Pneumonicas Flashcards
Shock, Acidosis, Cold, Coagulopathic, Age, PIO2/FiO2
Sacral “sexy” dysmorphism
For sex to be successful, you need, mamillary bodies, a tongue in groove, indentation, and an enlarged foramen that can be stretched out high so that it can be recorded on a visible disc.
Variable associated with late subtalar fusions after calc #
Out of work bowler who got less than 10 for labouring and so no one would operate
How did Elson get his Boutonniere treated?
- Supple - splint. 2. PIP flexed, mobilize lateral bands dorsally, reconstruct triangular lig, reinsert central slip
MAM CABA. Ulnar nerve sites of compression around elbow.
Medial intermuscular septum Arcade of Struthers Hypertrophied medial head of triceps Cubital tunnel (Osborne's ligament) Anconeus epitrochlearis Between humeral and ulnar heads of FCU Deep flexor-pronator aponeurosis
Principles of tendon transfers (8) SADISSMS
Strength (Will lose 1 power grade) Amplitude (Equal excursion) Direction (straight line of pull) Integrity (one tendon, one function) Synergism Sensate joint Mobile joint Soft tissue coverage
What makes up the spiral cord?
Grayson’s bands of course. Made up of grayson, pretendinous band, spiral band, natatory band, and good luck with the lateral digital sheet.
Swan neck causes…4 think from distal to proximal at each joint
Mallet EDC, FDS rupture, Volar plate atenuation, mcp subluxation causing intrinsic tightness
Reduce a Bennett’s with TAPE!
Traction, pronation, abduction and extension (counteracts APL and adductor pollicis)
OI Xray features weak animals
Wormian skull bone, bowing sabre shin, osteopenia, thin cortex
CVT is associated with a MAT
Myelomenigocele, tethered cord, arthrogryposis
Order of nerve return post nerve injury
Some pussies taste like poo milk - sympathetic pain temperature light touch proprioception motor
Physeal zones from proximal to distal are HyPeR
hypertrophic, proliferative, resting
What diseases affecting the proliferative zone - AGE
Proliferative zone - achondroplasia, gigantism, mhE
How to assess patella alta. Blue BIC Pen.
Bluemensaats, Blackburn peel (0.5-1), Insall Salvati (0.8-1.2), Caton Deschamps (0.6-1.3), Patella plateau angle 20-23.
Congenital coxa vara. Girls can PMS monthly.
Gauchers, clediocranial, chondrodysplasia punctata, pffd, metaphyseal condrodysplasia, SED congenita, MED
Aortic arch rupture, Widdde fracture.
Widenened mediastinum 8cm, indistinct aortic arch contour, deviated NG tube right, deviated trachea right, enlarged aortic knob, disruption of aortic knob calcification, depressed left hemidiaphragm or left bronchus, fracture of rib 1 or 2, apical pleural hematoma