What does the title mean?
Beautiful woman without mercy
‘palely loitering’
Unpleasant sounds
‘the sedge has withered from the lake, and no birds sing’
Pathetic fallacy
‘I see a lily on thy brow’
Looks pale
‘thy cheeks a fading rose’
Red roses associated with passion/love however it is fading
‘a faery’s child’
Suggest supernatural nature
Warnings of danger and deceit
Alluring and dangerous
‘her hair was long’
Outside traditional gender norms in that time period (romantic period)
Unrestrained sexuality
Wants to catch and trap her
Restrain her sexuality
‘roots of relish sweet, and honey wild, and manna-dew’
Nature spirit
Positive connotations of heaven/gifts from God
‘she took me’
Unequal power in the relationship
Power shift
Man no longer in power
‘her wild wild eyes’
Beginning to become more negative description
What happens at the end of the first page?
Tone shift to more negative/danger
‘on the cold hill side’
Consonance and unpleasant sounds
Positive to negative
‘I saw pale kings, and princes too, pale warriors, death-pale’
Drained of blood
Woman has taken away males power/life
Plosive alliteration shows bitterness
‘on the cold hill’s side… on the cold hill’s side’
Like refrain in song
Waking up
‘alone and palely loitering’
No purpose
The woman has drained him
What period was this written in?
The Romantics period
What form is this?
Romantic poetry (in love with nature)
Ballard (song simpler and traditional associated with nature)
What is the meter?
Iambic tetrameter but last line is iambic trimeter
Dying form at the end
summary of la belle dams
- knight introduces how he met woman
- he brought her gifts and she stole his heart
- he spends all his time with her
- she then lulls him into a trance sleep and in his reams he sees all of the other powerful men warning him
- he wakes up and shes gone but hes abandoned on the other side of the hill
structure of la belle dams
- ballad , iambic pentameter
language of la belle dams
- ‘palely’ - sickness - adds tension immediately as poem begins