Pitch Flashcards
What is indefinite pitch?
Result of multiple frequencies
What can’t indefinite pitch do and what is it ideal for?
Cannot be sung- cannot produce melodies or harmonies.
ideal for supplying rhythm (drums, cymbals, maracas)
What is definite pitch?
Single frequency notes.
What can definite pitch do?
Produce harmonies and melodies. If you can sing note instruments make it is definitely pitched
What is melody?
A linear series of pitches set to a particular rhythm. (The tune of the piece)
What is the concept of pitch?
Arrangement of sounds and their frequency
What does the pitch of a melody affect?
Character. (Can be commented on in exams)
What is contour?
Refers to shape of the melody
Why should you mention contour?
It shows you can recognise a melody’s melodic shape
What is articulation?
The way a note is played
What are the different types of articulation?
Legato articulation
Mezzo staccato (slur &dots)
Sostenuto (notes overlap- pedal on piano)
What are phrases?
Refers to notes between breaths
How are phrases indicated?
By slurs?
What are intervals?
Distance between 2 notes
What are the types of intervals?
Repetitions (same note)
Steps (moves up or down with no notes skipped)
Why are you asked about intervals?
Show you can recognise what intervals are mainly used in melody
Distance between H and Lowest note in melody
What are the different types of repetition?
Whole melody
Phrase beginnings
Sequence(melodic pattern repeated at a H or Lower pitch)
Single pitch
Melodic ostinatos (repeated melodic pattern of accompanying role)
Riffs (JAZZ- melodic ostinatos olayed as dominate melody
ROCK - melodic ositinato played in unison by electric guitar&bass)
How can tonality be described?
In terms of the type of scal used for melodies and harmonies. Actually describe it: The piece has a major tonality as it is based on a major scale
What is tonal music?
Music is drawn to home/tonic note
What is atonal music?
Music can finish on any note , not drawn to any note?
What are the different types of tonality ?
Major Minor Blues Modal Chromatic Ethnic
What is creativity in music?
Improvisation or previously composed.
What are some types of ornaments?
Grace note
How should you answer pitch questions?
Be methodical, talk about melody and harmony separately. Take every opportunity to throw in musical terms and to show off your knowledge.
Harmony: Tonality
What is it? Are there changes? Is the tonality modal or based on whole tonality? If the piece is atonal try todiscuss the pitch elements that contribute e.g. Chromaticism, dissonance, non standard chords etc…
If tonality modulates…
where, what is the relationship of the keys (major to minor, higher keys, lower keys).
What can help to reinforce tonality?
pedal points or drones
Harmony: Scales
blues scale, pentatonic scale, whole tone scale or a mode? If so where and by what instrument?
Harmony: Chords
consonant or dissonant. Say why: Is there a lot of cluster chords or are there melodies that are played very closely together to create dissonance. Try to spot the use of any specific chords like major 7th, minor 7th and diminished.
Try and state where dissonant chord is used and if dissonance is resolve to a consonance or is there a string of dissonant chords in a row.?
What should you talk about with chords?
Describe the rate of chord change. Listen for any repeating chord patterns and try and write the chord progression.
Are there any cadences that stand out?
Steps and leaps
are the steps scalic in movement (major or minor or chromatic) are the leaps large small?
is arpeggio movement creating the leaps?
Are there blues notes in the melody?
If so say when
What must you discuss about the melody?
Discuss the range of the melody:
does the range increase/decrease?
if so where is it widest etc… discuss the various registers used.
What must you ALWAYS discuss about the melody?
Where it changes! show off and discuss exciting music features.
Alberti bass
an ascending arpeggio that is repeated (arpeggiated accompaniment, where the notes of the chord are presented in the order lowest, highest, middle, highest. This pattern is then repeated.)
What are the pitch features of the cadenza?
what pitch material is reused?
how is pitch material changed?
Call and response
Discuss the pitch features of the call
and of the response
Is there an overlapping of a melody started at different times. Discuss the registers that the melody is in
Counter melody
What instrument performs the counter melody?
How does this melody differ from that main melody: range, register, scale, movement etc
What is it when fragments of the melody are thrown around different instruments?
How can you describe imitation?
by discussing the pitch features of the phrase that is imitated – Does it step? Use arpeggio? What is it’s range? Does it get used in different registers, Does it create a sequence? Etc),
Types of ornamentation
Trills, grace notes, mordent, trills etc.
What should you say about ornamentation?
When is it used
Melodic ostinato/riff
If you hear any repeating melodic material it is very important that you describe it and notate it
Melodic sequences
is it long or short?
What should you use diagrams for?
To show shape of melody, especially for sequences
What must you do when in the hsc exam?
• Think about what you are hearing, write it down, then give the Effect of what you hear with reasoning and
What must you be able to do after thinking about what you are hearing, writing it down, then give the Effect of what you hear with reasoning
• Be able to write about each of the elements of Unity, Variety, Balance & Contrast – these terms will explain how a composer uses the elements in the composition process
What must you discuss with regard to instruments?
THEIR ROLES!! eg. rhythmic, melodic or harmonic function
What should you always ask yourself in any music aural question?
What? Did I hear
When? Did it occur - in what section
How? What played it, in what manner, with what technique
Why? Did the composer/arranger do it this way - unity, variety, tone colour etc