Agriculture Flashcards
What regulations needs to be adhered to if you want to plough a field of Permanent Pasture?
- If it’s been grass under 15 years and had regular “agricultural” practices such as fertiliser, muck topping, and lime applied then you can plough.
- Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
What are the typical arable operations/cultivations for Winter Wheat?
- Plough
- Harrow
- Drill
- Harrow
- Roll
- Pre-emergent spray
What are the tagging requirements for sheep?
- Sheep for slaughter (12 months and under) = single ear tag that shows your flock number.
- Sheep 1 yr + = 2 ear tags that displays individual identification number and your flock number.
What is the English Roadmap for Agriculture?
- 1st January 2021 – end of 2027 (Agricultural Transition Period).
- Reduction in BPS from 2021 – 2024 = 5% (2021) 20% (2022) 35% (2023) 50% (2024) – Up to £30,000
- Up to Sept 2022 to apply for Lump Sum Payment (based on av BPS 2019 - 2021) Multiplied by 2.35 (capped at £99,875).
- Delinking from 2024 – 2027 (based on reference amount – av from 2020/2021/2022 BPS).
How often does TB testing need to be carried out in Wales?
- Whole herd testing annually (unless in a high risk area - every 6 months)
- Within 60 days prior to movement.
- Read within 72 hours.
How much WW seed per ha?
175 kg per ha
How much were entitlements trading for this year?
Welsh = £60-80/unit
SDA = £180-£200/unit
Non SDA = £180/unit
What is Share Farming?
- Joint venture
- Farm a certain area of land whilst remaining 2 separate businesses.
- Owner does not receive rent for the land.
- Operator does not get paid for their time.
- Each farmer registered for VAT & claim separately.
- Party invoices other party for their share of the costs.
- Pre-agreed profit shares.
What do you think are the current challenges facing agricultural enterprises in your area?
- Loss of Basic Payment
- Attempts to replace that subsidy (diversification)
- NVz = Storage and spreading requirements (Manure & slurry)
What is a Grazing Livestock Unit?
A way of comparing the nutritional requirements of grazing animals.
What do the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021 cover?
- good practice requirements for nutrient management.
- standards for storage of silage effluent and slurry.
What information does a Cattle passport state?
- Sex
- Breed
- Ear tag of Dam
- Official Ear Tag number
What is Milk Quota?
- Purpose was to bring rising milk production under control.
- Milk quotas were attached to land holdings and capped the amount of milk a farmer could sell every year without paying a levy.
What are the requirements of the Water Resources (Agricultural Pollution (Wales) Regulations 2021?
- Notifying NRW of the construction of any new silo or slurry store.
- Closed periods for spreading manufactured nitrogen fertiliser (15th Sept-15th Jan) and manures.
- 6 months storage capacity (pigs & poultry) 5 months storage capacity (beef and sheep) from 1st August 2024
What permission do you need to remove a Hedgerow?
A Hedgerow Removal Notice
What is the price of Store steers/heifers?
Store Steers = 270ppk
Heifers = 250ppk
What are the expected BPS Payment Rates for 2022?
SDA = £185
Non SDA = £186
Welsh = £120 (plus redistributive payment)
What are the standard arable operations and timings for a Winter Wheat Crop?
September = Ploughing
October = Cultivations & Drilling
November = Weed control
March/April = Fertiliser top dressing
April = Weed Control
May = Weed & Disease Control
June = Disease Control
August = Harvest (Combine & Bale)
How would you describe the current economic state of agriculture?
- Uncertain and challenging
- Phasing out of BPS – Introducing new schemes (Public Money for Public Goods)
- Consumer habits are changing (Vegans/vegetarians)
- Greater emphasis on biodiversity and sustainability
- Increasing red tape and legislation
What does your client undertaking the pilot SFI, think of the scheme?
- Poor payment rates
- More flexible than existing schemes (CS)
- Payment made quarterly which aids cashflow
- little opportunity for feedback considering “pilot scheme”
What is ELMS?
- Environmental Land Management Scheme
- Sustainable Farming Incentive
- Local Nature Recovery
- Landscape Recovery
Under Mid-Tier, what are the payment rates for the following options;
GS2 - Low input Grassland (Outside SDA)
FG2 - Sheep netting
GS5 - Low input Grassland (in SDAs)
BN11 - Hegde Planting
SW7 - Arable Reversion
GS2 - £132/ha
FG2 - £4.90/m
GS5 - £71/ha (was £16)
BN11 - £11.60/m
SW7 - £321/ha
Give me an example Gross Margin for an Arable Enterprise?
Output @ £242/t (3.5t/ac)
Variable Costs;
Total Variable Costs
Gross Margin (Output - Total Variable Costs)
What IHT relief would be available for a tourism development?
- Providing the tourism activity forms part of a larger trading activity (such as farming), BPR may be available instead of APR.
- Diversification projects may qualify for BPR however, the land must be used for ‘trading’ rather than ‘investment’ purposes.
- Tax treatment of the tourism development must be considered ‘in the round’.
- Looked at on a case by case basis!
How do you report and record the movement of cattle?
- BCMS (British Cattle Movement Service)
- All movements must be recorded on each cattle passport:
before the animal leaves the holding (for off movements) and
within 36 hours of the animal’s arrival on the holding (for on movements). - Cattle must have official tags (2 - primary & secondary), valid passport & no standstills or other movement restrictions in force.
What is the GLU of a Cow?
- Beef cow (excluding calf) - 0.75
- In-calf Heifer - 0.80
What is Contract Farming?
- Joint venture
- Farmer provides land, buildings and claims subsidies.
- Contractor provides labour, machinery & power.
- Day-to-day decisions with farmer (Farmer eligible for APR)
- Farmer should set up an Bank Account, pay for all inputs and receive all income.
- Contractor receives a fixed payment per ha (known as a contractors charge) in return for labour & machinery.
- After the sale of the crop, farmer gets a fixed payment & any remainder is divided between contractor and farmer, depending on their agreed formula.
- Must be an element of risk for the farmer!
What advice would you give a client regarding spraying near water courses?
- assess the possible environmental effects to identify which precautions you should take to protect wildlife and the environment.
- Under the GAEC Rules, you must not cultivate, apply fertilisers or pesticides to land within 2 meters of a water course.
- In Wales, an agreement is needed with NRW if using herbicides within 5m of a watercourse or a designated site (SSSI).
What is a typical crop rotation for your area?
- Predominately permanent pasture, however an example of a arable crop rotation is;
Winter Wheat
- Winter Wheat
- Winter Wheat
- Winter Wheat
- Beans
(Rotation would be based upon weeds, diseases, location and market!)
What is the Young Farmer Payment?
Wales = 18 - 40 years. Can apply for a top up payment. 25% of entitlement value capped at 25 ha.
England = 18 - 40 years. Can apply for a top up payment. 17.5% of entitlement value capped at 90 ha.
What legislation relates to Animal Welfare?
- Animal Welfare Act 2006
- Welfare of Farmed Animal Regulations 2007
What is the price of Wheat?
Feed Wheat =
Milling Wheat =
What legislation governs NVZ’s in Wales?
- Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021
What is the maximum amount of nitrogen you can apply on your holding in each calendar year in an NVZ?
170kg per hectare of nitrogen in livestock manure
How do you report and record the movement of sheep?
- EID Cymru (Electronic Identification)
- All sheep movements need to be recorded within 3 days (72 hours).
- AML1 is a legal document that must be completed each
time sheep move between different holdings (and retained for flock records) - Farmers required to record individual tag numbers of sheep on AML1 Form (Animal Movement Licence document).
What is the price of Milk? (ppl)
40 pence per litre
What do you understand by the “Farming Rules for Water?”
- The Reduction & Prevention of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution (England) Regulations 2018.
- Introduced to reduce and prevent diffuse water pollution from agricultural sources.
- Covers applying & storing fertilisers and management of soil and livestock.
What do you understand about land classification systems?
- uses a grading system to enable you to assess and compare the quality of agricultural land in England and Wales.
- Grade 1 - 5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.
What are the ownership conditions for APR?
- Occupied the property for the purposes of Agricultural 2 years prior.
- Owned the property for 7 years.
- 50% AHA
- 100% FBT & Grazing licences
What is the GLU (Grazing livestock unit) of a Sheep?
- Hill ewes = 0.06
Give me an example Gross Margin for a livestock Enterprise?
Upland Ewe
Lamb - £124
Wool - 0.28p
Less depreciation of ewe & ram - £23
Output = £101
Variable Costs
Concentrates - £17
Vet & Med - £10
Miscellaneous - £14
Total Variable Costs = £41
Gross Margin (Output - Total Variable Costs) - £60 per ewe (excluding forage)
What are the key points of the Agricultural Act 2020?
Establish a new agricultural system, based on the principle of public money for public goods. Key areas include;
A - Animal Welfare
C - Chlorinated chicken
D - Delinking payments
E - Elms
F - Food security
G - Greater Transparency
What is the average yield and GLU of a Dairy Cow?
8,000 litres per annum.
1.00 GLU.