Plagiarism Flashcards
What is plagiarism?
When you pass off the work or ideas of others as your own
What 5 different ways of plagiarism?
- Concealing your sources
- Collusion
- Copy and paste
- Misinterpreting common knowledge
- self plagiarism
What is the problem, in concealing your sources?
Problem: Not acknowledging other materials and ideas in your work
What is the cause in concealing your sources?
Cause: Could be a mistake, laziness, or poor citing and reference
What is the solution in concealing your sources?
Solution: Cite the author in your work, each and every time you mention their idea or quote their words
What is the problem in collusion?
problem: Its taking credit for another students work
What is the cause in collusion?
Can happen in a group working scenario, where your sharing ideas and thoughts. It could also happen if someone copies your work, either with or without knowledge
What is the solution to collusion?
Solution: If you do include the ideas of other student, cite them as you would another author or academic. Taking notes of who said what in group working sessions can be good way of recording this information, and you reference this.
What is the problem in copy and paste?
Copying and pasting information from the internet, from an article or lifting chunks of text direct from a book
What is the cause in copying and paste?
Sometimes though you want to use the exact words of others in your work
What is the solution of copying and paste?
Make sure that you acknowledge the original source so that you are not accused of concealing your sources.
What is the problem of misinterpreting common knowledge?
not sure what is common knowledge and what isnt
what is the cause of misinterpreting common knowledge?
This is where your specialist subject knowledge comes into force, and knowing the audience for whom you are writing. this can be tricky!
What is the solution of misinterpreting common knowledge?
If a fact is common knowledge then there is no need to cite.
What is the problem for self plagiarism?
self plagiarism is as it sounds plagiarism yourself