Physiology of skeletal muscle contraction Flashcards
How does troponin work?
How is it used a a biomarker?
- 4 Ca bind to troponin C (in heart TNC bind to only 3 Ca) resulting in TNC conformational change
- This ‘shuts off’ TnI and tropmyosin-troponin leaves F-actin groove which unmasks myosin binding site on actin
- Next myosin head makes cross bridges (cycling) to actin; myosin breaks down ATP and pulls actin
Total TnI= marker for total muscle breakdown
Cardiac TnI= marker for MI
What is cross-bridge cycling?
How is prevented at rest?
Molecular cycling of actin-myosin interaction
- mechanism of contraction at a molecular level
- contraction depends on binding of myosin heads to actin at specific binding sites
- at rest, myosin heads are blocked from binding actin by tropomyosin occupying F-actin double helical groove
What is the correlation between force and filament overlap?
The more overlap in actin and myosin, the greater the force
- However the greatest force generation occur swhen sarcomeres is at optimal length
Briefly state what happen in cross bridge cycling
- Myosin releases actin
- Myosin head cleaves ATP
- Myosin bind actin giving off a phosphate and ADP
- Power stroke
How is energy stored?
Why is this important?
Energy is stored in muscle as creatine phosphate
- This acts as a phosphate buffer: it is made during times of excess ATP and broke down during times of low ATP
- A high energy phosphate from creatine phosphate restores ATP during hydrolysation in cross bridge cycling
It is important to keep ATP levels stable
Outline the equation/process of ATP production/use from creatine phosphate
Creatine —> creatine phosphate by mitochondrial CPK. This uses energy (creating ADP)
Creatine phosphate –> creatine by myofibrillar CPK. This yields ATP
What is the clinical relevance of CPK?
Plasma marker for muscle destruction
- large
- detected by antibodies
What is the difference between creatine and creatinine?
- small and can accept high energy phosphate from ATP
- diagnostic marker for kidney function. It is a breakdown product of creatine
Molecularly similar
Calcium acts as a trigger for muscle contraction on two gradients
What are they?
- Extracellular vs cytosolic free Ca
- SR vs cytoplasmic fee Ca (efflux from SR provides most Ca)
What happens during DEPOLARISATION?
ACh causes depolarisation of cell membrane
- Active nicotinic AChR causes a net inward current
- Depolarisation spreads via T tubules
- Local action potentials trigger calcium efflux from terminal cisternae across SR into fibre cytoplasm
Describe how the ryanodine receptor and SERCA facilitate excitation- contraction coupling
- In SR membrane, releases calcium triggered by voltage sensor on calcium channel
- also in SR membrane, pumps calcium back into SR. This requires ATP via smooth endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase
What happens during tetany?
State the three stages of a twitch
- A single action potential causes the release of Ca from SR –> twitch
- Ca is then rapidly pumped back into SR –> end of twitch
Therefore frequent APs cause insufficient calcium resequestration –> summation of contraction
Latent period, contraction (increased tension), relaxation (decreased tension)
Muscle fibres have varied contractile properties. Describe the characteristics of SLOW TWITCH fibres
- “Type 1”, red
- oxidative
- small diameter
- high myoglobin, many mitochondria
- aerobic
- fatigue resistant
- fuel for storage= triglycerides
Muscle fibres have varied contractile properties. Describe the characteristics of FAST TWITCH fibres
- “Type 2”, white
- non oxxidative
- wide diameter
- lower myoglobin, high energy from glycolysis
- anaerobic
- faster Ca2+ reuptake
- maximum tension produced
- fuel for storage: glycogen, creatine phosphate
How do the various types of muscle fibres differ?
I- slow, sustained movement e.g stature (erector spinae)
IIA (have many capillaries)
IIB- fast, intermittent movement e.g hand and eye muscles
In reality what is the distribution of the different muscle fibres in muscles
Give examples
How can physical activity impact this?
- Muscles contain mixtures of fibre types in varied compositions dependent on their action
- Soleus: 80% type 1, 20% type IIA
- Vastus lateralis: mixture of type I, IIA, IIX
- Gastrocnemius = mixed
- Inactivity, moderate activity, endurance athletes and anaerobic athletes will have varied muscle fibre proportions
e. g. long distance runners have majority type 1, sprinters 2
State 3 factors involved in coordination of muscle contraction
- Fusion of myocytes into long myofibrils
- Tetany
- Motor units
What is a motor unit?
How does their size vary between large and small muscles?
A single a-motor neuron and all muscle fibres innervated by it
- functions as single contractile unit and all muscle fibres in 1 motor unit are of the same type
- in large muscles (responsible for powerful gross contractions) 1 motor neuron may synapse on 1000 fibres
- in small muscles (precision movement) 1:2-3 muscle fibres.
What determines the type of muscle fibre in a motor unit?
Type and function of the LMN
Define the following terms
- Isometric
- Isotonic
What is the relationship between muscle length and contraction?
- generates a variable force while length of muscle stays the same. Important for maintaining posture
- generates a constant force whilst length of muscle changes. Important in body movement
Muscle contraction is not always equal to shortening of muscle length.
Using the terms isometric and isotonic contraction, describe the process of picking up a glass
STAGE 1: ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION (force increases, joint doesnt move)
- Muscles force< force of gravity –> force increasing
- force generated by IM contraction of biceps and brachioradialis
STAGE 2L ISOTONIC CONTRACTION (force same, arm moves)
- Glass moves up due to force of muscle contraction + muscle shortening + elbow bending. Force overcomes gravitational and inertial forces (which usually keep the glass on the table)
Define the following terms
- Concentric
- Eccentric
What is the relationship between these two events? - Proprioception
- Force during contraction
- Force during muscle elongation
- Both types of isotonic contraction
* * These can both occur in one behaviour at different stages e.g. during long jump: concentric as you leap and eccentric as you land. Quadriceps shorten during launch and lengthen during land - Controls force generation based on length and stretch
What is recruitement?
It occurs during initial isometric contraction. More motor units are employed with progressively bigger size to allow fine gradation of force for small movements
Describe UMN and LMN in terms of
- Trajectory
- Presentation of disease
- Signal from brain and extend to spinal cord axons
- Disease: weakness, muscle atrophy, muscle atrophy
- Signal from spinal cord and extend to effector muscles in periphery
- Disease: spasticity, hypertonia
What is hypertonia?
muscle is overcontracted at rest
What is the function of the stretch reflex?
How would a lack of patellar reflex present? Cause?
- Controls muscle length and increases muscle force. It can shorten muscle if too long for current neural drive. Contains sensory fibres (intrafusal fibres) inside sheath, contraction via extrafusal fibres
What is the patellar reflex?
How would a lack of patellar reflex present? Cause?
UMN cause presentation?
- Muscle spindle fibres detect stretch (ie length) and proprioception. It is parallel to other spindle fibres and ipsilateral to spinal reflex
- Only 1 synapse is needed for reflex (MONOSYNAPTIC)
- normal function is posture and balance
- pathologically indicates damage to femoral nerve, receptor damage, peripheral nerve disease or cerebellar disease
- in UMN disease, can lead to hypertonia and spasticity as UMN inhibits normal descending inhibitory input to spinal interneurons. The spindle reflex becomes over sensitive and can attempt to contract muscle all the time
What do muscle spindles consist of?
- contains 3-12 intrafusal fibres
- y-motor neurons increase sensitivity by driving contraction of edge of intrafusal fibres
- Sensors are type IA and II and wrap around the intrafusal fibres
- Detect stretch or central non-contracting region using stretch receptors
What is the function of the tendon reflex?
What happens during it?
- protects from overloading
- Decreased muscle force –> dropping of load as sensor firing –> less contraction
- Muscle contracts: sensory to spinal cord
- inhibitory interneuron to motor neuon
- motor neuron inhibited
- muscle relaxes
- load is dropped
What kind of spinal reflex is the tendon reflex?
How many synapses is it dependent on?
What is the sensor?
Ipsilateral spinal reflex
Golgi tendon organ which detects tension in series with muscle located in tendon near border of muscle