Multiple Pregnancies + others Flashcards
What do monozygotic and dizygotic mean?
What % of births are twins?
Mono (identical) - Single egg fertilised, splits
Dizygotic - 2 separate eggs fertilised simultaneously
3% births
What are the 3 different arrangements for placenta and sac?
placentas? sacs?
Dichorionic diamniotic (70%)
2 placentas and 2 sacs
Monochorionic diamniotic (25%)
1 placenta and 2 sacs
Monochorionic monoamniotic (5%)
1 placenta and 1 sac
RF for twins?
fHx, IVF use, idiopathic
Dx for twins?
Di-di (2 sign)
Mono-di = T sign
What is a complication of mono chorionic pregnancies?
What % twins suffer from it?
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
What is TTTS?
1 baby has increased blood flow + the other is starved
Donor twin (small) pumps blood to recipient twin
What are each foetus, donor and recipient, at risk of developing?
Twin anemia - polycythemia + selective growth restriction
Both foetuses at risk of developing heart failure + hydrops
Donor twin suffers from high cardiac output failure as a result of severe anemia
Recipient twin suffers from fluid overload due to excess blood volume
Tx for TTTS?
Fetoscopic laser ablation
deliver at 34-36+6 weeks
Other comps of twin pregnancies?
Low birth weight
high perinatal mortality
spontaneous Preterm birth (60%)
Pre eclampsia (30%)
When should early delivery be considered?
for mono-di and mono-mono twins
Pregnancy Tx for:
Post partum thyroiditis
propylthiouracil + propranolol
Only treat hyperthyroid phase (propranolol) high-low- resolves within a year
Tx for VZV?
What do we check?
Before and after 20 weeks?
Check VZ Ig
Then 20 weeks or less - VZ Ig
More than 20 weeks + within 24hr rash - PO aciclovir
Parvovirus B19
What can it precipitate?
can precipitate aplastic crisis in baby if pre existing haem anemia (eg. sickle cell)
What do give for GBS?
IV Benzylpenicillin intrapartum
when is UTI tested for and why?
What Tx for UTI?
High UTI incidence in pregnancy (20-30x)
Test at Booking + 3/3
If +ve, Ddx=ASB, Give nitrofurantoin