PNF Flashcards
Slow Reversal and Slow Reversal Hold
Slow concentric contractions are applied to the agonist and antagonist with out relaxation. Apply resistance to stronger pattern first. Includes the gradual application of an isometric contraction at the end of range.
Repeated Contractions
Emphasis of one mvmt pattern. Do an isometric contraction of stronger muscle pattern, then quick stretch through weaker muscle mvmt.
Timing for Emphasis
Used when weakness is in only one component of the pattern. Resist stronger component to get overflow in the weaker component. Ask for a holding contraction in the patterns mid-range weaker component is taken through isometric contractions with RC.
Agonistic Reversal
Works on one pattern. Take through concentric range to the end, or point of weakness, then ask for a slow eccentric contraction the concentric contraction of the same muscle.
Rhythmic Initiation
This is using slow rhythmic mvmt. First passive, then active assisted, then active, to facilitate voluntary control when the patient is either hypo- or hyper- tonic.
Hold Relax Active Mvmt
Used when weakness prevents initiation of mvmt. Take the weak muscle passively into mid-range. Ask for a isometric contraction then relax. Then lengthen the muscle with a quick stretch and ask for repeated contractions.
Hold Relax
Used with tight muscles. Move tight muscles through range until the muscle limits mvmt. Ask patient to hold that position while you make the tight muscle work maximally. Relax. Now ask antagonist of the tight muscle to work minimally through the new ROM.
Contract Relax
Used with tight muscles. It is an isometric and isotonic contraction. Only Rotation is allowed. The patient is asked to turn and either push or pull instead of the “hold” command for HR.
Rhythmic Stabilization
Most useful to gain ROM when there is muscle splinting around the joint. Isometric contraction are developed around the joint by co-contraction of agonist and antagonist.
Rhythmical Rotation
Completely passive mvmt to decrease hypertonic. The therapist slowly rotates the part alternately on the longitudinal axis for approximately ten secs.
Shortened Hold Resisted Contractions
Used before patient can attain co-contractions. State in a non-weight bearing position . Resist isotonic contractions into the shortened ranges and ask for holding contractions.
Alternating Isometrics
Ask for holding contractions for the agonists and then the antagonists.
Resisted Progression
Resist mvmt in SN upright or prone positions to improve motor learning.
Normal Timing
Used when strength is adequate but timing of the mvmt patterns is not corrected. Initiate the distal component and delay proximal component until the distal component approaches full range.