Media relations 101 Flashcards
refer on how the police (PNP) should deal and interact with members of the working press and how the media are expected to respond to them.
It is about bridging a good relationship with the media.
Media Relations
How do we bridge good relationship
By knowing and understanding the media, as well as learn their trade.
Why do the MEDIA and the PNP exist?
Constitution of the Philippine Republic
Why does the media exist?
SEC. 7. The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
Why does the PNP Exist?
● Section 4 Art. 2 1987 Constitution provides that, “… It is the policy of the State to promote peace and order, ensure public safety and further strengthen local government aimed towards the effective delivery of basic services for the citizenry through the establishment of a highly and competent police force that is national in scope and civilian and character”.
Section 23, Chapter III, of Republic Act 6975 “An Act establishing the Philippine National Police under a Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government”, or other wise known as “The PNP Law”.
● Amended by RA 8551 “The PNP Reform Act of 1998” and further amended by RA 9708.
Media members represent the public therefore whatever treatment the public deserve from us should also be accorded to the media;
●All places of free access to the public is also of free access to the media;
●Any information that the public rightfuly deserves to know must be accessible to the media.
Just remember
is the collective communication outlet or tools that are used to store and deliver information or data.
It is either associated with communication media, or the specialized mass media communication businesses such as print media and the press, photography, advertising, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television) and publishing.
Media (the singular form of which is medium)
Types of Media
Print Media -Newspapers -Magazines Radio Broadcast TV Broadcast Internet (Social Media)
Qualities of Media Member
Skeptic Arrogant Strained Competitive Ambitious Friendly
●somebody who doubts something is true: a doubter of accepted beliefs
●synonyms: cynic, disbeliever, doubter, doubting Thomas, questioner
proudly contemptuous: feeling or showing self-importance and contempt or disregard for others
●synonyms: conceited, haughty, egotistic, bigheaded, superior, proud, overconfident, supercilious, self-important
●tense: characterized by tension and covert hostility
●not natural: not natural or spontaneous but done with effort
●synonyms: stressed, tense, worried, nervous, anxious, edgy, overwrought, nervy
●involving attempt to win: involving or decided by competition
●wanting to beat others: inclined toward wanting to achieve more than others
●better than competition: as good as or slightly better than others because of being good value or worth more
●synonyms: spirited, bloodthirsty, gung ho, ready for action, cutthroat, driven, aggressive
●having strong desire for success: having a strong desire to be successful in life
●needing great effort to succeed: sounding impressive but difficult to achieve because very high standards have been set or a great deal of work is required
●strongly desirous: with a strong desire to have or do something
●synonyms: determined, go-getting, ruthless, striving, pushy, motivated, aspiring, single-minded
●Affectionate and trusting: characteristic of or suitable to a relationship between friends
●helpful: tending to be beneficial or favorable toward somebody or something
●on same side: not antagonistic toward or in conflict with another
●synonyms: welcoming, approachable, outgoing, responsive, sociable, open, pleasant, kindly, affable
In general who must provide info/speak?
●Generally, it is the responsibility of the Unit Head/Chief to respond to queries raised by the press, decide on what press releases/statements would be given out to the media with utmost observance of the policy of rational transparency in all police activities and upholding the right of the people to be informed on matters of public interest.
Proper Decorum in Dealing with the Media
●Never, ever lie;
●Don’t Speculate;
●Don’t Argue;
●Talk only about what you know (If you don’t know say so); and
●“No comment” doesn’t work (The viewer may perceive you are guilty or hiding something. Instead say
“ we are very concerned about that, we will see to it that the rule of law is followed, etc.)
●Be yourself (Act out your character); ●Don’t get angry; ●Wear proper uniform during interviews; ●Listen, pause, think, then answer; ●Each statement should stand alone; ●Look at the reporter, not the camera; ●If you choke, ask to start again; and ●Talk only about what you know.
Proper Decorum
Communication Strategies During a Crisis
Mange the issue
Open Communication Policy
– Deny that a crisis exists, refuse to answer media questions or ignore the issue.
Release partial information or delay information while concealing unfavorable facts.
•Manage the issue -
–This is the best course of action and is much easy to manage. The media is fully and promptly informed while providing background information to put facts into perspective.
Open Communication Policy
“ A story candidly told, while perhaps embarrassing in its immediate impact, is less damaging than a cover-up version that generates rumors and suspicions.”
Just remember
As senior police officials, you will soon be PDs / CDs, thus you are considered the ___ in your AORs
•You will soon be the “face” of the PNP in your turfs.
- Anything you say could work “for you” or “could be taken against you”.
- In any organization or business, ____ is always there, waiting to happen and response to the MEDIA can help “break and make” for the organization.
Crisis may come in the form of: mishandling an investigation of a high profile crime.
A simple “post” on social media
your men are found to be involved in a wheel of torture punishment
a simple statement that turns out to be controversial
an unexplained wealth of…
Delivering a simple statement…
offense committed by a PNP personnel…
How would you handle media interview?
When a reporter calls you, your job is to be clear, concise, and accurate
No reporter can force you to say something you don’t want to say. (Mind you, they have a few tricks of their trade to try to trap you)
Do listen carefully to the questions, especially if they are about policies. If you’re confused, ask the reporter to restate or rephrase the question.
Think fast, talk slow. Stick to the point. Be concise. Be specific. Short answers make for easier understanding.
Short answers make for quotable quotes for the reporter, too. This is particularly important, and effective, if you’re dealing with radio or TV
Give the reporter your phone numbers: office, cellular. Reporters do not abuse these numbers; it is not in their interest to.
Reporters can “hear” or “see” more than just your words. Like you, reporters come with built-in B.S. detectors. Your tone and your style—as well as your content—are part of the picture, too. So take good care not to sound like one.
Anticipate difficult questions, and have POSITIVE answers ready.
Don’t give your personal opinion
Don’t answer questions that are not asked.
Don’t question the questions.
Don’t answer hypothetical
questions with hypothetical answers.
Don’t say: “That’s off the record.”
Don’t argue or lose your cool.
Don’t play favorites.
Don’t say “No comment.”
Don’t allow reporters to intimidate you. Remember that YOU are their expert!
Role of Media
- Maintain Flow of Information (Educate)
- Provide Public Service
- Entertain
- Act as Interpreters/Surveillance Guys
- Act as Watchdogs
- Effect Change
they all have the responsibility to report the unbiased, accurate information as it is received from reliable sources. It is our obligation to obtain all sides of a story, and to report on both the good and bad stuff.”
“As journalists