planning Flashcards
- involves deciding the order and intensity of decomposition of a problem, and determining consequences of alternative plans (break it down into smaller pieces)
- involves searching through the problem space - mental representation of a problem
- search is guided by heuristics - self-discovery - ‘rule of thumb’ - doesn’t guarantee same outcomes - analyse behaviour etc - could lead to things like racial profiling
- is constrained - controlled
- is mediated by external environments
comparing and contrasting
first compare and contrast based on one thing
then compare and contrast based on another
- no repeating
problem components
initial state: the problem as presented
goal state: the aim/intention/desired outcome
operators: things you can do/try/execute
- limitations on what you can do try/execute
- additional requirements/rules - accuracy, latency, etc
decomposition orders
the order in which we plan has a real impact on the success of out outcome
breadth-first: think about all decisions carefully
- advantage - minimal commitment
depth-first: committing yourself first, straight into it and starting it with detail first -without knowing rest of detail
- advantage - immediate feedback; lower cognitive load
opportunistic: take things as they arrive
- capitalising on current state, efficiency
mental representation of a problem
- state space: all possibilities that lie between the start and the finish of the problem
- task environment: the environment you are trying to do these things within and what the limits
- information processing system: short term memory -limited and long term memory - relevant or irrelevant information
the state space
all possible paths between initial and goal states
- larger it is harder the problem will be to solve