Placenta Previa, morbidly adherent, abruption and vasa previa Flashcards
What is placenta previa?
How many births does it affect?
When the placenta lies low in the uterus - may even cover the cervical OS
4-5/1000 births
What are the 4 types of placenta previa?
1 - low lying placenta - in lower segment 20mm or less of the internal OS
2 - Marginal Placenta: touching internal OS
3 - Partial Previa: covering internal OS
4 - Complete Previa: Total OS covered
RF of placenta previa?
Multiple pregnancies, miscarriage pHx, C sections, high age, maternal smoking, IVF, PMHx
Sx of placenta previa?
3/3 painless PV bleeding, bright red blood
Suspected after >24 weeks
Diagnosis of placenta previa?
ID on Anomaly scan TV USS (18-20+6 weeks),
do NOT do PV exam
Then at 34 week scan
Treatment of placenta previa?
grade 1 - consider vaginal birth with Obs
grade 2-4 - consider c section
What normally happens to the placenta in pregnancy?
Placenta normally migrates up during pregnancy
What is a morbidly adherent placenta?
Abnormal implantation at basal plate —> placenta fails to detach from uterine wall - massive obstetric haemorrhage
RF for MAP?
Placenta previa, c section, uterine surgery (eg, D+C), Multiparous, IVF
dx of MAP?
TV USS anomaly scan - loss of normal hypo echoic retroplacental zone + placental lacunae
Tx of MAP?
c - section MUST be done, most often + hysterectomy + group and save with transfusion as increased blood loss
Complication of MAP?
Heavy PPH (>2000ML often)
Prematurity (deliver 35-37 weeks to reduce haemorrhage risk)
Placental infection if not hysterectomy done
What is placental abruption?
Separation of placenta from the endometrial wall causing bleeding
What is the most common cause of bleeding in third trimester?
Placental abruption
RF for placental abruption?
cocaine use
Sx of placental abruption?
3/3 painful pv dark red bleed
Hard woody uterus - often pain not proportional to apparent blood loss (due to occult blood)
Dx of placental abruption?
USS (rule out vasa previa) - likely normal
Tx for stable and unstable placental abruption?
stable - observe
unstable - maternal/foetal distress - cat 1 c section
Comp of placental abruption?
M-F death
What is vasa previa?
where the foetal vessels unprotected by the umbilical cord or placental tissue run dangerously close to or across the internal cervical OS, vessels prone to rupture in ROM
RF for vasa previa?
Placenta previa
multiple pregnancies
Sx of vasa previa?
Bright painless heavy PV bleed 3/3
foetal bradycardia
Dx of vasa previa?
USS - Shows Umbilical arteries presenting
Tx of vasa previa?
need cat 1 c section
- foetal death highly likely