Pneumology Flashcards
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airway (n)
the passage by which enters and leaves the lungs
benign (adj)
non-malignant, not harmful
break down (v)
to desintegrate
chest (n)
the upper torso or trunk
clot (n)
a mass of coagulated blood
cold (n)
an infection involving inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat
complaint (n)
an illness or medical condition
concern (n)
a matter or interest
coughing (n)
the expelling of air from the lungs with a sharp sound
disorder (n)
a illness that disrupts normal function of the body ( can be mental or physical)
dust mites (n)
a very small arachnid which lives in the small particles of matter or dirt found in the house ( or elsewhere)
flare (n)
a sudden resurgence of recurrence of a disease
fungi (n)
the plural of fungus, ie a membre of a group
of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial spore-producing organisms feeding on the lung (in this case)
gamut (n)
from the expression ‘to run the gamut’ which means ‘ to experience a full range of something’
growth (n)
the noun from the verb ‘to grow’ ie to develop, to proliferate
joint (n)
the articulations of the body such as the elbow, knee, ankle, etc…
lower (v)
to reduce
lymph nodes (n)
small swellings in the lymphatic system where lymph is filtered and lymphocytes are formed.
middle-aged (adj)
aged about 45 to 65
mold (n)
a small type of fungi, British spelling: mould
narrow (adj)
small in width or diameter
peak (adj)
at its highest or maximum level
plug up (v)
to block up
prognosis (n)
the probably outcomes or course of a disease
rash (n)
an area or redness or spots o the skin
relapse (n)
a deterioration after a period of improvement
rheumatoid arthritis (n)
a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet, and ankles
scar (n)
a mark left on the skin after an injury or burn, for exemple
shortness of breath (n)
difficulty breathing
sweat (n)
perspiration, moisture exuded through the pores of the skin
tightness (n)
a feeling of compression (in the chest, in this case)
wheezing (n)
breathing with a whistling or ratting sound
X-ray (n)
an electromagnetic wave of high energy and very short wavelength, used to provide an image of the internal composition of the body.