PMP Questions 1 Flashcards
A project is…
something temporary in nature that delivers a product service or result.
Has start and finish,
Creates something new or improves on what exists.
Predictive Projects
Deliverable at the end with the goal of controlling the scope, costs, and schedule. Little change or change adverse. (Waterfall, traditional)
Adaptive Projects
Incremental, Iterative, and Agile
Incremental projects deliver…
products or value in “batches” or increments with the goal of speed.
Iterative projects embrace…
change by getting customer feedback to make changes over time.
Agile projects are…
iterative and incremental with the desire to get customer feedback and generate value as early as possible while providing continuous improvement.
What comprises the scope baseline?
Scope Statement, WBS, WBS Dictionary
What is needed before you can determine a schedule, budget, or resources?
The scope baseline
The Scope Management Planning creates…
the Scope Management Plan and the Requirements Management Plan.
The Scope Management Plan explains…
how you will develop, maintain and control the Scope Statement and WBS.
Collecting the requirements involves…
creating the Requirements Traceability Matrix and Requirements Documentation.
Defining the scope means…
creating the Scope Statement.
The Scope Statement is…
what the Product and Project will be
what the Product & Project won’t be
What variations, tolerances, thresholds, and alternatives there are
The Acceptance criteria of the project
Create a WBS…
Highest Level = Planning Package (where the PM manages the project from) = Control Accounts
Lowest Level = Work Package
Work packages get decomposed when…
defining activities (Schedule Management)
Predictive Estimating tool: Analogous (Top-Down) =
Using past experience or lessons learned to form your estimates.
Predictive Estimating Tool: Parametric =
Using a historical and multiplying it by the amount of times you have to repeat it.
Predictive Estimating Tool: Bottom-Up =
Most accurate, but most timely
A way to determine how to get back on track
Sequencing activities and estimating activity duration happen…
at the same time and end up on the Network Diagram
Schedule Management/Network Diagramming: Forward Pass
Largest number wins
Schedule Management/Network Diagramming: Backwards Pass
Critical Path Wins
In Project Network Diagramming, Slack, Float, and Total Float…
are all the same thing - the amount of time an activity can be delayed.
What is free float?
The amount of time that an activity can use without affecting the successor.
What are schedule compression options?
Crashing: Adds resources to an activity to get it done faster. Only crash the critical path.
Fast-Tracking: increased risk (never add risk without approval)
Early Start ….
Late Start ….
Early Finish
Late Finish
Cost Baseline
Time phased spending of money
Budget at Completion
Aggregated costs + contingency reserve
The contingency reserve is for…
things in the risk register (you knew, you planned, and you thought it might happen)
Management reserve is for…
things I did not plan for. Must ask senior management for the money.
(You didn’t know, you couldn’t have planned for, you are surprised, or was unexpected)
SV +$
Ahead of Schedule
SV -$
Behind Schedule
CV +$
Under Budget
CV -$
Over Budget
CPI > 1
Under Budget
CPI <1
Over Budget
Earned Value (EV)
How much has been completed to this point?
Actual Costs (AC)
How much have you spent so far?
Estimate at Completion (EAC)
How much you will spend by the end?
Estimate to Complete (ETC)
How much do you have left to spend?
Variance at Completion (VAC)
What is the difference in saving or losses from your original budget?
<1 = Good
>1 = Bad
Measure of Efficiency for the remainder of the project