PM-Goals, Philosophies and Scope of Maternal and Child Health Nursing Flashcards
Primary goal of Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCHN)
is the promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and childrearing.
______means before pregnancy
– preconception
what are the scope of MCHN
Provision of preconception health care
Provision of nursing care of women during three trimesters- and puerperium
Provision of nursing care of children from birth through adolescence
Provision of nursing care to families in all settings
during the first 3 months of pregnancy
1st trimester
what is Puerperium
(the 6 weeks after childbirth, sometimes termed as the fourth trimester of pregnancy)
assessment should always include the family as well as an individual
the health of families is both affected by and influences the health of communities
this is the means whereby critical knowledge increases.
Evidence based;
Educating parents and children to follow sound health practices through teaching and role
Health promotion
Teaching women the importance of
rubella immunization before pregnancy;
providing preteens with information
about safer sex practices well before
they are likely to become sexually active is an example of?
Health promotion
Intervening to maintain health when risk of illness is present
Health maintenance
Encouraging women to be partners in
prenatal care; teaching parents the
importance of safeguarding their home
by childproofing against poisoning
is an example of what phase of health care?
Health maintenance
Using conscientious assessment to
be certain that symptoms of illness
are identified and interventions are begun to return patient to wellness most rapidly
Health restoration
Caring for a woman during a
complication of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes or a child during an
acute illness such as pneumonia
is an example of what phase of health care
Health restoration
Helping prevent complications
from illness; helping a patient with
residual effects achieve an optimal
state of wellness and
independence; helping a patient to
accept inevitable death
Health rehabilitation
Encouraging a woman with gestational
trophoblastic disease (abnormal
placenta growth) to continue therapy or
a child with a renal transplant to
continue to take necessary medications
is an example of?
Health rehabilitation
what are the four phases of health care?
- health promotion
- health maintenance
- health restoration
- health rehabilitation
nursing care, designed and implemented in a thorough manner, using an organized series of steps, to ensure quality and consistency of care (Carpenito, 2012).
-scientific form of problem solving
is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence to make decisions about the care of patients
Evidence-Based Practice
“the act of utilizing the patient’s environment to assist him in his recovery.”- changing or structuring elements of the environment such as ventilation, temperature, odors, noise and light to put the client into the best opportunity of recovery
, Florence Nightingale defined nursing in her “Environmental Theory”
a person compromises subsystems that must remain in balance for optimal functioning. Any actual or potential threat to this system balance is a nursing concern
Dorothy Johnson-
nursing is a process of action, reaction, interaction and transaction. Needs are identified based on client’s social system, perceptions and health; the role of the nurse is to help client achieve goal attainment
Imogene King
For Madeleine Leininger what is the essence of nursing?
care. Transcultural care, focuses on the study and analysis of different cultures with respect to caring behavior
For Betty Neuman a person is an _____ that interacts with the environment; nursing is aimed at reducing ______ through primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention
open system, stressors
for Dorothea Orem the focus of nursing is on the ___
clients are assessed in terms of the ability to complete self-care
Dorothea Orem
how can care be given according to Orem
- wholly compensatory- client has no role
- partly compensatory- client participates in care
- supportive- educational- client performs own care
For Orlando the focus of the nurse is ____ with the client; effectiveness of care depends on the client’s behavior and the nurse’s reaction to that behavior
interaction, Ida Jean Orlando
who says that nursing is a human science, health is a lived experience and man-living-health is a single unit that guides practice
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
promotion of health is viewed as the forward movement of the personality; this is accomplished through an interpersonal process that includes orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution.
Hildegard Peplau
purpose of nursing is to move client to optimal health, client is whole and constantly changing help people to interact in the best way possible with the environment
Martha Rogers
role of nurse is to aid clients to adapt change caused by illness.
Sister Callista Roy
what is ‘Ambisyon Natin 2040’
Philippines development blueprint which imagines the Philippines as a prosperous nation with only one percent poverty rate in 2040.
Three major goals that the Philippine Health Agenda aspires for:
- Better health outcomes with no major disparity among population groups
- A responsive health system which makes Filipinos feel respected, valued and empowered
- Financial risk protection for all especially the poor, marginalized and vulnerable
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
-193 countries (2015)
-17 sustainable development goals
The___________ is one of the leading
organizations working to fulfil the SDGs by the year 2030.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
what are the sustainable development goals?
no poverty
zero hunger
good health and well-being
quality education
gender equality
clean water and sanitation
affordable and clean energy
decent work and economic growth
industry, innovation and infrastructure
reduced inequalities
sustainable cities and communities
responsible consumption and production
climate action
life below water
life on land
peace justice and strong institutions
partnerships for the goals
nursing activities that nurses are licensed to initiate based on their knowledge and skills
Independent interventions
“i feel so hot” is an example of what type of data
subjective data
she talks about the roles of the nurse in the patient’s adaptation to illness
Sister Callista Roy
who is considered a primary source of data?
a type of nursing diagnosis that a problem does not exist but is likely to develop unless nurses intervene
Risk nursing diagnosis