Physiology Or Normal Pregnancy And Fetal Circulation Flashcards
How does hCG levels change with pregnancy
Starts at conception from the fertilized egg granulosa cells
Is usually measured in serum 7 days after fertilization and 14 days after fertilization in urine
peaks in the 1st 8-11 weeks of pregnancy and slowly declines and levels off for the remainder of pregnancy
Gestation( menstrual age ) vs ovulation age
Gestation age = time elapsed since the 1st day of the last menstrual period (LMP)
- usually 40 weeks total in pregnancy
Ovulation age = time in days or weeks from ovulation
- usually 38 weeks total in pregnancy
What is the time of conception
The term that marks the time in which the sperm travels up though the vagina into the uterus and fertilization of the egg
What are the 3 periods of fetal growth?
Implantation = 2 weeks usually
Embryonic period = 7 weeks usually
- is the end of implantation phase -> the beginning of fetal period
- generates all the primordial structures with the neural tube and primitive tube being the 1st two structures
Fetal period = 29 weeks usually
- is the end of embryonic period (9 weeks after last Menses or 7 weeks after fertilization) to birth
- generates all of the actually structures from primordial structures
What two tissues is the placenta made up of
Extraembryonic membrane (chorion) of the fetus and endometrial tissues (decidua) of the mother
Role of the placenta
To supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients from the maternal circulation and the decidua of the endometrium, anchors the fetus to the uterus and also acts as an endocrine organ in order to sustain the pregnancy
- the cardiac output from maternal rises 40-50%
Development of the placenta begins with implantation on the functional layer of the endometrium and is matured within 15-20 weeks of gestation
- the cytotrophoblasts erode the spiral arteries fo the endometrium (the main source of uterus vascular resistance in a non-pregnant female). This results in replacement with wide tortuous vessels with high flow rates which increases blood flow to the placenta
- blood pressure in the placenta = 70mmHg
Fetal and maternal placenta
Fetal placenta = attached to the fetus by the umblical cord
- carries oxygen poor blood from fetus to the maternal blood supply via the umbilical arteries
- functions as fetal lungs, kidneys, GI tract and liver (thus it has major low-resistance circuit that receives (40%) of fetal blood
chorionic villi contain fetoplacental capillaries which are the primary site of gas exchange between maternal and fetal circulations
Maternal placenta
- provides oxygen rich blood to the fetus via uterine veins
How does the placenta exchange gases and nutrients for the fetus?
Most materials cross by simple and facilitated diffusion by concentration gradients
- a small amount does pinocytosis
3 features of the placenta design for optimize transfer
1) minimal nature of the barrier
2) large surface area
3) positioning of the villous trees above maternal blood vessels
COVID seems to be worse in pregnant women, but fetuses dont seem to be effected much
Steps in placenta development in days
1) 5-6 days after fertilization = implantation begins and the trophoblast has differentiated into cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast layers
2) 7-8 days after fertilization = syncytiotrophoblast layer increases in size and invades deeper, surrounding and eroding maternal vessels to form lacunae filled with maternal blood
3) 9-10 days after fertilization = interstitial implantation is close to complete with extension of cytotrophoblasts forming and becoming a covered layer of syncytiotrophoblasts called “primary villi”
4) 11-12 days after fertilization = interstitial implantation is complete extraembryonic mesoderm (amnion and primary yolk sac) has developed from epithelial layers. Also “secondary villi” have formed and ultimately mesoderm will give rise to umbilical blood vessels within the core of the villus to form “tertiary villi”
When does implantation actually occur?
Can occur at any stage after fertilization (usually day 7 after fertilization), however the uterus has to be primed with both progesterone and estrogen in order for implantation to actually properly occur
The embryo enters the uterus at around day 3-4 and stays for 3-4 more days and if implantation doesnt occur at this point = death
How does the blastocyst obtain nutrients until the placenta is formed? (During first week of implnatation)
Trophoblast that are invading the decidua to generate the placenta digest the decidua cells and provide nutrients for the blastocyst
- this continues for 8 weeks total, but placenta slowly takes over
Placenta usually starts to provide nutrition at day 16 after fertilization
Endocrine functions of the fetal placenta
1) hCG
- secreted by the syncytiotrophoblast (fetoplacental precursor) within days of fertilization
- hCG signals the corpus luteum to sustain progesterone and estrogen production
- prevents the uterus shedding and prepare it for implantation
- this continues until the placenta takes over at week 10
2) progesterone
- placenta syncytiotrophoblast and corpus luteum secrete this.
- luteum = prepares the endometrium for implantation
- placenta = reduces myometrial excitability and prevents contractions that could expel the embryo
3) Estrogen
- placenta and corpus luteum generate this (placenta is primary estriol)
- stimulates growth of uterus and breasts
**placenta however by itself has no cholesterol desmolase and 17a-hydroxylase enzymes so it can’t synthesis steroids itself
Events of early pregnancy
Based on days after ovulation
1) ovulation = 0 days after ovulation
2) Fertilization = 1 day after ovulation
3) entrance of the blastocyst into the uterine cavity = 4 days after ovulation
4) implantation = 5 days after ovulation
- is critically dependent on low estrogen/progesterone ratio to work
- ** is the period of highest progesterone output
- the endometrium differentiates into decidua cells
5) Formation of trophoblast and attachment to the endometrium = 6 days
6) onset of trophoblast secretion of HCG = 8 days
- without this the corpus luteum with regress 12 days after ovulation which decreases progesterone and intimates menses
7) HCG “rescue” of corpus luteum
What is the peptide hormone hPL (human placental lactogen)
Is structurally similar to GH and is secreted by the placenta
Helps to coordinate fuel economy in the fetoplacental unit via converse of glucose to fatty acids and ketones.
How does steroid synthesis in the fetus system work
Progesterone steps
1) Cholesterol ester -> cholesterol
- ** only step done in the mother
2) Cholesterol -> pregnenolone
3) pregnenolone -> progesterone
* *2-3 is done in the placenta**
Estriol steps
1) Cholesterol ester -> cholesterol
- ** only step done in the mother
2) Cholesterol -> pregnenolone
- done in the placenta
3) pregnenolone is shuttled out of placenta into the fetus adrenal glands where it is converted into DHEA-sulfate and then 16-OH DHEA-sulfate in the fetus adrenal gland and liver respectively
4) 16-OH DHEA-sulfate is shuttled back into the placenta and converted to Estriol and then sent into the mother
Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy
Increases cardiac output
- increases to 50% above prepregnancy value
- caused by increased stroke volume and heart rates
- returns to normal 24 hrs postpartum
Decreases in systemic vascular resistance
- decreases by 20% in uncomplicated pregnancy (diastolic decreases more than systolic)
Increased blood volume but physiological anemia
Hypercoagulability states
Presence of supine hypotension
MAP (COx SVR) remains the same roughly dipping on 3% at most
Electrocardiography and echocardiogram changes
- increases PR and QT intervals
- QRS axis shifts right in 1st trimester but left in the 3rd trimester
- ST depression in precordial and limb leads
- isoelectric T waves precordial and limb leads
- small Q and T wave inversions in lead 3
- displacement of heart anteriorly and leftward
- right chambers increased by 20% and left bu 10%
- Eccentric LVH
- valvular regurgitation (tricuspid is most common)
Why does femoral and antecubtial venous pressures differ dramatically in pregnancy if the patient lays supine
Compression of the inferior vena cava occurs as early as 13-16 weeks
- this causes an increase in femoral venous pressure by 50% when supine (since the gravid uterus is impinging on it)
- can get as high as 24mmHg
At birth the pressures go back to the same around 10-8 mmHg
this increase in inferior vena cava pressure results in an increase in mean capillary pressure in the lower extremities resulting in net fluid filtration from blood -> interstitum due to the decrease in plasma colloid osmotic pressure resulting in edema!
Respiratory changes during pregnancy
Generally has minor effects on it
However it does increase minute ventilation and tidal volume by 45%
- this occurs at the end of the first trimester to compensate for the increase oxygen demand and CO2 production by the fetus
Also decreases lung capacities below
- TLC (5%)
- FRC (20%)
- ERV (20-25%)
- RV (15-20%)
Partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli increases by 5 mmHg
- this decreases in PaCO2 from 40 -> 30 mmHg
- both result in an increase in cardiac output and Basilar atelectasis as well as decreases alveolar dead space
pregnancy usually results in a respiratory alkalosis which results in renal bicarbonate excretion (this in combo with decreases PaCO2 = slight drop in pH but not clinically relevant. This causes a increase in 2,3-BPG which causes a right shift curve
Dilutional anemia of pregnancy
Physiological anemia of pregnancy
This is caused by plasma volume expansion which exceeds the increase of RBC mass increase
- this results in hemodilution
The plasma volume increase (50%) occurs due to Na+/H20 retention. The RBC increase (25%) doesnt keep pace with the plasma volume increase
This reduces total O2 capacity but also helps prevent super high Hypercoagulability states
can cause benign murmurs
How does the oxygen-hemoglobin curves differ between maternal and neonates fetal system?
Maternal = right shift
- p50 = 30 mmHg
Fetal = left shift
- p50 = 18 mmHg
This difference in partial pressures results in a concentration gradient from maternal -> fetal system
Function of fetal ductus venous, foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus
Ductus arteriosus = shuttles blood from pulmonary trunk to the aorta
- Becomes the ligamentum arteriosus
Ductus venous =- shuttles blood from the hepatic vasculature directly into the inferior cava
- becomes the ligamentum venosum
Umbilical arteries = delivers low oxygen blood from the fetus to the placenta
- becomes the medial umbilical ligaments
Umbilical vein = delivers high oxygen blood from placenta to the fetus
- becomes the ligamentum teres
Foramen ovale = delivers blood directly from right atrium -> left atrium
- closes and becomes the intratrial septum
the placenta acts as the fetal lung, not the lungs so there is no reason for the pulmonary vasculature to get blood at this time
How does all the fetal shunts close
Ductus arteriosus/venous and foramen ovale
- increase in systemic vascular resistance, decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance, increases in left atrial pressure, decreases in right atrial pressure and increases in PaO2 also causes closer of ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
The ductus arteriosus remains open and high BP from the systemic circulation shunts into the pulmonary circulation (left -> right shunt)
- this causes 50% of blood in left atria to flow back into right atria and results in diastolic pressure to fall very low before each heartbeat
- if severe can cause pulmonary HTN and right sided heart failure
is caused by high levels of circulating PGE2 so administration of indomethacin COX inhibitor that’s okay in children) helps close this
Is common in premature and very low birth weights
- causes a machine-like consistent murmur
Patent foramen Ovale
Congenial heart lesion affecting 25-30% of general population
This is usually asymptomatic since the high vascular pressure in the left vs the right atria keeps blood from shunting from right -> left since the valve is occluded for the most part
While it is asymptomatic it does increase the risk for stroke, MI and systemic embolism
Persistent pulmonary HTN of newborn
Results from PVR remaining high and not decreasing normally at birth
- underdevelopment of pulmonary vasculature
- vascular abnormalities
- bacterial infections
If high enough causes right -> left shunting which results in cyanosis, respiratory distress and tachypnea
Treatment = O2 supplementation and inhaled NO to dilate the pulmonary vasculature
Tetralogy of Fallot
Most common cause of blue baby at brith
Shows 4 abnormalities at once usually
1) ventricular septal defect
2) overriding aorta
3) pulmonary valve stenosis
4) RVH
**all 4 combine to cause a large right -> left shunt which results sin low oxygenation at birth
Usually treated with BT shunts within weeks of birth
Fetal Cardiovascular response to acute hypoxia
Is triggered by a carotid chemo reflex which causes
- bradycardia (vagal influence)
- increases in peripheral vasoconstriction (constrictor hormones released into fetal circulation O2-:NO ratio and interaction determines this)
- more superoxide anion ions causes constriction, more NO ions causes vasodilation
- *in early gestation the high glycogen levels that prevails in cardiac myocytes may protect the heart from acute hypoxia periods**
- these decrease in late gestation