Pluralism and society Flashcards
KEY TERM - Christian evangelicalism
Christians have a mission to convert people and share the Gospel
FOR - Christian evangelicalism
Supported by scripture:
“I am the way, the truth and the light” only through Jesus can be saved
-“The truth” – exclusively one truth does not suggest multiple.
“Salvation is found through no one else” (Acts 4)
-Scriptural evidence is strong as it is the word of God
Affirms the Central belief in Christ and affirms the Christian teachings of spreading the Gospel
Eternal salvation at stake
AGAINST - Christian evangelicalism
Growth of Multi-faith societies: Over half of the UK is no longer Christian
-View that Christianity is the one true religion is outdated discussion of scripture enables understanding across religons in a diverse culture even to those who are atheist
Ward “Diversity in religion is natural and good” because of all the different cultures it makes sense that religion is diverse.
Helps enrichen and strengthen society
View that Christianity is the ‘one’ true religion has historically led to a society of intolerance and prejudice
Inclusivism - Conversion may distract a lifestyle that already mediates salvation
KEY TERM - Redemptosis Missio – the Church’s stance on interfaith dialogue
Published by second Vatican council and encourages inter-faith dialogue as part of the Church’s evangelising mission as it helps enrichen and strengthen a Christians faith. Helps social cohesion as teaches to be respectful to other peoples faiths whilst still preaching the Gospel and the Christian message so does not undermine Christianity.
FOR - Redemptosis Missio – the Church’s stance on interfaith dialogue
Still recognises the role of Christ and preaching the Gospel but also recognises all humans are flawed
-Open inclusivism: Open inclusivism: Christianity has a better grasp of the truth then others but can still learn
-Helps social cohesion as discussion leads to more respect and understanding
-Atheist can help understanding as scientific criticism helps strengthen and reclarify belief
Romans 2 “for God does not show favouritism”
AGAINST- Redemptosis Missio – the Church’s stance on interfaith dialogue
Sharing the Gospel of Salvation
“Sharing the Gospel of Salvation” – exercise could lead to people feeling disrespected.
-Whilst Inter-faith dialogue should be encouraged as it helps enable social cohesion it should not be with the aim of conversion as conversion is the work of God not by ‘making a sale’ as only ‘God converts people’ which Redemptosis Misio does
-Helps social cohesion as it reminds people of the commandment “treat others as you would have them treat you” – reminds Christians to be sensitive
Conversion – may lead to people feeling disrespected and not listened too
many people not religious and do not want to be converted to a religion that they have no belief in.
Dawkins – religion is a psychological abuse as it promotes harmful ideas that we will all be eternally damned
-Interfaith dialogue promotes religion across faiths and does not help promote social cohesion
Should be focussed more on the secularisation of society
Human and spiritual values make the foundations of our society. Important even to the atheist that discussions of things such as ‘justice’ is discussed to achieve a higher purpose In life and morality.
-Universal Declaration of Human rights is founded on the belief that all humans have worth discussion across faiths helps us achieve equality and understanding
Don’t need the aim of conversion as if they are to be saved it is trough Gods grace but rather to be respectful to each other and discuss views without being prejudice or intolerant
Promotes a healthy society
Christians and Muslims still make up well over half of the worlds population. Without peace and justice between these two religious’ communities, there can be no meaningful peace in the world
-A common word between us and you Say: O People of the Scripture! (Jews and Christians as all worship the one God and can trace themselves back to Abraham)
KEY TERM - The scriptural reasoning movement
-part of the dialogue of mutual understanding
-formal meeting where people look at different ways scripture could be interpreted and applied
KEY TERM - Goals of the scriptural reasoning movement
not to achieve agreement/ global theology but to get beyond the superficial
foster a spirit of openness and honest
1) wisdom
2) collegiality (shared enterprise)
3) hospitality (openness)
AGAINST- the scriptural reasoning movement (Relativises belief)
assumption that everyone’s scripture have something to offer and are worthwhile studying
-for dialogue to be genuine and effective, Christians can’t assume any privileged position as all truth open-ended
-implies everyone’s beliefs are temporary if working towards ‘global theology
FOR- the scriptural reasoning movement (Relativises belief)
instead encourages differences of opinion, argument respectfully
Teaches tolerance and respect for other faiths and can prevent civil unrest, which has occurred in the past
communication between people of different beliefs to build relationships, break down stereotypes, promote peace and understanding
The dialogue of:
-daily life (informal conversations)
-the common good (work together to benefit community)
-mutual understanding (formal debates)
-spiritual life (meet for prayer/ worship)
Two examples of interfaith dialogue and their significance
1) The Dabru Emet - document between Christians that recognises Nazism wasn’t a Christain phenomenon and a relationship between the two religions won’t weaken Jewish practise as they worship the same God
2) Common word between us and you: Muslims and Christians make up over half the worlds population and have the same foundation principles of love and a relationship between the two will instead strengthen their religion