PI History Flashcards
What were the main administrative and socio cultural issues in integration of princely states
1. Territorial contiguity- ex: Kapurthala and patiala which were combined into Pepsu, j&k- railways and roads through pak
2. Residual power with prince- gave up only what were enumerated in IOA
3. Issue of hierarchy among princes, privy purse
4. Some princely states preferred to be under administrative control of Pakistan- Jodhpur, Junagadh
5. In some states like travancore king was in control of relegious Instn- division of padmanabhaswamy
6. Question of popular will vs authority - Hyderabad, Junagadh, Jammu
1. Peasant movements - hyd
2. Discontent against king- ex: Kashmir
3. Linguistic divide - ex: telegu speaking, Marathi speaking, Urdu speaking people of Hyderabad
4. Economic divide - ex: Baroda vs other areas of Bombay presidency
Green revolution impacts and limitations
Intro - sustenance to mechanised farming. Draw a dig
1. Inc agri production - wheat production grew over 5 times from 1960 to 1990
2. Ship to mouth to food basket of the world - india became one of the largest exporters of rice and wheat
3. Farmers grew out of subsistence farming
4. Employment in allied sectors - like fertiliser, irrigation, food processing etc
5. Increase in area under scientific farming - 1.66 million hectares ( 66-67) to 78 million hectares ( in 88-89)
1. Skewed Dev- in wheat growing areas
2. Eviction of tenanats- undesirable social consequences ( increased profitability, renewed interest of land lords)
3. Heavy ecological cost
4. Skewed crop pattern
5. Low skill agri labors no fall back option
Es 2016 - Indian agriculture is a victim of its own success
Tashkent agreeement circumstances , highlights and criticism
1. War escalation - China
2. Heavy causality
3. Respect for international law - un ceasefire
4. Faulty assessment to LBS that india has used 80% of its arsenal when in reality only 15%
5. USSR aspiration to dominate
1. Pre 1965 position
2. Vienna convention on diplomatic dialogue
3. Not to interfere in internal matters
4. Economic cooperation and trade
1. No war clause and gureilla warfare in Kashmir
2. Haji pir pass
Why india entered into the sphere of Bangladesh liberation? Criticism
- Political ethos - Mujibur Rehman democratic and nationalist outlook
- Humanitarian crisis - operation searchlite - 1/3rd of pak army
- Refugee crisis
- Operation chengiz khan - pak attacked military airfield in Kashmir
1. Interference in internal matters - Mukti bahini, asylum to swami league leaders
2. Economically strong
3. International support
What were the aims of JP movement? How did it end up going against its own ethos
All encompassing revolution
1. End of misrule - Gujarat and Bihar
2. Political awareness , mobilise - inflation, unemployment
3. One party rule and political hegemony
3. Raj Narain case- held IG liable for electoral corruption
5. Favouritism - Sanjay Gandhi 50000 Maruthi car per year
1. Ethos of constitution - extra constitutional methods, incitement of army
2. Cadre of jp- vendetta against IG - ex. Gujrat- coalition came in power seeking support of the very party who they sought to bring down on charge of corruption
Chipko movement
1.1973 uttarakhand
2. Women of reni village
3. Committee appointed - 10 year ban on commercial forestry in reni
4. Rather than big outside contractors govt gave small labor cooperative in small lots
5. End of exports to local forest based
6. Eco feminism and pro poor
7 forest conservation act 1980 , moefcc
8. Led to many other protests - anti tehri dam, various mining projects
How Sikkim integrated
- anglo- Chinese convention- protectorate of british govt
- Sikkim was a memeber of chamber of prince
- 1950 agreement between sir namgyal and GOI - protectorate
- 1974- sikkim parl- new constn that allowed it being an Indian state
- Indian parl also voted in favor.
- But sikkim monarch called for referendum
- 1975 - Indian troops invaded- disarmed palace guard - king under house arrest
- Sikkemese parl unanimously voted for abolishing monarchy and join india.. Support of indira Gandhi
Why did india decide to be a nuclear weapon state
1974- smiling Buddha, 1998 - operation Shakthi. Now Pokhran 1 and Pokhran 2
- Boxed up in South Asia - needed credible deterrence
- Bogged down by three wars. 1962, 1965, 1971
- USA , China, pivot towards Pakistan
- Npt of 1968- nuclear haves and have nots. Difficulty in pursuing civilian nuclear program as well
- Cold War- strategic autonomy. But without credible nuclear power- meaningless. Aspirations to raise to global high table
Proved to be a responsible nuclear power. 2008 civilian nuclear deal
India’s nuclear policy