Piliavin Flashcards
This experiment was based off of teh killing of Kitty Genovese. Kitty had scream,ed for help hwoveere no one had come to help her. The frist call to teh police was at 12:50 30 minuetets after teh attack. However eshe was already dead
Laboratory experiment and independent groups design
Define diffusion fo repsonsibility
Occurs in a crowd setting, where the poeple believe that teh reposnisbility of intervetion is shared between everyoen present and is less wieghted on themselves.
Define pluralistic ignorance
Describes hwo popel delude one anotehr into being calm and inactive
To investiagate bystander behaviour
Fiueld study
Random poeple
Random sampleb
Uisng a subway train station that wouldnt stop for 71/2 mins, the observers who were female observed and recorded data as the emergency took place.
70 seconds after teh train left teh station the victim would pretend to collpase and lay on his back looking ta the ceiling until he receives help.
Cane victim recdived help 95% of the time
drunk victim 50%
An individual who is ill is more likely to recive help than an indivudla who is drunk
In a mixed race group and a male victim a male is more likely to receive help
Conclusion 2
In a mixed group and a male victim a male is more likely ot help
90% of teh helpers were male
There was a high tendency for same race helping in the drunk condition
There was no diffusion of responsibility.
Victims were either black or white aged 26-35
Victims either carried a bottle or smelled like alchol or carried a cane
Models were all white aged between 24-29