What are the two major groups for plant adaptations?
- Non- vascular plants
- Vascular plants
What is Non- vascular plants?
Non- vascular plants lack vascular tissue formed of specialized cells for the transport of water and nutrients.
- They are not as efficient
What is bryophytes (NON- VASCULAR PLANTS)? provide examples
seedless non- vascular plants
Examples: liveworts, hornworts and mosses
What are the differences between liveworts and hornworts?
- liveworts have lobe - shaped leaves similar to the shape of a human liver
- hornworts have a protruding horn- like structure
what are mosses?
Live in environments ranging from the tundra to understory of tropical forests
what are seedless vascular plants
- have a network of cells that conduct water and solutes through the plant body
- first vascular plants similar to modern ferns
- modern seedless vascular plants include lycophytes and pterophytes
What is the difference between xylem and phloem?
XYLEM: the vascular tissue responsible for long- distance transport of water and minerals, also stores water and nutrients
PHLOEM: the vascular tissue which transports sugar and proteins through the plant
What are roots?
Have prominent vascular tissue system, transfer water and minerals from the soil to the rest of the plant, act as anchor for trees
What is the difference between lycophtyes and pterophytes
LYCOPHYTES: club mosses are small evergreen
PTEROPHYTES: horsetails are found in damp environments like marshes; have needle- shaped leaves and most photosynthesis occurs in the the stem.
What is the difference between gynosperms and angiosperms?
GYNOSPERMS: produce “naked seeds”
ANGIOSPERMS: flowering plants which protect their seeds inside chambers in the centre of a flower
What are gynosperms? Provide examples.
- are diverse group of seed plants
- not descended from a single common ancestor
Examples: tall trees with scaly/needle - like leaves covered with waxy cuticle ( conerfers, pine, spruce, fir, cedar, larch, tamarack, cycads, gingophyte, gnetophytes
What are angiosperm flowers?
Plant’s sexual organs are located in flower’s
* Flowers evolved to attract insects to enable plant
* Enables distribution of pollen to female plant
gametophytes in highly organized way by insects
What is the difference between Monoecious and Diecious?
MONOECIOUS: Plant have both male and female gametes on each flower
DIECIOUS: plants have only male or female gametes on each flower
What is angiosperm fruit?
- Protects the developing embryo and serve as an agent of dispersal
- the seed forms in an ovary, which enlarges as the seed grows
What are the two category of angiosperm fruit?
Fleshy fruit and dry fruit
What is the difference between fleshy fruit and dry fruit?
FLESHY FRUIT: berries, peaches apples, grapes and tomatoes
DRY FRUIT: rice, wheat and nuts
What are three groups angiosperm seed dispersal originate from?
- monocots
- dicots
What are monocots? Provide examples.
- have one leaf present in a seedling
- flower parts are arranged in three or six-fold symmetry
Example: orchids, grasses, and palms, rice, corn, sugar cane, bananas and pineapple
What is cotyledon?
The one (monocot) or two (dicot) primitive leaves present in a seed
What is dicots? Provide examples.
have two cotyledons ( two primitive leaves present in seedling). Flower parts are arranged in 4,5, or many whorls
- vascular tissue forms a ring in the stem
Examples: forget - me- not, cabbage, dandelion, maple tree, oak tree, birch tree