Pluperfect, Future Perfect, Past Conditional Flashcards
I had eaten
J’avais mangé
You had finished
Tu avais fini
They had sold
Ils avaient vendu
I had entered
J’étais entré(e)
She had entered
Elle était entrée
You had entered (fml)
Vous étiez entré(e)(s)
They would have fallen (fem)
Elles seraient tombées
Here is the letter you wrote (inf)
Voici la lettre que tu as écrite
Won’t they finish the game before two?
N’auront-ils pas fini avant deux heures?
I brought you the books you had asked for
Je vous ai apporté les livres que vous aviez demandés
I was hungry because I hadn’t eaten anything all day
J’avais faim parce que je n’avais rien mangé de la journée
I will have eaten
J’aurai mangé
You will have finished (inf)
Tu aura fini
We will have sold
Nous aurons vendu
They will have eaten (masc)
Ils auraient mangé
I will have left
Je serai parti(e)
I will have finished my homework before midnight
J’aurai fini mes devoirs avant minuit
She will have returned before next week
Elle sera revenue avant la semaine prochaine
You will have finished two hours from now (fml)
Vous aurez fini d’ici deux heures
They will have left (masc)
Ils seront partis
I would have eaten
J’aurais mangé
You would have sold (inf)
Tu aurais vendu
We would have finished
Nous aurions fini
You would have finished
Vous auriez mangé
I would have left
Je serai parti(e)
He would have left
Il serait parti
We would have left
Nous serions parti(e)s
You would have left (fml)
Vous seriez parti(e)(s)
They would have left
Ils seraient partis
With more time, I would have finished the test
Avec plus de temps, j’aurais achevé (fini) l’examen
I would have said hello, but I didn’t see you
Je t’aurais dit bonjour, mais je ne t’ai pas vu
If I had seen you, I would have been happy.
Si je t’avais vu, j’aurais été content
I would have danced, but my feet hurt
J’aurais dansé, mais j’avais mal aux pieds.
If I had had time, I would have called you
Si j’avais eu le temps, je t’aurais appelé
They would have received a good grade if they had studied
Ils auraient reçu une bonne note s’ils avaient étudié