Duration Flashcards

describe w italian term and where and how it changes.
Time signature
2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, 2/2 etc
More than one rhythm
Cross rhythm
ie, 3 beats and 2 beats
Is it unifying, contrasting, poly, cross?
upbeat before song
displacing the beat, creates interest and variety as is unexpected to the ear. Having strong beat on a weak beat.
Repeated rhythmic motif
Rhythmic ostinato
Reptition of rhythm
rhythmic repetition
when a theme is repeated but is varied by using notes with shorter duration then in the original e.g. the note values are halved, which makes it much faster

stretching the time signature: when a theme is repeated but is varied by increasing the note values e.g. doubling the length of each note, which makes it a lot slower
Note values
long, short, 8th notes, 1/4, 16th? etc
rhythmic pattern of syncopated beats with two beats in the time of three or three beats in the time of two. Regroups the beats to make it feel like it’s a different time signature

What is moving from 2 groups of 3 to three groups of 2?
Discuss time signature
Fully describe the time signature: is it simple or compound and then state the time signature ‘numbers’
Compound time signature
pulse can be divided into 3 beats/rhythms
pulse can be divided into 2 beats/part rhythms
Describe tempo
Use Italian words to describe tempo. How does it affect mood? sudden or gradual? where in the song the piece the tempo changes?
broad, slow, dignified
at ease, slow, but not as slow as largo
walking pace (andantino- a little faster than this)
moderate speed
fast, lively
very fast (prestissimo- as fast as possible)
marks a note to be held
What is opposite of accelerando?
Alla marcia
march style, strict tempo

A tempo
return to previous tempo
robbing the time, musical freedom
moved (piu- more, meno-less)
upbeat in an unfinished bar before piece begins. How long is it?
strong/weak? Cohesive and flowing? Fragmented and disjunct? make sure you justify your response. Is the beat reinforced by the drums or the accented chords? Is there a BACKBEAT?
Back beat
continuous heavy beat on 2nd & 4th beat
Note lengths
describe overall note lengths of each instrument Are the length of notes longer in the melody than in the backing? or the other way around
With regard to note lengths what is likely?
That different instruments will have contrasting rhythms, so describe each using specific durations “The bass guitar is playing constant 1/8th notes”
What must be thoroughly covered first in a duration question?
- Time signature 2. Tempo 3. Anacrusis 4. Beat 5. Note lengths
After covering 1. Time signature 2. Tempo 3. Anacrusis 4. Beat 5. Note lengths what can then be covered?
- Triplets 7. Dotted rhythms 8. Syncopation 9. Rhythmic ostinatos 10. Accents
Where do they occur, are they 1/4 or 1/8 note triplets?
Dotted rhythm
Is dotted rhythm used or in specific sections or instrumental parts?
Is syncopation used? Is it created through accents? Is syncopation heavy, light, continues, occasional?
Rhythmic ostinato
What are the rhythmic features of the ostinato? Repeating Crotchets, Dotted rhythm, quavers etc… You should try and notate any rhythmic ostinato.
Is there an accent pattern? If so notate it. Are accents regular or irregular? Does this relate to syncopation? Are they sforzando? (heavy & forceful) or tenuto (more drawn out)?
How can changes to tempo be created?
RITENUTO (sudden slowing down), ACCELERANDO (sudden speeding up), RUBATO (freely moving with lack of pace)
what might different sections have?
Different sections of songs tend to have specific durational features. A chorus may introduce triplets. The verse may use swing rhythm. A different accent pattern may be introduced in a contrasting section.
very slow/ almost solemn
gradually slowing down, holding back
Is the piece multimetred?
Have changing time signatures?
Is there a total absence of time signature?
Eg. in contemporary art music it may have no feeling of pulse/consistency
Is there doubling?
Doubling the length of notes to make it longer
are there rests/pauses?
creating contrast & interest?
Are there cross or polyrhythms?
2 (or more) contrasting rhythms played at once
How can variety be achieved?
-rep of same rhythm w. different pitch -rep of same pitch w. different rhythm
-contrasting rhythms against each other creates …
What could you ask about a rhythmic ostinato?
Is there variation or development or does it remain unchanged?
do notes stop abruptly or smoothly? Staccato/pizzicato/legato/sluring Accents?

how could you describe the use of normal accents?
metrical accents
can tempo be strict/
can tempo change be sudden/
If tempo changes, what
is the effect?
How does tempo & rhythmic changes relate
to the other concepts?
What can accents be related to?
What are the note values? (4 egs)
e,g, sustained notes, dotted notes, runs and fast note
Describe the mood? (4 egs)
e.g. lively, animated, dramatic, constant motion
Texture in relation to rhythm
How does the rhythm fit into the texture?
How could you relate pitch to rhythm?
What is the rhythm of the melody?
How could you describe dominant/subordinate instruments with regard to rhythm?
Which instrument plays each rhythmic pattern?
How does tempo affect…
How could you describe dynamics with regard to rhythm?
What are the dynamics of the rhythm?
Triplets are
a rhythmic device
duplets are
a rhythmic device
ties are
a rhythmic device
an anacrusis is a
a rhythmic device
What does having similar rhythms create?
unity through duration
What does repeating teh same rhythm with the same pitch achieve?
static unchanging tempo creates ….. and thus….
which creates familiarity and thus repetition
what would a fluctuating tempo create
instability & therefore contrast
what feeling does a polyrhythm create?
disjunct feeling achieving contrast
what must you link when describing a durational feature?
detailed description and their musical purpose