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Pharmacy Stage 2
> PK: Half-Life, Clearance, Excretion > Flashcards
PK: Half-Life, Clearance, Excretion Flashcards
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Pharmacy Stage 2
(85 decks)
Gastric Secretion
Pathophysiology of Inflammations
Infective Diarrhoea
Inlammatory Bowel Disorders
Pharmaceutics: Drying
Pharmaceutics-Excipients For Film Coating
H.pylori And GI Ulceration
Pharmaceutics: Powder Mixing
Pharmaceutics: Exicipients For Powder Mixtureso
Intro To Bioinorgic Chemistry 1 & 2
Dyspepsia And GORD
Fundamentals of Antibiotics
Antibiotic Chem 1 and 2
Nausea and Emesis
Pharmaceutics: Granulation
Aromatics Directing Effects 1+2
Large Intestines, Constipation, Diarrhoea and Lactose intolerance
Hepatic Disease And Treatment
Pharmacological changes of dysfunctional hepatic system
Biliary Disease and Treatment
Pharmaceutics: Pellets and Extrusion
Lipid Digestion and The Exocrine Pancreas
Aromatics Directing Effects 3+4
Pharmaceutics: Excipients for IR Tablets
Acid-Base and Blood Gasses
Physiology of Gas Exchange and Mechanisms
Allergic Rhinitis: Antihistamines
Pathophysiology of Cough
Antihistamines and Antimuscarinics
Pharmaceutical Management of Cough
Heteroaromatic Chemistry 1 and 2
Respiratory Tract Infections 1
Asthma Pharmacology
Pathophysiology of COPD
Physicochemical Properties 1
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Pharmaceutical Care of Asthma
Physicochemical Properties 2
Inhaled Route of Delivery: DPI
Chemistry of Fe
Chemistry of Zn
Pressurised Metered Dose Inhalers and Nebulisers
Particle Size Reduction
Chemistry of Signalling Metals
Particle Size Analysis
Pharmaceutical Care of COPD
Molecular Genetics
Gene Therapy
Cystic Fibrosis
Nasal Drug Delivery
Inhalation Product Design and Testing
Heterocyles - directing effect
Cardiovascular physiology and mechanisms controlling cardiac output
Heterocyclic Chemistry
Pharmaceutics - Buccal and Sublingual Application
Other Metals in Biology
Chemical Stability 1+2
Aetiology and Pathophysiology of Systemic Hypertension
Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and coagulation
Pharmacology of Antihypertensive medication
Pharmacology of Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Medication
Ischaemic Heart Disease
Pharmaceutics - Tableting and Roller Compacting
Pharmacology of Medicines for Hyperlipidaemia and Angina
Chemistry of Beta-blockers
Pharmaceutics - Excipients for Matrix Tablets
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure
Pharmaceutics-Film and Sugar Coating Methods
Pharmacology of Heart Failure Drugs
Analytical Techniques
Cardiac Conductance and Arrythmogenesis and Antiarrhythmia Drugs
Pharmacokinetics 1 + 2
Drug Likeness and Drug Ability
Drug Metabolism 1+2
Drug Design and Toxicity
Drug Distribution and Compartmentalisation
PK: Half-Life, Clearance, Excretion
Principles of Prescribing in Renal Disease
Renal Failure
Respiratory Tract Infections - Tb and Chemo