PIANO Flashcards
‘the insidious mastery’
The song has snuck up on him and taken over him
‘a woman is singing’
Soft sibilance
‘betrays me back’
Plosive alliteration
Negative connotations (traitor)
‘in the boom of the tingling strings’
Sensory language
‘my manhood is cast’
Lost his manhood because he is crying
Fairy magic
Dangerous attraction
Connotations of deceit, danger, attraction, fatal
‘with the great black appassionato.’
Hard caesura
Plosive sounds
Hard and unpleasant to say which shows his difficulty of expressing his emotions
Negative connotations
Sadness and despair
Doesn’t want to go back into his memories
Shows complexity of nostalgia
Antithesis of positives and negatives
‘I weep like a child for the past’
Weep childish connotations
Remembering has made him act like a child which is ‘weak’ (he crys)
Sad because he cannot go back
‘weeps… weep’
Shows his extreme emotion
‘down in the flood of remembrance’
Flood connects with tears
Extreme emotion
Lyric poem (emotional and first person)
Sounds like a piano as flows and enjambment
Makes it sound like music
Dactylic meter - constant pace and regular rhythm like a song - memories flowing back
What happens?
Lost his control and weeps
Feels emasculated