Cancer Flashcards
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An oncologist
Un(e) oncologue
Primary tumor
Tumeur primitive
Metastasis (pl. metastases) / secondary tumor
Generalised cancer
Cancer généralisé
Invasive cancer
Cancer invasif
Residual cancer
Cancer résiduel
(local) relapse
Récidive (locale)
Schéma thérapeutique
Survival rate
Taux de survie
Palliative care
Soins palliatifs
End-stage cancer
Cancer en phase terminale
A terminally-ill patient
Un patient en phase terminale
Quality of life ( QoL)
Qualité de vie
Treatment with intent to cure
Traitement à visée curative
Organs at risk ( OAR)
Organes à risque
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)
Facteur de nécrose tumorale
Hormone therapy
Radiotherapy / radiation therapy
Brachythérapie, curiethérapie
Gene therapy
Thérapie génique
According to (adv)
As indicated by
Accurate ( adj)
Affect (v)
To have an effect on
Airway (n)
The passage by which air reaches the lungs
Alike (adv)
In the same way
Appointment (n)
The allocated time at which a treatment is given
Beam (n)
A ray of light
Blood clot (n)
A semisolid mass of coagulated blood
Blood-stained (adj)
Marked or discoloured by blood
Bowel motions (n)
An evacuation of faces from the intestines
A temporary interruption in the course of a treatment
Breathe in (v)
To inhale, to take air into the lungs
breathe out (v)
to exhale, to let air out of the lungs
breathlessness (n)
shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
changing room (n)
the cubicle in which the patient can remove his clothes and prepare for his treatment
chest (n)
the upper trunk of the human body
consultant (n)
a hospital doctor of senior rank
cough (n)
the act of expelling air from the lungs with a sudden, sharp sound
course (n)
a series of doses of a treatment or medication
cure (n)
restoration to health
diagnosis (n)
the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of its symptoms
direct (v)
to aim in a particular direction
dresssing gown (n)
a robe, usually worn after a bath or when getting out of bed
dry mouth (n)
a lack of saliva in the mouth
entire (adj)
field (n)
a particular space or range
greet (v)
to welcome
help off (v)
to assist the patient in getting up from the bed
knowledge (n)
awareness of a piece of information
last (v)
to continue for a specified length of time
likely (adj)
loose (adj)
not firm, containing excessive liquid
lying down (adj)
in horizontal position
match (v)
to correspond to
mild (adj)
the opposite of severe or serious
monitor (v)
to keep aa regular check on
non-small-cell lung cancer (n)
any type of epithelial lung cancer other than small-cell lung cancer
perform (v)
to carry out ( a procedure )
phlegm (n)
a thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes
physiotherapist (n)
a practitioner qualified to treat certain conditions through physical manipulation, massage, etc…
prior (adj)
existing, or occurring before a given time
propre (adj)
recover (v)
to see an improvement in one’s symptoms
session (n)
the time during which a dos e treatment is given
shape (v)
to give a particular form to
sickness (n)
side effect (n)
an undesirable effect of a given treatment
small-cell lung cancer (n)
also called ‘oat-cell carcinoma’
soreness (n)
spare (v)
to avoir harming or affecting
spread (n)
the act of extending or propagating symptoms to other parts of the body
stage (n)
a point or a step in the evolution of a disease
stage (v)
to determinate how advanced a disease is
suitable (adj)
sunburn (n)
redness and inflammation of the skin due to over-exposure to the sun
surgery (n)
the treatment of a condition using incision
swallowing (n)
the act of causing something to pass down the throat into the stomach
tablet (n)
a small disc of compressed substance, like a pill
tiredness (n)
treatment slot (n)
the allocated time at which the treatment will take place
wedge (n)
a small piece ( in this case, of the lung)
electromagnetic waves used in the treatment of tumors