Odontology Flashcards
Learn all the vocabulary
A wisdom tooth
Une dent de sagesse
The root
La racine
A dental surgeon
Ub chirurgien dentiste
A dental technician
Un prothésiste dentaire
Ulcer / aphtha (pl. aphtae)
Morsure, empreinte
Tartar / scale
Le tartre
A stain
Une tache
Dental plaque
La plaque dentaire
( dental) brace
Appareil dentaire
Amalgame / plombage
A loose tooth
Une dent dechaussée
A bridge
Un bridge
A cap / crown
Une couronne
A set of false teeth / a denture
Un dentier
A toothbrush
Une brosse à dent
baby teeth (n)
milk teeth
bad breath (n)
better-off (adj)
the comparative form of ‘well-off’, meaning affluent, wealthy
beverage (n)
a drink
beyond (prep)
further than
bite (n)
the position in which the teeth and jaws come together
blood poisoning (n)
build up (v)
to accumulate
calculus (n)
a synonym of tartar
cap (v)
to fix a limit which may not be overstepped
care (n)
the provision of necessary services to maintain health
chasm (n)
a gulf, a large gap
condone (v)
to accept or tolerate behavior which is wrong or offensive
deep (adj)
extending down far from the surface
denture (n)
false teeth
deprived (adj)
poor, lacking the necessary resources for life
diet (n)
the food we eat
discomfort (n)
a minor level of pain
disincentive (n)
a factor which discourage a certain action
dispute (v)
contest, disagree with
disregard (n)
lack of attention
drop out (v)
to fall out naturally, without medical intervention
extract (v)
to remove (a tooth)
fail (v)
to be unsuccessful in performing at the desired level
fall out (v)
to be lost ( from the mouth, in this context)
fill (v)
to block up a cavity in a tooth, i.e. to make a filling in a tooth
firmness (n)
the quality of being solid, not soft
flossing (n)
the passing of a soft thread through the teeth to clean them
full clearance (n)
the removal of all a person’s teeth
funding (n)
financing, providing the funds for
gum (n)
the area of flesh around the roots of the teeth
harden (v)
to become harder
hit (v)
affect, have an effect on
inflame (v)
to cause inflammation
knowingly (adv)
in full consciousness
leading (adj)
main or major
likely (adj)
loose (adj)
not fixed firmly in place
mistaken belief (n)
a false idea, a wrong opinion or judgement
mouth rinse (n)
a liquide for rinsing around the mouth and spitting out, used to kill bacteria and limit plaque build-up
inflammation of tissue surrounding the teeth
plaque (n)
a sticky deposit on the teeth
probe (n)
a small device used for measuring the space between the teeth
pull away (v)
to detach from
refer (v)
to send a patient to consult a colleague
removal (n)
extraction (of a tooth)
replete (adj)
full of
restoration (n)
a structure applied to a tooth to restore its function e.g. a filling, a crown or a bridge
rough (adj)
having an uneven or irregular surface, not smooth
seal (n)
a distinctive mark used to guarantee the security or authenticity of a product
stroke (n)
a sudden attack caused by the interruption of blood flow to the rain
support (v)
to bear the weight of and hold in place
swollen (adj)
having become bigger in size, due to an accumulation of fluid
tartar (n)
a hard, calcified deposit which forms on the teeth
tender (adj)
sensitive or painful to touch
tooth decay (n)
destruction of the outer surface of a tooth due to bacterial action
toothache (n)
pain occurring in the teeth
trap (n)
an area in which plaque accumulates (in this context)
trauma (n)
a distressing experience
undergo (v)
suffer from, experience
unnoticed (adj)
having no attention paid to it
unsettle (v)
render unstable