Midwifery Flashcards
Learn all the vocabulary
The womb / the uterus
Bear / carry a child
Être enceinte
Ultrasound scan / US scan
Fausse couche
Birth control / contraception
La contraception
Be on the pill
prendre la pilule
The morning-after pill
La pilule du lendemain
A coil / an intra-uterine device (IUD)
Un stérilet / un dispositif intra-uterin (DIU)
A condom
Un préservatif
Unwanted pregnancy
Grossesse non désirée
Delivery room
Salle d’accouchement
Labour room (GB) / labor room (Us)
Salle de travail
Caesarean / ceasarean section / surgical delivery
Une césarienne
A gynaecologist
Un gynécologue
An obstetrician
Un obstétricien
A midwife
Une sage-femme
Menstruation / menses / periods
Menstruation / règles
Go through menopause
Être en ménopause
Hot flushes (GB) / hot flashes (US)
Bouffées de chaleur
Mood swings
Sautes d’humeur
Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)
Traitement hormonal de la ménopause (THM)
be expecting (a baby) (v)
to be pregnant
blood prank
a place where blood or blood plasma is collected, processed, stored, and distributed
Caesarean section
an operation in which a woman’s uterus is cut open to allow a baby to be born
carry risk
the possibility of something bad happening
delivery (n)
a birth
epidural (n)
an anaesthetic (= a substance that stops you feeling pain ) that is put into the nerves in a person’s lower back with a special needle
guidance (n)
help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships
intensive care unit
induction (n)
the act of causing an event or process to happen
injury (n)
physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident or an attack
Labour (n)
tha last stage of pregnancy from the time when the muscles of the womb start to push the baby out of the body until the baby appears
likely ( adj)
if something is likely, it will probably happen or is expected
midwife (n)
a person usually a woman, who is trained to help women when they are giving birth
outcome (n)
a result or effect of an action, situation, etc…
in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or things in a particular group or situation
regardless (adv)
despite; not being affected by something
straightforward (adj)
easy to understand or simple
suitable ( adj)
acceptable or right for someone or something
to raise an eyebrow
to cause surprise or disapproval
to refer to
to direct for information or anything required
Example: the woman was referred to the midwife
to speed up (v)
an increases in thee rate of change or growth
not planed or expected
update (v)
to make something more modern or suitable for use now by doing new information or changing is design