be allowed access to any area or scene of an incident or crime where there is possibility that evidence may be damaged, altered, destroyed or otherwise prejudice by its existence being published or portrayed.
When the scene of the crime operatives (SOCO) have finished processing the crime scene and have secured all evidences, members of the news media maybe allowed to ____* and take footages /photograph of the scene upon permission of the commanding officer or SCO Team Leader.
__*news media
____**enter the area
Recovered/collected items/pieces of evidence may be presented to the news media only after the same had been processed, accounted and turned over to the _____*.
On private property, photography, film or videotape recording must require the permission of the owner on the owner’s representative.
Information such as type and quantity of property taken during robbery incidents maybe released by the SOCO/first responders/investigators at crime scenes but beyond that, the SOCO/first responders/investigators must avoid giving ____** that may affect the result of the investigation to the news media.
- evidence custodian
* *premature information
Utilizing Media in Investigation:
•When an individual is charged with a criminal offense and is sought by law enforcement authorities, photographs or mug shots may be released to the media to help ___* the subject.
•No ___** photographs, mug shots, videotape, film or composites of subjects in custody may be released to the media only as authorize by the authorized designee or chiefs of office.
- locate
* *departmental
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
1.Report immediately to law enforcers the occurrence of or report of hostage/critical incident that were brought to the media’s attention.
2.Look for the ____* upon arrival at the scene of the crisis. If there is none, stay at the police designated media and broadcast area (outside of the police line).
*designated spokesperson
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
3. ___* is paramount. If no police line has been established yet, stay in a safe place and refrain from making actions that may aggravate the situation.
- Always assume that terrorists, gunmen, hostage-takers have access to live reporting (radio, television). Blow-by-blow account or detailed annotation is ____***.
Personal safety
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
5. During live coverage, the following are encouraged:
- Before releasing information, seriously weigh benefits to the public as against the potential harm the information may cause.
- Avoid inflammatory catchwords and phrases.
- Avoid making telephone calls to interview terrorists, gunmen, hostage-takers, etc.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
•Do not report police operational plans to include assault plan, weapon, tactics or positions of Special weapon and Tactics (SWAT) team or similar units.
- Do not report any information intercepted from police communication.
- Explain to listeners/viewers why certain information is being withheld by the police authorities.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
•Give no information be it factual or speculative about the mental condition or motives of the hostage-taker.
- Aside from reporting on the demand of the hostage-taker, refrain from giving analyses or comments on the demand.
- Exercise caution when interviewing family members of friends of those involved in standoff situations.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
•Be cautious in reporting on the medical condition of hostages until crisis has concluded.
•Go beyond the basic story of hostage-taking or standoff. Focus on other angles of the incident.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
6. Television crew can shoot footages to be aired after the incident or just enough to establish the crisis situation (for flash news or breaking news only).
- While hostage taking is on-going do nothing to further endanger the lives/safety of hostages such as turning on spotlights, camera lights, etc.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
6. Television crew can shoot footages to be aired after the incident or just enough to establish the crisis situation (for flash news or breaking news only).
- While hostage taking is on-going do nothing to further endanger the lives/safety of hostages such as turning on spotlights, camera lights, etc.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
8. Fight the urge of becoming any player in any standoff or hostage situation such as becoming a negotiator. (Journalists will be the last resort only or if requested by the hostage-taker; Provided that the clearance has been secured from the news organization of the journalist and the task group commander and the journalist requested has knowledge on hostage negotiations and the latter directing the course of the negotiation).
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation
9. Keep helicopters away from the where the standoff is as it may affect any ongoing negotiations.
- Observe this protocol at all times.
PNP-Media Protocol during Crisis Situation