10 Danger Signs of Pregnancy
SIGNS OF PREECLAMPSIA headache blurring of vision prolonged vomiting epigastric or RUQ pain nondependent edema
watery vaginal discharge
bloody vaginal discharge
↓ fetal movement
Bartholomew’s Rule
12 weeks - fundus just above the pubic bone
24-34 weeks - fundic height ~ = AOG
20 weeks - FH is at the level of umbilicus
Primigravida - 18-20 weeks
Multigravida - 16-18 weeks
Fetal heart tone detected by Doppler
10-12 wks
Fetal heart tone detected by stethoscope
20-22 wks
Leopold’s Maneuver
Fundal Grip
Umbilical Grip
Pawlic’s Grip
Pelvic Grip
Fundal Grip
Differentiate whether the fetus is breech or cephalic
Breech - large nodular body; buttocks – CEPHALIC presentation
Cephalic - hard and round; freely movable; ballotable – BREECH presentation
nothing is palpable – TRANSVERSE presentation
Umbilical Grip
FETAL BACK - hard resistant structure
FETAL EXTREMITIES - numerous, small, irregular, mobile parts
Pawlic’s Grip
define ATTITUDE of the head if presenting part is not engaged:
if cephalic prominence is on the SAME side as the small parts – head is flexed (VERTEX POSITION)
if cephalic prominence is on the SAME side as the back – head is extended (FACE PRESENTATION)
Pelvic Grip
Examiner faces the mother’s feet and w/ the tips of the first three finger of each hand, exerts deep pressure in each direction of the axis of the pelvic inlet
Presumptive Evidence of Pregnancy
nausea disturbance of urination fatigue quickening cessation of menses Hartman sign Chadwick sign
Chadwick Sign
discoloration of vaginal mucosa
Probable Evidence of Pregnancy
Hegar’s sign
Goodell’s sign
Definite Evidence of Pregnancy
fetal heart action
funic (umbilical) souffle - rush of blood through umbilical cord
uterine souffle - soft, blowing sound synchronous w/ maternal pulse
Definite Evidence of Pregnancy
fetal heart action
funic (umbilical) souffle - rush of blood through umbilical cord
uterine souffle - soft, blowing sound synchronous w/ maternal pulse
active fetal movement
recognition of embryo or fetus by ultrasound/sonographic
Radiographic Signs of Fetal Death
Spalding Sign
Robert’s Sign
Exaggerated curvature of the fetal spine
Spalding Sign
significant overlap of the skull bone d.t. liquification of the brain
Robert Sign
demonstration of gas in fetal spines
Frequency of Visits
interval of 4 weeks until 28 weeks (monthly)
intervals of 2 weeks from 29-36 weeks (every 2 weeks)
37 weeks until delivery (weekly)
maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
16-18 weeks
detects open neural tube defects
gestational diabetes screening
24-28 weeks
group B streptococcus infection
35th-37th week