Pig housing and Facilities Flashcards
Housing of pigs must fulfil various functions namely ?
• Protection against the elements
• Supply feed, water
• Protection against other pigs (prevention of bullying)
• Protection of suckling pigs
• Facilitation of mating
• Caring of the pregnant sow
• Handling and removal of excreta
• Protection against diseases, parasites
• Prevent pollution of surrounding environment
• Provide good working environment for stockmen
Pigs lose heat to their environment through:
• Radiation
• Conduction (mostly through the contact with the floor)
• Convection (from body surface)
• Latent heat (evaporative water loss from the lungs)
Name the Five Freedoms:
• Freedom from hunger and thirst
• Freedom from discomfort
• Freedom from pain injury or disease
• Freedom to express most normal behaviour
• Freedom from fear and distress
Considerations when building a new piggery
• Environmental impact studies
• Animal welfare
• Impact on vehicle traffic
• Distance from closest rural residences etc.
Factors to consider when selecting a site for a pig
• Proximity to other farms and dwellings
• Distance from abattoir, feed/raw material suppliers
• Site topography, soil type and drainage
• Local climate
• Water availability
• Farms should be separated by at least 2 km and
preferably 5 km to minimise the risk of disease spread
by wild birds, vermin or airborne (?) transmission
On the site, the location and orientation of each building will
be affected by the following:
• Orientation. East–west alignment, especially in hot climates
• Prevailing wind direction
• Avoid valley bottoms in cold areas because of frost pockets
• Shelters around pig building interfering with ventilation. The minimum
separation is at least five times shelter height
• Building layout: Layout depends on pig traffic and feeding and manure
systems, with bulk bins sited close to the boundary fence for remote
• Distance between buildings is governed by ventilation requirements
rather than disease transmission and five times building height is the
What is the ambient temperature at which pigs are comfortable ?
For pigs >10kg: Tc = 27-0.6H
Tc = Comfort temperature of the animal
H = Heat output
Effective temperature (Te) affected by:
• Rate of air movement
• Degree of insulation in roof and walls
• Floor type in lying areas
Cooling of pigs when it is too hot:
• Cooling pads are the most effective way of cooling a
• Can decrease house temperature with as much as 11°C
using evapo-transpiration cooling
• Decrease number of pigs per pen – all pigs must be able to
lie on side with extra space open
• Provide floor surface with low thermal resistance (solid
concrete floors)
• Increase rate of air movement (ventilation rate)
• Protect from radiant heat (provide insulated roof and walls)
• Paint roofs white
• Use reflective shade cloth, trees
• Wet floors
• Provide water sprays and drips
• Feed food in wet form
Feed nutrient dense feed high in fat
Heating of pigs:
• Decrease ventilation rate
• Increase stocking density
• Provide suspended/slatted floors
• Keep floors and bedding dry
• Insulate roof and walls
• Provide extra feed
• Provide lower density feeds (higher heat increment)
• Provide supplementary heat
What is the comfort temperature (Tc) of a piglet ?
What is the comfort temperature (Tc) of a sow?
What is the metabolic response to cold (Te
• Direct more feed energy from production (growth) to heat
production (cold thermogenesis)
• Body temperature is maintained at the cost of production
and feed efficiency
What is the Metabolic response to heat (Te>Tc)?
• Feed intake will decrease when pig cannot dissipate heat
into the environment
• Appetite decreases with 1g of feed / kg LW / °C above Tc
What is the aerial pollutants found in a piggery?
• Dust
• Gases
• Microorganisms
• Inhalable endotoxins produced by microorganisms
What are the main sources of pig dust ?
• Feed
• Faeces
• Bedding
• Skin
What is the effect of ammonia concentrations?
• Ammonia is an irritant
• Detectable by humans at 5-50ppm
• Causes irritation of mucous surfaces at 100–500 ppm
after 1 hour
• Lethal at exposure to 10000ppm
How does endotoxins arise ?
From the breakdown of the outer cell wall
of Gram-negative bacteria
Are pigs seasonal breeders?
No, Photoperiod has no effect on reproduction
What is the recommended light intensity and duration?
40 lux
At least 8 hours per day light
What are the desirable levels of gases in a piggery?
• 3000ppm carbon dioxide
• 0.1ppm hydrogen sulphide
• 10ppm ammonia
• 5mg dust/m3
What are the main principles of ventilation?
• Negative pressure mostly used to create ventilation
• Positive pressure can be used, but since humid and acid
containing air is forced through all the cavities, the
lifespan of the sheeting and fasteners are severely
• Smooth ceiling and wall surface important for effective
The ventilation system must be able to Control building air temperature by varying the ventilation rate in a well insulated building
• Must create an appropriate airflow pattern
• Ensure that ventilation does not allow dead spots in the house
• Provide acceptable temperature distribution within the piggery
What is the minimum ventilation rate of a piggery?
0.2m3/hour/kg pig live weight
What is the maximum ventilation rate of a piggery?
2.0m3/hour/kg live weight of pig
What is the rule of thumb when it comes to space in a piggery?
1m2/100 kg of pig weight in an environmentally controlled house with fully slatted floor
What is the group size of pregnant sows?
Less than 10
20–60 animals are possible when using straw-based electronic feeding systems
What management strategies can be used to prevent tail biting?
Provide ‘manipulable’ materials such as straw or secondly provide toys to play with.
What management strategies can be used to prevent tail biting?
Provide ‘manipulable’ materials such as straw or secondly provide toys to play with.
What management strategies can be used to prevent tail biting?
Provide ‘manipulable’ materials such as straw or secondly provide toys to play with.
How much water does a weaner piglet require ?
How much water does a finisher require?
How much water does a dry sow and boar require?
How much water does a lactating sow require?
What should the water pressure in a unit be?
2-3 liters/minute
Using nipple system
How much raw manure does a pig produce daily?
8.4 % of body weight
The main pollutants from pig waste are:
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
How many times a day is a weaner fed?
3-4 times a day
How many nipple drinkers should be provided to weaner pigs?
One for every 16 piglets
At a flow rate of 1 liter/minute
Describe growers and finishers - Dry Feeding
Dry pellet or meal feeding
Ad libitum
Automated system with auger and down-pipe
delivery from a bulk feed hopper situated outside of
the house
Trough length of 60-70 mm
How do we regulate feed intake in a grower and finisher dry feeding system?
Regulate the gap at the base of the hopper through which the feed can flow at a
limited rate
Feed intake can also be limited by increasing the number of pigs per hopper (increase competition)
Hoppers can be divided over its length by bars or solid divisions
Describe growers and finishers - Floor Feeding
• Deliver dry feed (pellets or meal) directly onto the floor of the pen
• Done either by hand or by an over-head auger and hopper system
• The floor must be clean and dry
• Feed must be presented frequently (4–8 times) throughout the day to ensure rapid clearance
What are the advantages of growers and finishers - floor feeding?
• Cheapest feeding system
• Saving on both equipment (trough expenses) and pen
space (allowing another pig or two per pen)
• Amount delivered can be controlled, and the pigs’ daily
feed allowance allocated as required
What are the disadvantages of growers and finishers - floor feeding?
• High wastage
• House atmosphere tends to become dusty
• Intakes and therefore growth rates vary between pigs
Describe growers and finishers - Damp Feeding
More readily eaten than that given dry
Less wastage
Ad libitum feeders can be provided with nipple drinkers over the trough
Feed may be placed into the trough in dry form and water added on top
What are the advantages of pipeline wet feeding systems ?
• Freedom of ingredient choice - utilisation of wet feed
sources such as milk products, brewery waste, vegetables
and by-products from the human food industry
• The system can be used either to restrict feed intake
(where this is deemed necessary to avoid over-fatness) or
to encourage feed intake (where growth rate is to be
• 10–20% higher daily nutrient intakes can be achieved than
with dry ad libitum self-feed hopper systems
What are the advantages of dry sows small groups?
all sows eat at the same time
easy supervision
no training phase needed
cost effective
Problems with Electronic Sow Feeders
• Training is needed before a sow can join a group
• There can be high levels of fighting between sows
• Particularly stressful for new sows in the group
• Pigs may spend a significant amount of time
queuing for access to a feeder resulting in fights
• Dominant sows may block the entrance to the
• The feeder station and associated equipment can
be expensive to buy
• Requires sophisticated mechanical and computer
Solutions to Electronic Sow Feeder problems
• Keep group size relatively low
• Provide ample space per sow
• Provide forage (or straw) in addition to the
concentrate feed to alleviate hunger and avoid
excessively aggressive encounters
Pen requirements depend on:
• House type
• Weight at which the pigs move from one type house to
the next
• Performance of the pigs
How many days is a sow pregnant?
115 days
How many days from weaning to conception?
12 days
How many litters does a sow produce per year?
2.3 litters per year
What is the replacement rate of a herd?
How many boars is needed per 100 sows?
6 boars per 100 sows
What are the major confusion factors in allocating housing?
• Bunching
• Variation in growth rates and reproductive performance
between batches
• Variation in growth rates and reproductive performance
within batches