Phase 1 of Parturition
Uterine Quiescence and Cervical Softening
Phase 2 of Parturition
Treatment to promote ripening
Prostaglandin E2 and F
Progesterone antagonist - mifepristone
Phase 3 of Parturition
Phase of Parturition the corresponds to the clinical stages of labor
Phase 3
Ferguson Reflex
cervical stretching during dilatation
Firm during contractions, contracts, retracts and expels the fetus
upper segment
Softer, distended and more passive
lower segment
Physiological retraction ring
lower segment thinning and concomitant upper segment thickening
Bandl ring
pathological retraction ring happens when thinning of the lower segment is extreme
Most important force in fetal expulsion
Pushing or intraabdominal pressure
Cervical effacement
obliteration or taking up of the cervix
Leading portion of fluid and amniotic sac in front of the presenting part and formed during the process of cervical effacement and dilatation
Sigmoid curve
The pattern of cervical dilatation during the preparatory and dilatational divisions of normal labor
Phases in Stage 1
Latent Phase
Active Phase
Active Phase Division
Acceleration phase
Phase of Maximum slope
Deceleration phase
descent of the fetal BPD in relation to a line drawn b/w maternal ischial spines
Hyperbolic curve
formed when the station of the fetal head is plotted as a function of labor duration
Most important pelvic floor structure
Levator Ani
Schultze mechanism
blood from the placental site pours into the membrane sac and does NOT escape externally until after extrusion of placenta
Duncan mechanism
placenta separates first at the periphery and blood collects between membranes and the uterine wall and escapes from vagina
maternal surface appears first
Phase 4 of Parturition