Bocciaro Flashcards
Define whistle blowing
Involves informing teh appropriate authorities about uinethical practice.
To invetsigate teh rates of disobedienec, obedience and whistleblowing in a situation where no physical violence was allowed but a situatiojn which was ethcially wrong
Aim 2
Investaige teh difference between how p0eople think tehy will behave and how they actually behave
Aim 3
To see if people who would disobey or whistle bloew woud have different personlitys
Pilot Studies
Eight pilot studies were conducted to ensure teh procedure was credible and ethically acceptable
Cover story
An exepriment was conduicted on the effects of senosry deprevation on brain function. Six partipants were isolated in a room in order to deprive tehm of tehir senses. All teh partipants panicked and asked for teh experimtnet to stop, it didnt.
- p’s met with Dutch experimenter who dressed formally and had stern demeanour
- experimenter asked p’s to provide students name w/o reason
Cover Story:
- sensory deprivation
- conducted a study w/ 6 p’s
- people were panicked
- cognitive abilities were impaired w/ visual and auditory hallucinations
- p’s were asked to stop because of strong symptoms
- wanted to replicate study and needed p’s to write a statement convincing students to participate in sensory deprivation study and convince the Resrahc commitee to continue with experiment
- told p’s they would be given money
- p’s had to write a letter using positive adjectives and no negative effects of sensory deprivation
- when p’s moved to 2nd room, found mailbox
- if p’s thought study violated ethical norms, they should challenge it by putting a form in the mailbox
- after 7 minutes, p’s were given 2 personality tests( Decomposed Gamees and HEXACO-PI-R): proved for suspicion and debriefed
- lasted 40 minutes per person
3.6% of ps said tehy would obey teh experimneter
31.9% disobedient
Whistleblowers 64.5%
Exerperiment results
- 5% obeyed
- 1 disobeyed
- 4% whistleblow
People are very obedient
People over estimate the tendency to whistle blow and underestimate the likelihood of obedience