how to read the paper? Flashcards
what is trashing papers
Papers that should be in the bin
Why do papers get trashed?
The study did not address an important scientific issue
The study was not original (someone else had already
done the same or a similar study)
The study did not actually test the authors’ hypothesis
A different type of study should have been done
Practical difficulties (in recruiting subjects, for example) led the authors to compromise on the original study protocol
The sample size was too small
The study was uncontrolled or inadequately controlled
The statistical analysis was incorrect or inappropriate
The authors drew unjustified conclusions from their data
There is a significant conflict of interest (one of the authors, or a sponsor, might benefit financially from the publication of the paper and insufficient safeguards were seen to be in place to guard against bias)
The paper is so badly written that it is incomprehensible
how should drug treatment or other medical interventions be addressed
by double blind, randomised controlled trials
prognosis require longitudinal cohort studies, and those about causation require which study?
require either cohort or case-control studies
How can Case reports, though methodologically weak, be produced
rapidly and have a place in alerting practitioners to adverse drug reactions
Primary studies, the stuff of most published research in medical journals, usually fall into one of three categories:?
Experiments E in which a manoeuvre is performed on an animal or a volunteer in artificial and controlled surroundings;
Clinical trials, in which an intervention, such as a drug treatment, is offered to a group of patients who are then followed up to see what happens to them; or
Surveys, in which something is measured in a group of patients, health professionals, or some other sample of individuals.
What is Parallel group comparison?
Each group receives a different treatment, with both groups being entered at the same time; results are analysed by comparing groups
What are Paired (or matched) comparison ?
subjects receiving different treatments are matched to balance potential confounding variables such as age and sex; results are analysed in terms of differences between subject pairs
what is Factorial designA study ?
permits investigation of the effects (both separately and combined) of more than one independent variable on a given outcome (for example, a 2x2 factorial design tested the effects of placebo, aspirin alone, streptokinase alone, or aspirin plus streptokinase in acute heart attack23)
Overviews divide into two division?
systemic review
non systemic review
What is non systemic review?
[Non-systematic] reviews, which summarise primary studies;
what is systemic review?
Systematic reviews, which do this according to a rigorous and predefined methodology; and
what is decision analysis?
Decision analyses, which use the results of primary studies to generate probability trees to be used by health professionals and patients in making choices about clinical management.24 25 26
what is economic analysis?
Economic analyses, which use the results of primary studies to say whether a particular course of action is a good use of resources.
What 5 broad field research are there?
Therapy diagnosis screening prognosis causation