Pluralism and Theology Flashcards
exclusivism summary
– salvation can only be gained through the Xian faith
• Was the mainstream position, attitudes are now changing as countries such as the UK become more pluralist
• Most Xians believe that Christ’s sacrifice was a unique event of cosmic significance, salvation can only be brought through him and responding to the Gospel (‘particularists’)
exclusivism - bible support
o Matthew 7:13 – ‘Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the read that leads to it easy, and there are many who travel to it’.
o John 14:6 – ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can enter the Father except through me’
o Matthew 28:19 – ‘go to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples. Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’
exclusivism - Gavin d’costa
split exclusivism into two:
• Restrictive access exclusivism: Calvinist idea of God choosing those who are saved
• Universal access exclusivism: Christ’s salvation is offered to all, God’s will is that we all come to love him
RAE 3 main positions
rae - Calvin
• Calvin/Augustine – v selective, God chooses who will go to heaven
♣ Narrow exclusivists
♣ God is under no obligation to save anyone, therefore sending people to hell does not limit love for humanity
rae - fundamentalists
♣ Bible is W of God
♣ Salvation is only possible through hearing the gospel (fides ex auditu) and accepting baptism from the Church
rae - RCC
♣ You can only be saved if you are baptised into the RCC and regularly receive the Eucharist
♣ ‘Extra ecclesiam nulla salus’ – there is no salvation outside the Church
papal bull, 1302
singulari quadam
rae - kraemer
- Stresses that salvation can only come through Xianity
- People of other faiths can see God’s revelation ‘in a broken, troubled way, in reason, in nature and in history’, but cannot be saved unless they are Xian
- It is wrong to pick out beliefs in other religions that are most like those in Xianity. Religions cannot be pulled apart this way, they are part of a whole belief system.
- There is no middle ground/partial truth in other religions, you either accept JC’s sacrifice or you don’t.
uae - summary
- All people who accept Christ through faith are saved, regardless of their Church/style of worship. Different to universalism, as there can still be no salvation beyond the Church (unicity of the Church compared to the deficiency of other religions)
- De Costa claims that it is the will of God that this route should be available to everyone and is offered to everyone
- 1 Tim 2:3-6 – ‘this is good, and pleases God our saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth’
uae - church
• Lumen Gentium of Vatican II
o ‘Many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure’ (i.e. outside RCC exclusively)
• Dominus lesus, 2000
o The universal mission of the Church is found within the commission of JC in Matthew 28 (baptise the nations…)
o ‘The RCC has a high regard for the manner of life and conduct, the precepts and teachings, which, although differing in many ways from her own teaching, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men’ (- H, this suggests that RCC is actually inclusivist, difficult to determine)
uae - William lane Craig
o Believes all are sinful and deserve eternal punishment. (+Augustine, Calvin)
o ‘It is out of God’s mercy, which is received by faith in Christ’s sacrificial death, that anyone is saved’ (Craig “No other Name” 172-173).
o Highlights how inclusivism and pluralism are inconsistent with Christian scripture. God eternally punishes those who reject his offer of salvation.
♣ ‘Those who make a well-informed and free decision to reject Christ are self-condemned.’
o Despite the incongruity, Craig maintains that those who are ‘uninformed non-believers’ remain culpable. (- David B. Myers and Stephen Maitzen)
o Craig argues against this saying that they have had access to the general revelation in nature as expressed in Romans 1:26 and so have no excuse for their disbelief.
o References Acts 4:12 to support belief in salvation sola Christus, ‘there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved’
o Craig argues that the world God makes has to be designed so that some people reject the offer of salvation. God has arranged so that those who are uninformed are those who would reject Christ anyway.
lane Craig negative - stephen maitzen
Stephen Maitzen’s argument from the demographics of theism argues that not everyone is able to make the ‘well informed and free decision to reject Christ’ as Craig suggests. Some are hindered by education etc. which place them at a disadvantage with regards to hearing the WofG
Karl Barth
o People cannot know God through their own efforts, God chooses to reveal himself through the Word of God
♣ Using John 1, Barth describes the living WofG as:
1. JC (Logos = word)
• Not a static thing, God’s word should be interpreted as an event which happens to humans when they encounter him
2. The Bible
3. Church teaching
o All religions are human constructs, because RE is something created by God to find him, all religions are about trying to be sanctified
o Christianity is superior as God chooses to reveal himself through it
• ‘Revelation singles out the Church as the locus of true religion. But this does not mean that the Christian religions as such is the fulfilled nature of human religions. It does not mean that the Christian religion is the true religion, fundamentally superior to all other religions. We can never stress too much the connection between the truth of the Christian religion and the grace of revelation’ (contradictory message)
Karl Barth - rae?
- Seems to be saying that only Xian revelation is true and that thus truth claims outside of Xianity are untrue
- Stresses that the Trinity is uniquely Xian, no other religion expresses God in these terms, ‘it is the doctrine of the Trinity which fundamentally distinguishes the Xian doctrine of God as Xian’
- Claims that any RE that is an attempt to know God without revelation is an act of unbelief
- ‘In this faith, the presence and reality of the grace of God, which, of course, differentiates our religion, the Xian, from all others as the true religion’
Karl Barth - inclusivist?
- German word ‘abolish’ means to transform. Thus, God’s revelation transforms all REs including Xianity, all religions are an attempt to know God.
- Teaching on Trinity does not imply that only Xians have access to God’s grace
- Barth himself emphasises how none of us are in a position to know mind of God, so how can we judge?
Exclusivism positives
- What is the point of JC’s resurrection if everyone is saved anyone? Heart of Xianity is JC, you put that to Q if you say everyone can be saved
- Atheists might not want to be saved
- Gives people an incentive to go to Church (Bonhoeffer – costly grace rather than cheap grace)
exclusivism negatives - general
• JC came to save us all let down if only few are saved
• Creates tokenist attitude to LAD, may not truly believe but follow to guarantee salvation
• RAE position has led to intolerance, wars etc. because Xianity is seen as the dominant imperialist religion.
• RAE position is completely incompatible with omnibenevolent God
• RCC position is contradictory as part seems to support UAE, other RAE
- Bible is contradictory
exclusivism negatives - alan race
• Alan Race in Christians and Religious Pluralism claims that D. T. Niles asked Barth how he could deem Hinduism unbelief if he had never met any Hindis. Barth responded ‘a priori’ – not convincing.
exclusivism negatives - david Myers
• David B. Myers – identifies how exclusivism raises the issue of the soteriological problem of evil (justice of the problem of salvation). ‘The eternal punishment of all non-Christians simply because they are non-believers, regardless of the reasons for their non-belief, seems arbitrary and ultimately unjust’ (William Lane Craig argues against this using the Molinist solution – problematic assumption that all informed persons who would freely reject Christ are culpable)
exclusivism negatives - paul knitter
Paul Knitter advocates a soteriocentric pluralism. Sees exclusivism as slowly declining as it fails to pay sufficient attention to the reality of other religions and doesn’t interact with the practices and social realities of the other religions.
inclusivism summary
Inclusivism asserts that while one set of beliefs is absolutely true, other sets of beliefs are at least partially true.
♣ Alan Race describes it as: ‘both an acceptance and a reject of the other faiths, a dialectical ‘yes’ and ‘no’’
♣ Some think after death you will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and repent
♣ Some argue that God’s omnibenevolence means that there is a possibility of salvation for non-Christians
♣ Some non-Xian religions do hold an element of truth and so God will make exceptions for those who sincerely choose to follow him but are doing so in the context of the wrong religion.
♣ Some believe that Christ is continuing in other REs and that people are following him without knowing it (anonymous Xians)
inclusivism bible
o Acts 10:35 ‘God does not show favouritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right’
o Acts 17:22-25 ‘For I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship. I even found an altar with the inscription ‘to an unknown God’. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship. And this is what I am going to proclaim to you’ (other religions worship God in their own way)
o Matt 25, Sheep and Goats. Commended for good works rather than belief.
o Acts 2:14-17 ‘I will pour out my spirit on all people’
o Acts 2:21 ‘whoever calls out the Lord for help will be saved’
incluisvism - Justin martyr
♣ Justin Martyr, Christians are the emperor’s ‘best helpers and allies in securing good order, convinced as we are that no wicked man… can be hidden from God, and that everyone goes to eternal punishment of salvation in accordance with the character of his actions’
inclusivism tertullian
♣ Tertullian, ‘Athens has nothing to do with Jerusalem’. I.e. Greek philosophy is bad and has nothing to do with the unique message of Xianity.
d’costa inclusivism divisiin
structural inclusivism - very religion has the structures to allow people to be open to God’s grace as revealed through JC. (View of Karl Rahner)
restrictive inclusisvism - ♣ Cannot get salvation through other religions, but they are good preparation for full salvation through Christ
structural inclusivism - rahner, Heidegger influence
♣ Rahner was influenced by philosopher and existentialist Martin Heidegger. Asserted that:
• All human knowledge is limited and finite
• As a result, people only have an unconditional ‘openness’ to existence
• This openness suggests that everyone desires grace and salvation (Calvin, sensus divinitatis) Due to the recognition of our own mortality, we realise that our ‘being’ is something deep and mysterious. Then encounter god who is source of our being.
♣ However, Rahner differs from the last point above. He argued that religions are all seeking God’s grace as they are promote the idea of people being loving and charitable. Although Xianity is the only RE that does this fully.
structural inclusivism - rahner ideas
♣ He nevertheless rejected exclusivism as he thought there is partial truth in non-Xian religion. They are inculpably ignorant for not having heard the Xian message.
♣ Rahner put forward of Abraham, Moses etc. All aware of God’s grace but were unaware of JC due to them being before his time. They are ‘anonymous Xians’ (Original Sin makes humans ignorant. All people are loved unconditionally by God. Some people don’t know God but they act in a way that seeks God’s grace – Paul at the Areopagus in Acts. Church has an active role in the world to teach people about JC. Moral action is good if it conforms to example set by JC)
♣ Adopts Aquinas’ votum ecclesia, even wanting grace through following a non-Xian religion is sufficient.
inclysivism - s. mark heim
♣ S. Mark Heim proposes what he calls a ‘true religious pluralism’, form of inclusivism as it allows one to maintain the superiority of their own religion
o We should assume that other religions pursue and achieve real religious ‘salvations’
o E.g. those Buddhists who attain Nirvana will be a subgroup of the saved/damned depending on what is actually going on with such people. (Heim 1995, 163)
o Heaven remains the best form of afterlife, but God has deemed Nirvana a suitable goal for non-Xians
o The various religious aims are ‘experiences’ that last beyond this life, hence the contrary claims across religions e.g. a Xian must recognise themselves as a sinner to receive God’s grace.
positives of inclusivism
• Second Vatican of RCC – possibility of salvation for Jews and Muslims as well as those who are uniformed non-Christians.
• Gives more space for omnibenevolence
• Gives non-Xians the chance at salvation
Does have support of Scripture and early Church fathers
negatives of inclusivism - general
- Restrictive inclusivism is the same as UAE
- Anonymous Xians is a patronising concept
- Surely it is better for one to stay an anonymous Xian than to hear the message of Xianity and reject it?
negatives of inclusivism - Alan race
• Alan Race argues that ‘in an age that values the historical and the empirical, to say that one religion contains the fullest expression of religious truth and value, without any recourse to the empirical data of the other religions themselves, is tantamount to an unjustified theological imperialism’ (P.68, Christians and RE pluralism)
negatives of inclusivism - hans kung
• Hans Kung, why did JC come so late?
negatives of inclusivism - hans urs von Balthasar
• Hans Urs von Balthasar argues against anonymous Xians, claiming that the Church should not hide behind a watered down version of Xianity in order to please people of other faiths. Should be courageous in its claim that salvation can only be found through Christ.
negatives of inclusivism - Paul knitter
Paul Knitter – presents patronising presupposition that Christianity is the best religion
many different religions are of value, can lead their followers to salvation
pluralism - d’costa 3 types
♣ Unitary theological pluralism
♣ Pluriform theological pluralism – many reals as experienced in the different world religions rather than one as postulated by Hick
♣ Ethical theological pluralism
unitary theological pluralism - hick inspiration
o John Hick – aims to create a global theology
♣ Originally an evangelical
♣ Impressed by the service and faith of other religions in Birmingham
♣ Why would an omnibenevolent God condemn them?
♣ Saw the need for a Copernican revolution in theology. Theocentric rather than Christocentric, removes restriction of monotheism and Xianity
♣ Using Kant he spoke about the noumenal world (world as it really is) and the phenomenal world (world as it appears to us). Can understand things from a relative perspective. Religion is a human way of trying to understand God.
♣ Religions are thus human constructs and so every religion falls short of the truth as they are unable to access noumenal understanding of God.
♣ Experience the an-Sich according to the culture or place that we live in. Refers to Wittgenstein’s duck/rabbit picture, the Real has the same ambiguity.
criticisms of hick - unitary theological pluralism
- UTP is criticised as some see it as a form of exclusivism as you have to know what the Real is
- Basing his theory on the moral principles of Kant is dubious as Kant in itself is flawed
- UTP cannot include Buddhism as it assumes that all REs know the Real, but there is no divine Ultimate Reality in Buddhism
- Can criticise Hick’s reduction of Xianity’s main truths to myth
- Denies uniqueness of Christ
- Fails to recognise differences between religions.
- Not clear whether all religions, cults and belief systems should be included as paths to the same reality.
Pluriform theological pluralism
o Keith Ward – although religions have different beliefs and goals, knowledge comes through religious experience and not revelation so no one religion has the truth.
o ‘It might be better to see the different faiths, no as in radical opposition but as having a range of agreed values, but varying ways of interpreting them in the light of a developing understanding of the world’
o Uses the metaphor Indra’s Jewelled Net (attributed to ancient Buddhist Tu-Shun)
♣ Each individual forms part of the jewel. They are linked but separate
♣ Thus, we will all eventually get to the Real but through different means
♣ Ethical theological pluralism
o Many argue that Hick’s idea still leads to a form of imperialism as it elevates JC as THE inspirational teacher even if he is not seen as the SofG
o Paul Knitter advocates a soteriocentric pluralism. Sees exclusivism as slowly declining as it fails to pa sufficient attention to the reality of other religions and doesn’t interact with the practices and social realities of the other religions.
o He views inclusivism as better but it fails as it presents the patronising presupposition that Xianity is the best religion.
o He was inspired by the praxis idea put forward by Liberation Theology, all religions should be open to possible new interpretations of their aims to create a more just world.
o However
♣ - He suggests the only thing that REs are interested in is praxis
Positives of Pluralism
• More accommodating, allows Xians to affirm the possibility of salvation within different religious traditions
Encourage fruitful interfaith dialogue
negatives of Pluralism
• To adopt a pluralist view, one is required to give up the claim that their home religion is exclusively true.
• It denies the uniqueness of Christ
• Undermines the Xian ideas of salvation
See points specific to individuals above^^^
Raimon panikkar
♣ Father was Indian Hindu, mother was Spanish Catholic
♣ ‘I discovered I was a Hindu and returned as a Buddhist without ever having ceased to be a Christian’
♣ Met with Xian monks who lived according to Hindu, Buddhist and Xian beliefs/practices
♣ Emphasised the mystery of the divine
♣ Felt that it was important to respect the freedom of God and not to box God up into doctrines and human systems
♣ Viewed Christ as a word that Xians use for God making himself known to humanity. Thus, Christ can be found in other religions e.g. Hindu tradition of ‘ishwara’ – personal God through which people have encounters
♣ Must recognise the unknown, mysterious dimension of Christ revealed in many different contexts
♣ Seems pluralist but hated this concept as he believed religious pluralism to be a spiritual position rather than one based on intellectual reasoning
rae - RCC, papal bull of 1302
♣ Papal bull of 1302 (Unam Sanctam- “One Holy”), Pope Boniface VIII (r. 1294-1303) declared that outside the Roman Catholic church, “there is neither salvation nor remission of sins,” and “it is altogether necessary to salvation for every human creature to be subject to” the pope. (Plantinga 1999, 124-5; Neuner and Dupuis 2001, 305)
rae - RCC , singular quadam
Pope Pius X (r. 1846-78) in hisSingulari Quadam(1854): “outside the Apostolic Roman Church no one can be saved…On the other hand…those who live in ignorance of the true religion, if such ignorance be invincible, are not subject to any guilt in this matter before the eyes of the Lord.” (Neuner and Dupuis 2001, 311)
unitary theological pluralism, hick on axiality
♣ Views Xian concepts of Virgin Birth/Resurrection as myths, they are ways of expressing the human relationship with the Real. Incarnation is a metaphor for JC’s close relationship with God. Myth has become objectified over the years just as Mahayana Buddhism has begun to promote the eternal Buddha.
♣ Xianity must discard ancient doctrines to allow each truth claim of each religion to become meaningful.
scholarly criticisms of hick - unitary theological pluralism
- Kant says that we cannot know the noumenal an-Sich but Hick says we can know it without backing
- Libby Ahluwalia: ‘we have no way of knowing how to tell which aspects of a religion are true and which are flawed’