Piliavin et al. Flashcards
What is the background to Piliavin’s research?
the murder of Kitty Genovese
woman in New York who was stabbed going home from work
38 neighbours heard her cry for help but no one rang the police
What did Darley and Latane (1968) propose bystander behaviour is caused by?
diffusion of responsibility
more people = less help
What is the aim of Piliavin’s study?
to study the bystander effect in a natural setting
if characteristics would effect behaviour
What method design did Piliavin use?
field experiment
independent measures
observational technique
snapshot study
What measures/ independent variables did Piliavin use?
type of victim- drunk or with a cane
race of victim- black or white
modelling- seeing someone else help
group size
What were the dependent variables in Piliavin’s study?
time took for help to be offered
number of people who offered
What was Piliavin’s sampling technique?
opportunity sample
passengers travelling on a New York subway from Harlem to the Bronx
When were Piliavin’s participants studied?
middle of the day- 11am-3pm
2 months- 15th April-26th June 1968
How many people did Piliavin study? How many black and white?
about 4,450
about 45% black and 55% white
What was the mean amount of people on the carriage in Piliavin’s study? How many in the critical area?
8.5 in critical area
What was the critical area in Piliavin’s study?
the area in the train where the incident took place
What were the confederates in Piliavin’s study’s characteristics?
all General Studies students
from Columbia University, New York
from 25-35 yrs old
four teams of 4 students- 1 male model, 1 male victim, 2 female observers
only 1 victim was black
How many trials took place in Piliavin’s study?
103 separate trials
What did Piliavin’s victim and model do?
after 70 seconds staggered + collapsed + remained lying on his back
if no one helped when the train was coming to a stop the model helped the victim
What did all of Piliavin’s victims wear?
Eisenhower jacket
old trousers
no tie