Planning consideration of Def. [VEDA R GULA]
After careful study of Maps, Air photos and Air recce, if feasible followed by Grnd recce, the Div Cdr considers all avail info and makes his outline plan based on following factors: [VEDA R GULA]
- VG
- En threat and Appches
- Deception, camo and Concealment
- Assessment of own tasks
- Reserves
- Good OPs for Arty and mortars and suitable areas for deploying svl devices
- Use of obstacles
- Log cover
- Availability of time and resources
Ingredients of vital ground:
- It should be a dominating feature, the loss of which will:[2 Provide Hinder Shield]
a. Provide the en obsn into the defences
b. Provide the en a firm base
c. Hinder all movement of the defender, particularly of reserves for CA
d. Shield from obsn of the defenders - It should be comns centers, which are of use to the en as an axis of advance and maintenance.
- It should contain comns bottlenecks, which are essential to the en and provide him axis of advance and maintenance.
- If deliberate CA can be launched only through particular area or pass to regain lost VG such area may also be considered as VG.
Defense of vital ground
The selection and planning in regards to VG should carried out as under
- Physical consideration: FOR SELECTION : [RIP Relationship]
a. Relative dominance
b. Influence over own axis of maintenance or vital resources, for example, water sources in the desert
c. Places or areas of strategic importance
d. Relationship to the en’s axis of attk
- Tactical considerations: FOR PLANNING : [PPC]
a. Physical occupation of the VG
b. Provision of adequate depth on likely en appchs
c. CA planning
Selection and protection of vital ground
- Selection & Protection
- CA Policy
- C Pen Policy
Deception in Def
The overall deception plan will aim at deceiving the attacker as to the:
[3 Location]
- Location, str and depth of the main defenses
- Location and str of CA force
- Location and existence of minefields and other obstacles
The strength and layout of the defs can be hidden by: : [CULT DR O]
- Concealed cooking arrangement
- Use of temp. and alt. posn by all arms
- Location concealment and camo of HQ and OPs
- Track discipline & rigid control of traffic and movt within the def sectors
- Domination of grnd between opposing forces
- Radio silence and radio deception
- Occupation of reverse slope posn
Reverse slope posn is occupied when [Obsn, Occupation, Untenable]
- The defender can retain OBSN of the Fwd Slopes of the feature from OP and def on the flank.
- The wt of fire avail to the en and the grnd make the occupation of Fwd slope difficult by day.
- The defender can retain the ability to make the crest and fwd slopes untenable to the en by fire from defenses sites on the flank.
Adv of Reverse Slope Posn
- To make en arty/ mortar fire ineffective
- To achieve tactical surprise
- To conceal main def from en obsn
- To get free movement in battle posn
- To deceive en of own def layout and str
- To provide sy against NBC effective in reverse slope posn
Contingency posn, why?
- To occupy defensive posn on the area of appch for which en has been least expected
- To provide the def loc immediate requirement of rft
- Earmark tps for Local CA
- Provide sy in def from rear areas
- Provide all round def capability for defender
- For compact defence
- To have max reaction time for readj
- Operate against any unforeseen eventualities
Consideration for obstacle to hold River Line:
- The no. of tps reqd to deny the en the ability to recce the far side of the river line.
- How much of the forces available should be committed to oppose the en’s effort to cross.
- Where to hold the reserves.
- When and where to launch it.
Artificial obstacles will be used, whenever possible combined with natural obstacles to: ( PSC)
- Protect def areas and locs.
- Surprise the en and throw his plan out of gear.
- Canalize en attk into killing grnd.
Employment of Reserve. [D E3 CO]
- Detailed coordination with the fmn.
- Ensure that the reserve is kept in tactical picture of the progress of the battle.
- Ensure max arty Sp is available.
- Engr to ensure that the route taken by reserve is clear.
- Coordination of signal comns.
- Once the reserve is committed, cdr must take action to recreate it.
Location of reserve:[CGS Task]
- Concealment
- Grnd
- Suitable route for employment
- Task
Availability of resources will determine:
[CFT Preparation]
- Construction of other obstacles
- Frontage and depth of the def sector
- The extent and depth of minefields
- Prep of fortifications
Outline plan of the Div cdr: [VAATA CAPEELLO]
- VG
- Allocation of def sectors to Bdes and the boundaries between them.
- Allocation of arms and services to Bdes
- These will be indicated by laying down junction points between Bdes.
- Allotment of gun areas to the Div Arty.
- C-Pen and CA policy.
- AD plan.
- Policy for the development of defense works including the priorities in which work is to be carried out.
- Engr plan including any demolitions plan which may well be on a corps or even army basis.
- Employment and positioning of armour.
- Location of main and rear Div HQs.
- Location and layout of the DAA.
- Overall anti-tank defense plan based on any natural anti-tank obstacles that may exist, and the location of minefields; this will also include the allotment of anti-tank resources to Bdes Tactical features which must be included.
After receiving the Div cdr’s outline plan, the following points will have to be considered by the Bde and Bn cdrs:- :[P USED]
- Prep of defences
- Use and development of natural and artificial obstacles.
- Siting of minefields.
- Employment of Sp arms and the buildup of the fire plan including the deployment of MMGs.
- Deception, camo and concealment.
Size of Def Sector:[NATAC]
- Natural defensive str of various parts of the def sector and their relative importance
- Appches to be covered
- Tps available after considering the need for depth and protective elements
- An Appre of En capabilities against various parts of the def sector.
- C and C..
Def is not considered fully coordinated until
- CA and other contingency plans have been rehearsed by earmarked tps and all tps and cdrs know these plans.
- Arty, mortar, MMG and LMG fire in the whole of the def sector has been coordinated.
- AD plan has been coordinated and all designated trts defended.
- Layout of the AT resources including Tanks, AT wpns, ATGMs and all minefields has been coordinated.
Timing for coordination of Def
- Prep stage
- After occupying Def area
- Initial deployment is done
Time reqd for Prep of Def will depend on
- Necessity to lay-down priorities, particularly when large-scale engr tasks are involved.
- Time has to be allowed for recce, siting and planning the defensive layout
- Time to be allowed for deployment of Tps.
- Will also depend on :[TAAL]
(a) Trn and weather.
(b) Availability of Tps by taking into consideration various commitments such as patrolling, screen, OP and Local Protection duties.
(c) Availability of stores including carriage, sorting and laying out in appropriate dumps.
(d) Limitations imposed by the en such as air threat, which may necessitate prep by Ni only.