Pneumonia Flashcards
What if pneumonia?
Acute LRTI associated with fever, chest symptoms and CXR abnormalities.
What typical organisms cause pneumonia in CAP?
• Haemophilus influenzae
• Moraxella catarrhalis
Streptococcus pneumoniae
What atypical organism cause pneumonia in CAP?
• Mycoplasma • SA • Legionella Chlamydia Klebsiella
Can get fungal e.g. PCP in HIV
What organisms tend to cause HAP?
• Gram negative enterobacteria
Staph aureus
What kind of patients can get aspiration pneumonia
patients with strokes, myasthenia, bulbar palsies, decreased consciousness, oesopophageal disease. Usually causes a right sided middle lobe pneumonia.
What are symptoms of pneumonia?
- Fever
- Rigors
- Malaise
- Anorexia
- Cough
- Purulent sputum
- Pleuritic pain
What are signs of pneumonia?
• Pyrexia • Cyanosis • Confusion • Tachypnoea • Tachycardia Hypotension
What are signs of consolidation in respiratory exam?
Reduced expansion, dull percussion, ↑tactile vocal fremitus/vocal resonance, bronchial breathing), and a pleural rub.
What investigations in pneumonia?
O2 sats
ABG (is sats <92)
Bloods: CRP, WCC, urea, and cultures
Sputum cultures + microscopy
Urine if legionella suspected
Pleural fluid sample if effusion
What is scoring system for pneumonia?
• Confusion (abbreviated mental test ≤8)
* Urea >7mmol/L * Respiratory rate ≥30/min * BP <90 systolic and/or 60mmHg diastolic) * Age ≥65.
0–1, PO antibiotic or home treatment
2, hospital therapy
≥3, severe pneumonia indicates mortality 15–40%—consider ITU. Other features increasing the risk of death are: comorbidity; bilateral/multilobar; PaO2 <8kPa.
What is antibiotic treatment for pneumonia? (typical organisms)
Usually oral amoxicillin or clari or doxy (CURB 0-1) 5 days
Oral or IV amoxicillin + clari or doxy 7 days (CURB 2)
CO-amoxiclav or cephalosporin and clari if CURB >3
What other treatments for pneumonia?
IV fluids
VTE prophylaxis
Analgesia if pleurisy
What are complications of pneumonia?
Respiratory failure
Hypotension (sepsis)
Pleural effusion and empyema (Suspect in patients with a resolving pneumonia but recurrent fever. Pleural fluid is yellow and turbid with pH <7.2, low glucose, raised LDH
Lung abscess