Planning Flashcards
What is the NPPF?
National Planning Policy Framework (last revised in July 2021)
What type of application did you submit for the conversion of a traditional agricultural building into a residential dwelling? And Why?
- Full Application under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- Because the application was in Wales and unlike England they have no Class Q provisions.
What are the requirements of Class Q?
- Building had to be in agricultural use on 20th March 2013 (or for a period of 10 years after that date).
- Not permitted in AONBs, National Parks, SSSIs, Listed Buildings or Conservation Areas.
- Development must be in the footprint of the existing building.
- LPA have 56 days to determine the decision.
- Allowed 5 smaller dwelling houses up to 100sqm each.
- Allowed 3 larger dwelling houses up to 465sqm total.
- Following documents are required with the application; transport & highways assessment, noise impacts, flood & contamination risks, ecology report, site plan, existing & proposed plans & design and access statement.
How did you apply for Prior Notification for the roof structure?
Under the; Town & Country Planning, General Permitted Development Order 1995, Schedule 2, parts 6 & 7
When is full planning permission for an Ag Building required rather than Prior Notification?
- Development is not reasonably necessary for the purposes of Agriculture on the holding.
- Development on a Agricultural Holding of 0.4ha or less.
- Development within 25m of a classified road.
- Agricultural Buildings of more than 1,000 sqm.
- Agricultural Building of more than 12m in height.
- Development not designed for the purposes of agriculture.
What is TD1?
- Found in Local Development Plan
- Tourism Policy for Powys.
- Supports tourism development that is sympathetic to the natural environment and rural landscape.
- Sensitively designed and located to blend into the landscape.
- Part of a farm diversification scheme.
What is a ‘Grampion’ Condition?
- Planning condition attached to a decision notice that prevents the start of a development until off-site works have been completed on land not controlled by the applicant.
What is a s106 Agreement?
- A type of planning obligation authorised by Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.
- An agreement entered into between a local authority and a landowner and/or developer.
- Obligation to mitigate the impact of new developments.
What is CIL?
-Community Infrastructure Levy
- Introduced by Planning Act 2008
- to help deliver Infrastructure to support the development of their area.
What is a Pre-App?
- Optional service before applying for a full app.
- Allows you to understand how development policies will apply.
- Gain advice from a Planning Officer.
- Identify any problems & rectify before full app submitted.
What is Outline Planning Permission?
- Find out at early stage likelihood of approval before substantial costs incurred.
- Allows fewer details about the proposed development to be submitted.
- Details can be agreed later following “reserved matters”.
What are reserved matters?
- Once outlined granted, reserved matters application must be made within 3 years.
- Reserved matters can include; appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale.
What is the purpose of the planning system?
To identify and manage what development is needed to benefit communities, environment and the economy.
What legislation governs SuDS in Wales?
The Flood & Water Management Act 2010
How did you calculate the size of the soakaway at Llanbister?
Using the Wallingford HR online calculator.
How much did the application fee cost for the conversion of the Agricultural Building?